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Seeing the magical beaded eyes turning around, Song Fei, who was familiar with him, knew that he had guessed correctly. This is indeed not the existence of this reincarnation.

Song Fei continued to hit the iron while he was hot, “I don’t know how Senior you survived, but I know, like me, I can’t survive this reincarnation, unless the strength reaches another level. I just want to live, nothing else He begged. “

The transfiguration bead scratched her head and said hesitantly, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“En?” Song Fei’s Murderous Aura revealed, suddenly grabbed the body of the transfiguration bead, and then lightly said, “Lulu, open the exchange.”

The horrible feeling of death came to the transfiguration beads once again. The feeling that I experienced it once when I first met Song Fei, after a long time, this time makes the transfiguration beads feel clearer.

Moreover, it seemed to awaken the long-lasting memory of Huanzhu’s heart, so that the expression of fear on his face was mixed with some other wonderful expressions.

Song Fei said solemnly: “Follow me for so many years, you should know my temperament. If I know that you have the ability to save my loved ones and do not choose to shoot, I will perish with you even if I die.”

After paused, Song Fei suddenly said with a smile in the silent expression of the transfiguration bead: “Senior doesn’t want to see the World after stopping reincarnation? Maybe, I can recast the flawhy body for Senior, what kind of fleshhy? Body is fine. “

On the one hand, a big stick threatens, and sweet temptation is common. Song Fei doesn’t believe in unyielding clothing. If he wears unyielding clothing, he really has this hand.

Huanzhu has been following Song Fei for the longest, longer than his relatives, and naturally knows Song Fei’s character.

“Is there really hope?” The transfiguration bead looked up at the void, where it was filled with the rays of light of the sun, and the bright rays of light stimulated the eyes, making people not see everything behind the sun, like The transfiguration beads are average, and I don’t know what exactly is after the reincarnation stops.

There was fear and curiosity, and the heart of the transfiguration beads was very confused.

It was just that he had no choice, no matter what the outcome was, he couldn’t let himself die.

After a while, under Song Fei’s gaze, the transfiguration beads silently nodded and said: “You’re right, I’m really not the creature of this reincarnation, and I don’t remember how many reincarnations I have experienced. My name is too. “

The transfiguration bead continued: “The era I lived in was an era of cultivation. There were 10000 families. The culture of cultivation developed to Peak, which is Saint, and there were ten or two.”

Ten 2 Saints? It is indeed an extremely prosperous World. For each reincarnation that Lulu was in, there were no twelve Saints at the time.

Tai continued, “I am one of the Human Race 3 saints. Before that, Human Race was competing with the 10000 clan. We had twelve Saints sitting in a subduing a region and holding each other down, and they were hostile to each other. What’s more weird is that we see 2 things. Living beings are ants, and only we or twelve of us can treat each other equally. The feeling is wonderful. I was born as a Human Race, but I think that Human Race is also a ants, and 10000 creatures have become our toys. Maybe Because of the skin, we all shelter our respective races, because Human Race Saint has the most, so our voice is also the most important, and Human Race is relatively less likely to be regarded as a toy.

Because of Saint, we can be at ease, and any idea can be reached in an instant. At that time, the days were simple, boring, but fulfilling. It was a contradiction. It was the feeling. At that time, there was also Evil God in the world. Evil God also lived in a forbidden land. That place, even Saint, was unable to cast spells, and the weakness of Evil God was ignored by us. “

“What happened later?” Song Fei was also immersed in this period of history.

The transfiguration bead continued: “Later, at the end of the reincarnation, we only felt the threat from Evil God on the 2th of February. We once wanted to join forces to kill Evil God, but the existence of the Forbidden Land made us fail.

Over time, Evil God is one day, Heaven and Earth are strong, and the threat of Evil God is increasing day by day. When Evil God also achieved Saint ’s position, we realized that Heavenly Dao Will is destruction, and Evil God is our ultimate enemy. Evil God, it’s us who die. “

“Saint is also afraid of death.” Huanzhu smiled bitterly. “In order to survive, we gave up our prejudice and worked together to deal with Evil God. When Evil God is not sanctified, we cannot kill, let alone become a saint, the only way is to improve our strength and take our strength one step further. “

“But that step has become an extravagant hope, and we also know that in the usual way, the cultivation base cannot be improved at all.”

“Then, we can only think of ways through other channels. We pass our own feelings to the other eleven Saints. We hope to find a wider road by combining our ten people’s feelings on the avenue. The dense pattern is just like this. Created in the background, combined with the power of our 2 2 Saints, express the avenue in the form of a pattern. “

Song Fei was trembling in my heart. Although I knew that the knowledge of dense patterns was very precious, I didn’t expect it to be so precious. The knowledge created by the 2 2 Saints teamed up. We must know that in the later era, the Peak era of the 1 1 Saints never appeared. .

In this age, let alone Ten Saints, there is no Saint.

A dense pattern that allows Saint to improve, and a dog knows his importance.

The transfiguration beads ignored Song Fei’s thoughts, as if immersed in memories, and continued: “Although they joined forces, the time left for us is not long after all, and our strength has not been raised to the extent that it can block Evil God. Evil God is here, we are not all his opponents, Saint of each and everyone is beheaded by Evil God. And me? “

Speaking of this, the transfiguration beads laughed bitterly: “I have realized the true essence of the chaos because of the improvement of my strength. I melted the Xiantian Five Elements Supreme Treasure, evolved chaos, and refined it into a Life-Source Magical Treasure by Chaos Qi.”

Speaking of which, Song Fei has made it clear, and nodded said, “The Life-Source Magical Treasure made by Chaos Qi is your current body, transfiguration beads?”

“Yes!” Nodded, “Every reincarnation, this Life-Source Magical Treasure’s Chaos Energy information will lose a few points. For each reincarnation, I will attach a super Sect or super genius to train him into a master. , And then let him plunder the world and recast the body for me. I am the king of magic weapons, and no one or force will give up training me. “

Song Fei nodded and said: “So every reincarnation, you rely on this method to supplement your strength. If you meet an unqualified host, you will immediately give up. Until you meet me, you have no choice.”

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