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Heavenly Emperor, is it so easy to reach?

Song Fei, who has gone through this stage, knows the difficulties.

Today’s Song Fei, with the deepening of the cultivation base, is more and more proficient in math’s ability to calculate. Song Fei has calculated that after 500 years, the Land of Primal Chaos will inevitably appear, that is a good opportunity to observe the way of chaos up close. No matter which cultivator is, as long as you can watch the evolution of chaos up close, you can get the most from it. Great returns.

This return is unmatched by any treasure in the three circles.

If there are several Heavenly Emperors around, then the harvest will be even greater.

And Song Fei’s ambition is also big, he is not just watching Land of Primal Chaos, but fortunately finding a few Hongmen Purple Qi.

“If Xiaoru can also achieve Heavenly Emperor, then my plan may really succeed,” Song Fei said.

It’s only 500 years. Although the Time Acceleration Formation that Song Fei now lays out has accelerated to 30000 times, the time of 500 years is equivalent to 15,000,000 years of cultivation, but it is unthinkable to reach Heavenly Emperor in this short time. of.

“Hopefully, this time the transfiguration bead’s guarantee is effective.” Song Fei sighed, even if the transfiguration bead patted his breast, Song Fei didn’t know.

“Forget it, it’s something I can’t control anyway, why be anxious.” Song Fei right hand gently swiped in front of him, three hundred sixty dense patterns taught him to appear in the sky, this is the last three hundred Sixty dense lines, according to the transfiguration bead, if you can fully understand, you can point directly to the avenue and peep into the secret of the way of Saint.

However, it is comprehend for 200000000 million years, and Song Fei still only realizes 30 dense patterns, not even 10%.

Although Transfiguration Pearl was shocked to hear that Song Fei realized 30 dense patterns, Song Fei felt that it was too slow.

It was only 200000000 in 1 in 22 million years. Isn’t all Wutong going through 1.2 billion years? And Wutong ’s three hundred sixty dense patterns are not the same as being able to enter Saint ’s realm. This is just reference knowledge.

Do I still have that many time?

Song Fei is pessimistic.

“Look at the harvest after 500 years,” Song Fei whispered, and then waved the right hand, the Mountains and Rivers State Chart flew out of his hand, and then flew out of the entire Optimus Palace, wrapping the Optimus Palace.

In this way, even if someone breaks through the realm, they will not be scratched by others. Song Fei has already played to the point of perfection for hidden strength and hole cards.

. . . . . .

A Shura World, the blood river is boiling, the bloody waves are roaring.

In the blood river, the powerful blood energy swept through the 8 squares, countless Asura races lay on the ground, piece by piece, and the entire world was a crowd of puppets.

On the broad river of blood, there is a silhouette proud of the void, and a blood-red lotus platform suddenly breaks through the void under the trend of the concerted efforts of all people.

“Give me!” An angry roar rose into the sky, and there were countless roars.

Heaven and Earth are shaking, the waves of the Blood River are rolling up several hundred meters high, and the blood waves seem to break through the sky.

The blood red lotus platform penetrated into the void, and in the blood river below, suddenly a giant made of blood and water stood up, the blood man headed the sky, stepped on the blood river, moved towards the sky and gave a roar, and then waved a huge arm, fiercely The punch hit the Scarlet Lotus Terrace, letting the Scarlet Lotus Terrace go straight into the sky.

One punch, two punches …

The blood man seemed to be exhausted, and continuously fists out. The silhouette in the sky continuously printed, and one after another blood light shot into the snow lotus.

On the earth, countless Asura people are lingering, and mutter incantations are in their mouths. One after another blood light appears on their bodies. Although the blood light is very light, the blood light of the Asura people 100000000 10000 comes from all over the World. , Forming a huge bloody Changhong.

The blood man on the blood river grabbed the right hand in the void, grabbed the bloody Changhong in his hand, and condensed into a blood red lance to the sky.

“Crapping!” Like the sound of a broken egg, it suddenly sounded throughout the entire Shura World. Smelling this sound, in the sky, the proud crowd, everyone’s face showed a surprised expression.

The Scarlet Lotus Terrace suddenly moved towards the sky, then, a shroud of power covering the whole of Shura World suddenly broke, and a little energy disappeared in the sky.

“The seal is finally broken?” Zuo Zun, one of the two deities, raised his head and murmured.

“Hahaha, hahaha!” The bloody man on the bloody river burst into laughter.

When all the masters in the sky heard the sound, they immediately kneeled to the huge bloody man and said, “Congratulations, ancestor.”

“Hahaha!” The huge blood man laughed, and the blood on his body continuously flowed into the river of blood, his body quickly became smaller, and then the ancestor of the river in black was exposed.

Right hand Grasp the void in front of him, and the ancestors of Muhe whispered softly: “Finally seeing the sun again. My masters of the Asura family will no longer be trapped in this world, Heavenly Emperor of Immortal World, I want Recover everything you put on me, Yang is dead, and your descendants will pay for your stupidity. “

Listening to the murmurs of the ghostly ancestors, the masters below are excited by 10000 points.

“Our ancestors, please lead us to the Three Realms, and let the people of the Three Realms be plunged into an abyss of misery.” Da Zi Zai Tian said loudly.

“Are you going to the Three Realms?” Minghe’s ancestor smiled lightly, looking at the direction of Immortal World, and then whispered softly, “It’s not time yet.”

The crowd lowered their heads, their faces were a little disappointed, but they dared not speak.

The ancestors of the Styx River said: “500 years, and then 500 years are the days when we go out. Chaos reappears. If the business is good, maybe we can step into that desirable realm. That legendary realm.”

“Yes!” The crowd responded respectfully.

“Hahaha, 500 years later, we slaughter 3 realms, and let all the creatures tremble at our feet.” The ancestor of the Minghe River opened his hands and laughed.

“Slaughter 3 circles.” The crowd roared.

The battlefield between Immortal World and Ah Shura World suddenly became much peaceful. The army originally stationed at the entrance of Ah Shura World retreated into Asura within the realm like a tide, making the generals of Immortal World inexplicable.

Soon, Fenghua’s will spread to the battlefield, admonishing them, must the defense of Shura World’s counterattack, everything is mainly defense.

In the Celestial Immortal Palace, Song Fei has received the gorgeous divine sense.

Song Fei and Fenghua sit in Lingyun City and Qing Celestial Immortal respectively, but they do not prevent the two from communicating with the Divine Sense. Divinity Emperor Level master, Divine Sense is extremely powerful and can ignore the long distance between the two places.

“The seal is broken?” Song Fei laughed indifferently, softly. “Every ants are starting to be restless.”

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