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In the cold afternoon, the howling cold wind and the snow began to fall again.

Lei Li squinted, standing on the top of a 100-year-old tree, wrapping himself in a huge animal skin cloak, his eyes through the layers of snow-white “waves”, overlooking the endless forest edge.

Suddenly, Lei Li saw that the calm sea front seemed to be a wave of water. A small white dot followed the snow-white “waves” and quickly moved towards his direction.

First, a little dot, and then, following the first dot, each and everyone white dots came out continuously, and with the eyes of Raleigh, it was already clear that those white dots were each and everyone walking on the branch At the top, there is a person who is coming here over the super lightweight art.

There are more than 100 silhouettes one after the other, following the first white shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook, and the big trees in the distance began to shake. Under the big trees, the Aquila gang members held a long knife and galloped fast. Among these people, from time to time, someone looked up and stepped on his head The master who leaped at the top of the tree showed deep envy.

Those who can walk on the tree end are the core masters of the Aquila, and the people on the ground obviously have not reached that level.

Lei Li’s tight face finally relaxed slowly.

Not long after, Lei Li saw a hawk-eyed old man come to himself at a very terrifying speed, and Lei Li saluted, “big brother.”

Zhao Tianying stood at the top of the tree branch, shaking the cloak behind him. After a while, the running gangs also arrived one after another.

Zhao Tianying looked at the Skyhawk army standing in the snow like an army with satisfaction behind him. A pride of pride floated in his heart. Said solemnly: “Second Brother has worked hard, 1300 Erlang are already in place, Qing Heaven Sword How about Sect? “

“It has become a sorrow,” Lei Li said lightly, with a brutal killing in his eyes.

The wind was fierce and icy, and the icy air flow cut people’s faces like a knife. Song Fei squinted his eyes and stood on the cliff of the bottle gourd mouth, overlooking the direction of the Aquila. Said with a smile: “Aquila The pie has already set off, and at their speed, 5 minutes of time, they should be able to arrive. Then, go ahead and prepare. “

Behind Qin Shihu was nodded, with Zhao Yu from the Three Great Elders remaining, and Vajra, Fan Hong from the 8 Great Protector, 4 people moved towards the cliff and jumped down.

50 meters high cliff, they stepped on the cliff wall, between a few rises and falls, to the bottom of the cliff.

Song Fei then said: “Thunderbolt, your task is the priority, if you fail, Qing Heaven Sword Sect is all done.”

Lei Zhu said with solemn expression, said solemnly: “Sect Leader rest assured that even if I die, I will complete your account.”

“Okay, go ahead and prepare.”

“Yes ~” Lei Zhu took more than ten people and leapt down the cliff.

The remaining Liu Qingqing, as well as the three masters of protecting the law Yanxiong and Wang Rui, Qin Xiaoru, Qin Shaofeng, and the rest of Heavenly Sword Sect, stood tightly behind Song Fei.

Song Fei turned his head, looked at dozens of faces that were blanched by the wind, and saw the tension of the crowd, lightly said with a smile: “Are you afraid of death?”

“Where’s Sect Leader, this is to look down on our brother.”

“Brothers are not afraid of death.”

The crowd responded.

Song Fei said with a smile: “Since you are not afraid of death, what can be more terrifying than this. Brothers, let’s fight.”


Not far from the bottle gourd, Zhao Tianying took Lei Li and other backbones of the Aquila to walk in front of him, stepping on the snow “Salsa”, and behind him was a densely packed Aquila army.

Around Zhao Tianying, Lei Li gloomy face said: “According to Lei Gang’s report, Yue Tianyu is likely to have escaped by himself. Except for Lei Gang’s return, everyone else should chase it out.”

“How about Heavenly Sword Sect?” Zhao Tianying said solemnly.

Lei Li said: “Still in the cave, in terms of Yue Tianyu’s escape, Qing Heaven Sword Sect not at all found my whereabouts, 4 people including tiger and bald, may still be tracking Yue Tianyu, so Qing Heaven Sword People at Sect should not have found what I was waiting for. Moreover, Lei Gang is good at hiding and tracking. With the ability of Heavenly Sword Sect, it is impossible for Lei Gang to be discovered by Lei Gang. “

“First, destroy Heavenly Sword Sect and use their heads in exchange for benefits. Yue Tianyu has become a solitary bird and can’t turn the waves.”

“Okay.” Lei Li nodded.

Next to Lei Li, there is a family of four hunters wearing animal skins. They are an elderly couple, a mature couple, and a happy family of children.

The two elderly men were supported by their daughter-in-law and the whistling northerly wind blew the bodies of the two elderly people. The faces of the two children were more purple and white, and they shook even harder. Father was holding the two and was about to be frozen. The stiff child had a look of grief, but he knew that the group of people in front of him was a group of demons. At this moment, except for his own family, the rest of the residents in the village had become corpses. All women and children are treated inhumanly.

Thinking of this, men can only force themselves to lower their heads, so as not to impulse themselves, affecting parents, wives and children.

At this moment, the old man bent over and approached Lei Li, and said quietly, “This big official, the road has already been taken, so let us go.”

Lei Li smiled coldly, casually: “Send them on the road.”

Middle-aged man growled, “You don’t talk about credit.”

