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So many magic weapons are a shocking harvest for Song Fei.

Suddenly, Song Fei’s brow lightly frowned, and then closed his eyes, his fingers quizzing quickly.

Seeing this scene, the crowd that was originally filled with excitement suddenly showed a hint of surprise on the face. What kind of thing was actually causing Sect Leader to ignore the treasure and rush to figure out the matter.

Is there any major event that happened?

After a while, in the eyes everyone expected, Song Fei eyes opened, and then a smile appeared.

“Fu Jun, what happened?” Jun Wanshuang asked.

Song Fei said with a smile: “Treasure caused trouble. The original space was blocked by the sun Divine Emperor with great magic force. In the deep, I figured out that the treasure was at the time of birth, so I will arrange you to keep an eye on it. Looking at the southern part of the country, maybe this is the test of Divine Emperor, so that the Vermilion Bird One tribe also found the treasure. However, after Xia Xia broke the treasure, the power of Divine Emperor also disappeared, so there should be many in the 3 realms now The power can be felt when the treasure is born. Either those Heavenly Emperor levels are Great Saint, neither is Demon God, who doesn’t stare at the treasure of Divine Emperor. “

The crowd was slightly frightened, Qin Shihu said with a serious face: “Sect Leader, if is Monster Saint Demon God comes, how can I resist it.”

Song Fei shook his head and said, “You don’t have to worry about this. The injury of Demon God should not recover so quickly. For them, their injury is the most important. And Immortal World has the means left by Heavenly Emperor. , Monster Emperor Demon God wants to enter Immortal World at a price. “

Immortal World, after all, is the place where the 5th Heavenly Emperor, the 2 3 God Mountain Sect Founders operated, 1 within the realm, the most powerful realm, and your own land, how can it allow Demon God Great Saint this level of existence Enter at will, and if they do, the destructive power generated is unimaginable.

According to Song Fei, everyone felt relieved.

Song Fei said: “It’s the Gold Immortal of Monster Race and Demon Race, definitely not to be outdone, wanting to come to win treasure.”

Junwan Shuang’s face Murderous aura said: “Father, you have let the Vermilion Bird One tribe bow their heads, who dare to come?”

Song Fei shook his head and said quietly with a smile: “No matter whether the Vermilion Bird succumbs, Demon Realm’s Demon God dares to fight with Heavenly Emperor. There is nothing they dare not do. Because we defeated Vermilion Bird, they were not prepared. Sufficient strength will not come against us, but once they come, it must be that they think they have the strength to sweep us. “

After paused, Song Fei continued to say with a smile: “Divine Emperor 鈥檚 treasure is overwhelming, and it is invincible in 3 realms. I am sure that the top grade Gold Immortal device in God Palace alone is better than Heavenly Emperor 鈥檚 There are even more collections. Who wo n鈥檛 care about such a magic weapon? Even me, I will try to take a share, even if it is 1%, it is an incredible gain. The forces of Immortal World dare not face us alone. However, it is inevitable to engage in conspiracies and fight the autumn wind. White core, red core. “

“Subordinates are there.” Bai Hu’s hand was holding Xiao Qiang, and he got up immediately after hearing Song Fei’s call.

As for Hong Rui, she was originally sitting on the goat’s lap. She broke away at once and stood with Bai Xin.

Song Fei said: “Let Heavenly Eye pay more attention to external forces, any wind blows, and promptly report to the Army Division Hall. I have a hunch that those bandit alliances will not let us wait too long. We use Heavenly Sword Sect to use this battle Do it for Levi. “

“Yes!” The crowd shouted loudly. The 50 Million years of hard work almost rusted their bodies. Now the retreat is a bit of Small Accomplishment. How can they stand if there is no battle.

Moreover, a battle can make all the perceptions better digested, which is also a good thing for cultivation.

So what Song Fei referred to as the gangster coalition, how not everyone was nervous at all, just regarded him as an ordinary war.

Engine Heavenly Sword Sect has gone through countless lives, as long as Heavenly Emperor can’t show up, they simply won’t worry.

Next, Song Fei continued to divide the treasure, and everyone at the scene basically harvested a treasure, and the worst was the middle grade Gold Immortal device. Don’t look at just the middle grade Gold Immortal device, you know, even the super power Gold Immortal later powerhouse is not all high grade Gold Immortal device.

And most people have been assigned a high grade Gold Immortal device.

Everyone 鈥檚 strength has improved by almost one or two grades. This is the formidable power of magic weapon. A good magic weapon, the power of ascension is very powerful. Especially the Song Fei’s Mountains and Rivers State Chart, if there isn’t this treasure, Song Fei can’t stop the ancestor of Vermilion Bird, let alone have confidence in facing Phoenix ancestor aside like a tiger watching his prey.

Song Fei continued: “The piece of fairy grass in the Divine Emperor Secret Realm, Feng Xian and Bai Yun you two go and see if you pick or continue planting. Take a closer look at what we can use.”

“Yes, husband.” The two said in unison.

Finally, Song Fei said with a smile: “Since it’s so easy to go out once, let’s relax for 3 days. Let’s drink in a big bowl and eat meat.”

“Okay!” Everyone shouted, finally following the words of Song Fei, the atmosphere was brought to a climax.

. . . . . .

After the terrible war, a small news message began to circulate silently in Immortal World.

According to the news, the battle between Heavenly Sword Sect and Vermilion Bird One is to compete for the treasure left by the Divine Emperor of the Sun. That is not the Secret Realm cultivated by Divine Emperor when he was a boy. It is rumored that the treasure inside is Divine Emperor. Countless years of treasure searched in the 3 realms, and some Supreme Treasure born from chaos.

And since Heavenly Sword Sect defeated the army of Vermilion Bird, anyone can guess who the last treasure will be.

To be honest, when I heard this news, even the super forces felt jealous.

The masters of Shenshan directly discussed whether to go to Heavenly Sword Sect to get a drink, but soon there was a message from Sect Founder, who retreated and healed them, admonishing them not to provoke Heavenly Sword Sect, and offenders sect rules.

The war in the Immortal World, the existence of Heavenly Emperor level naturally knows what’s going on, plus the God Mountain Sect Founder had been optimistic about Song Fei, and also gave him ten fairy swords and souls at first, naturally he would not fight Song at this time Fei’s idea.

However, this news has spread not only in Immortal World, but also in Demon Realm, Monster Realm, and even some powerful Human World.

Time passed slowly.

Recently, within the realm, more and more battles have occurred. There is a report from the Martial God Alliance’s disciple. After fighting against some evil people, after killing each other, they actually found that the other person was Monster Realm or Demon Realm. .

After receiving more and more such news, Wang Shishi, who is sitting in the army division’s palace, has guessed that the monster 2 world has sent experts to inquire about the news.

In the military hall, Wang Shishi said to many military divisions: “Although the Vermilion Bird One clan within the realm is hiding in the flame forest, they will certainly not be at peace. The location of the Divine Emperor space will soon be taken by them. Leaked out, even more how, the Vermilion Bird One tribe initially encouraged Jiao Pinghai to besiege the Celestial Immortal mountain, and they had collusiond in secret. “

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