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Blue sky, white clouds, Fire Spirit swords flew in the blue sky for a while, then penetrated into the sea of ​​clouds.

On the huge Fire Spirit sword, several others practiced separately, and continued to strengthen for the upcoming Dao Conference.

Above the heads of the people, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared. A huge building boat shaped like a hill passed by the people, and the black pressure was as if the hills were on the head.

The whole building is dark in color, like a huge steel castle, giving a strong and heavy feeling.

The floor boat came quickly, and it went very fast. When they drove out of the crowd, they saw the head of a huge ancient beast carved on the floor boat from the side. Fangs, fierce eyes.

This is just a pair of sculptures that give a huge impact.

On the floor ship, several cultivators standing at the stern gave a scornful glance at Song Fei, and later went away gradually with the huge floor ship.

Along the way, I met a lot of cultivators, all of which are cultivators who want to participate in the Daoist Conference.

There are no more luxurious flying tools like floor ships, but it is the most shabby way to go with a middle grade Spiritual Qi Fire Spirit sword.

Of course, even if Song Fei didn’t use a Taoist device, even if they used Qin Shihu’s black underblade to fly, their speed would greatly increase. However, there is more time, so there is no need to be so public.

The cultivator they met along the way, some greeted each other with Song Fei entire group, and some hurriedly glanced at them, revealing disdainful eyes away.

As Yuehuazong’s headquarters is getting closer, Song Fei obviously feels that Spiritual Qi has become more and more rich. At this moment, all I can see are mountains and mountains, and the mountains are steep. The radius of 1000 miles is towering. The mountains, the peaks of the mountains, the crests of the mountains, the mists and clouds, and the faint, we can see Qionglou Yuyu, the corridors are connected. There are also rare birds and beasts, which travel between the mountains, occasionally glowing with light, making people like Immortal Realm.

Between the mountain peaks, occasionally a cultivator rides in the wind, enters between the misty mountains, and then disappears.

Song Fei’s heart moved, this should have reached the outer forces of Yuehuazong. Just like ordinary Sects have Outer Gate Disciple, these external forces should be the place where Yuehuazong ’s outer sect disciples practice and live.

But looking at the richness of Spiritual Qi, even outside forces, compared to Endless Clouds Peak, Spiritual Qi here is more than ten times richer. I really don’t know what kind of Divine Immortal treasure is Yuehuazong Core Zone.

Continue to fly for an hour on the designated route, the cultivators flying around have increased, and Song Fei is cautiously controlling the flight route, keeping a low profile.

Distant, you can see a huge upright mountain peak. The whole mountain peak seems to be cut off with a sword. A neat and tidy platform appears. The lower part of the mountain peak is gone, leaving only the first half huge. Mountain peak.

At this moment, the entire mountain was turned upside down by a great magic force. The pointed peak was facing downwards, and the huge platform cut off by the people was facing upwards. The entire peak floated strangely in the air and was surrounded by mountains. Within the range, it looks unusually abrupt and unusually spectacular.

Great Sect’s great talent, although it only reveals the tip of the iceberg, is enough to shock. This great magic force means, the general Sect, simply cannot do it.

“This is our destination this time, Yuehuatai is more shocking than the legend.” Song Fei lightly sighed. At this moment, everyone stopped taking a break and set their sights on this magical moonlight platform.

The Huatai station was huge throughout the month. After Song Fei and the others entered, it was like a small grain of sand on the football field. It suddenly seemed very small.

Outside Yuehua Terrace, one after another colored rays of light shot from a distance, either yellow, or green, or blue, or purple, which is a little more beautiful than the fireworks in the world.

one after another rays of light, after entering Yuehuatai, it lost its color in a glorious way. When you take a closer look, it is actually a silhouette of each and everyone. It turns out that those bright rays of light are sword lights from the imperial sword.化。 By the.

Song Fei entire group, like most inconspicuous Jianmang, landed low-key on the edge of Yuehuatai, and then entered on foot.

“Please report your name to Your sect.” As soon as Song Fei entered Yuehuatai, a Silver Armor wearing silver armor stepped forward and asked loudly.

The Silver Armor of the Gold Core cultivation base should be considered a Small Commander.

“I’m waiting for Heavenly Sword Sect.” Song Fei laughed, and then quickly moved forward while others around him didn’t notice, and very secretly raced a dozen or so inferior stones in the hand of this Silver Armor. , And then took a step back, lightly said with a smile: “Please also take care of this big brother.”