The icy blade crossed, and the happy family of 6 died suddenly under the knife, especially the 2 children in the middle-aged arms. When they died, they looked at the people holding the knife in puzzlement, as if Saying, “Aren’t you letting us go?”

Poor life is too small at some point. Credit, rules, it all needs power to be equal, or the powerhouse party has restraints to work. After getting rid of the shackles, it is the naked jungle law.

In this black forest mountain range, there is no human law, no ethics of rivers and lakes, and the ugliness and nature of human nature are exposed naked.

“This bastard ~ not even an ordinary old man.” On the cliff of Bottle gourd, Qin Shaofeng looked at the scene in front of him, and was angry.

Song Fei took his shoulder and said coldly, “You want to kill all the brothers in the gang!”

Qin Shaofeng struggled, and slowly loosened the hilt.

Zhao Tianyingentire group came to bottle gourd in gradually. In front of the crowd, there were 2 cliffs rising from the ground. Lei Li squinted and looked up. The 50 meters high cliff was under the snow, as if straight into the clouds. In the middle, you can’t really see the top of the cliff.

Lei Li said: “In case of 10000, I will go up and check it myself.”

Zhao Tianying is nodded.

Later, Lei Li took more than ten masters, using the protruding rocks in the mountains as the fulcrum, and each step took off, all were ten meters high. After 4 or 5 takeoffs, everyone came to the top of the cliff.

There are no trees on the cliff, only the lonely stone fast, and the heavy snow on the hard rocks.

Lei said said solemnly: “Check if there is anything else under the snow.”


Thirty people checked quickly, and they used the trunk to sweep away the snow from the cliff, exposing the ash-gray rocks under the snow.

Soon, Lei Li’s men reported that in the snow, not at all Tibetans.

Suddenly, a quarrel came from the distant hole, which attracted the attention of Lei Li and the others.

Qin Shihu and Zhao Yu faced each other and whispered, facial expression grave, as if discussing something, while talking, the outlines of the two slowly emerged from the darkness.

Behind the two of them, it was completely dark, but Lei Li saw that in the darkness, there were a plethora of silhouettes behind Qin Shihu and the others.

“They, this is to be transferred.” Lei Li’s mind had a judgment at the moment. “Moreover, they didn’t know that we had found the entrance. If it is normal, we need to find here, at least half a month, now. In just 3 days, they didn’t find it, it was expected. “

“Let ’s go, no need to find it. Qing Heaven Sword Sect has been found, and we are going to the Sect Leader round.” Lei Li finished and jumped off the cliff first.

Under the cliff, Zhao Tianying spotted Qin Shihu and the others in immediately. Similarly, Qin Shihu, who walks in rivers and lakes all year round, does not miss Zhao Tianying, even more how Zhao Tianying and the others have densely packed standing in the bottle gourd It is difficult to make people not pay attention.

Seen from the hole, behind Zhao Tianying, a silhouette filled with densely packed silhouettes stretched out into the distance. As far as the whole line of sight was concerned, hiding the sky and covering the earth were all silhouettes. Qin Shihu and Zhao Yu were two people. Becomes very ugly.

Immediately, Zhao Yu scolded: “Zhao Tianying old thief, dare to deceive me so.” Zhao Yu pulled out the long sword and was desperate.

Beside, Qin Shihu with a somber face clutched Zhao Yu tightly and said angrily: “Zhao Yu, don’t be impulsive, what are you going to do with your nephews?” Qin Shihu shouted at him behind him: , Retreat. “

Then Zhao Tianying and the others saw that behind the silhouettes of Qin Shihu, those silhouettes hidden in the dark, quickly moved towards the cave, each and everyone silhouette, soon disappeared into the darkness.

Immediately after, under the pull of Qin Shihu, Zhao Yu followed the crowd who had previously retreated, and turned towards the cave.

Between turning around, Qin Shihu and Zhao Yu and the others remembered what Song Fei said: (When you 2 were sent by Aquila, they played a show, and they must make a lose one’s head out of fear Fan Hong, Qian Vajra, the two of you have turned the scarecrow into one, the more the better, but remember, you must not let the other person see that it is a scarecrow, and then follow the second uncle, as long as the second uncle issues an evacuation order, you will The fastest speed, pulling the scarecrow back. Your task is to separate Zhao Tianying’s attention from the cliff top and introduce some of their main force into the cave.)

The wind roared, the sky was snowing, and Zhao Tianying’s mouth gradually appeared a cold killing intention, facing Lei Li who just leaped down: “To prevent them from having another channel, you immediately lead the 500 brothers and immediately catch up to find opportunities It’s best to kill them all. If they can’t, bite them, and I’ll take the brothers to defend the opening. “

“Okay.” Although it was dangerous to enter the cave, Lei Li also understood that he would lead 500 people to fight. Apart from Zhao Tianying, he was the most qualified here. Not hesitating at the moment, of the 200-odd elite originally brought, Lei Li separated more than 100 of his subordinates, and took the remaining 400, quickly moving towards the entrance of the cave.

During the gallop, Lei said with a malicious smile: “brothers, as long as you finish this ticket, you don’t need to carry the work on the blade of your head.”

Behind everyone hearing this, a fiery flash of light flashed in his eyes.

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