“Engine Heavenly Sword Sect?” The Silver Armor took out a jade green jade slip, and immediately sank his mind into the jade slip. After a while, the Silver Armor said lightly: “Subsidiary Sect in the Subsidiary Sect, you The venue is at 151-800. Since you came earlier, it will be arranged at … “

Before the words of the Silver Armor were finished, Song Fei hurried forward again and continued to race a dozen spirit stones into the hands of the Silver Armor.

“You’re right at venue 161. On the tenth front, someone has already booked it. I can’t arrange it.”

“So, many thanks to this big brother.” Song Fei moved towards He arched his hand.

“Take this and hang it on the station.” Silver Armor handed Song Fei a piece of jade token, and then explained, “With this token, you are the temporary owner of Site 161.”

“Many thanks.” Farewell to the Silver Commander’s Small Commander, Song Fei led the crowd to venue 161.

In the middle of Yuehuazong, there is a separate each and everyone 擂台, around 台 all around, in a step-shaped arrangement of 100 rows of feet, the middle row is the highest position, and then the two sides are trapezoidal down. And beside each row of seats, one or more Sect names are also marked. Presumably the steps at the same height represent the Sect of the same status. The difference in seat height also shows the different status of Sect. Then only the person in the middle row can sit in the highest row.

The arrangement of these positions is also determined by the victory and defeat of the last Taoist Conference.

For example, Song Fei, who has not participated in the Dao Conference, is not qualified to sit in the middle of the battle stage and can only watch from the edge.

There are dozens of squadrons, each of which is square and the size of each squadron is as large as a football field. The surroundings of each squadron are vacated for people to watch. In four directions, there are 4 talisman with flashing light on it, presumably these talisman are protection talisman to prevent the leakage of mana.

The site where Sect enters is numbered according to the distance from the platform. The first No. 1 is closest to the platform and the farthest 500 is almost to the edge of Yuehua Platform. The venue behind it is smaller, the final venue No. 500 gives Song Fei the feel of a refugee camp, and the bigger gang simply cannot squeeze.

It’s not too early for Song Fei to come. Half of the people at the venues 151-500 in the fringe zone have settled in. The venue 161 where they are located also has the size of a football field, separated by Yuehuazong with talisman.

The advantage of having a resident is that you can cultivate.

In the middle of each station, a small Gathering Spirit Array is sculpted. The entire Taoist Assembly lasts for a short time, and the free cultivator can rest in the station.

After taking a look at the No. 161 station, although it is a bit shabby compared to those directly under the Yuehuazong Subsidiary Sect, among the many Subsidiary Sects of the Subsidiary Sect, this No. 161 venue is definitely a Heavenly Paradise, compared to For those post-200 venues, whether it is the area or the richness of Spiritual Qi, it is a little bit higher, and it is definitely an excellent place to heal and cultivate during the long period of the Dao Conference.

“Follow me to register first.” Song Fei said, unlike the last time Meng Qing signed up for Heavenly Sword Sect, this time is to report every word of people of repute to prevent Sect from cheating, and invite other Sect Disciple before Come help out.

The gang’s residence is on the west side of Yuehuatai, and on the east side, a 100 meters long ash-gray stone pillar is erected, and Song Fei’s registration method is to record the Soul Seal of himself and others, Burned on the entire stone pillar.

The entire stone pillar presents 6 sides, and each side is a realm entry. For example, the west side is the side where Fleshly Body Realm burned the Soul Seal.

Around the stone pillar, there are already over 100 silhouettes. Most people look younger and are basically around the side of burning Heaven Ranking.

youngster yearns for heroes, and in their eyes, the one who can enter the Heaven Ranking is a hero.

Song Fei asked Big Goat to wait for a group of 5 people to write their own names, leave their own Soul Seal on the names, and then select the Sect that has been registered.

When leaving the Soul Seal in mind, it will arouse the reaction of the stone pillar and ask the choice of Sect. Among them, you can choose Heavenly Sword Sect. The entire stone pillar has some functions like Song Fei’s previous computer. It is very amazing.

After writing the name, the stone pillar will flash a streamer of the name. For example, the name of Qin Shihu, the entire font is written as fluorescent, flashing on the stone pillar, so that everyone below can see it.

Fleshly Body Realm and Foundation Establishment registered on the side of the stone pillar. Few people watched. These people successfully recorded their names and left their own Soul Seal.

When Song Fei came to the side of the Heaven Ranking registration, it was a bit crowded. This side was blocked by the crowd. Many youngsters pointed at the name above, and then discussed the masters above.

And Song Fei also found that the name on this side is very much. There is still one day before the Dao Conference, and more than 300 names have appeared on it. It seems that the competition for Heaven Ranking this time will be very fierce.

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