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Broken intestines slowly approached Song Fei, and the three people behind them looked towards Song Fei like dead people. One of them said: “Boy, didn’t expect it. Dare to attack us at the beginning, today is your death. “

“This kid is bold enough, even dare to take action against people who are not interested in it. Within the sphere of influence of Huazong throughout the month, there is such courage, I am afraid that a hand index can come over.”

“Unfortunately, there is no courage, and other people are buried with him.”

The big goat wanted to get ahead, and as soon as he stepped out, he was dragged back by Qin Shihu, his face solemnly gave him a warning.

The big goat is going to struggle, Wang Shishi said in the big goat’s ear: “Don’t disturb the Sect Leader to teach people.”

The big goat’s mallet-like head would disturb the Sect Leader as soon as he heard it, and he immediately backed away. Yun Yi and Qin Shaofeng secretly gave Wang Shishi a thumbs up.

Song Fei stood in the air and lightly said, “Call your elders. Your behavior today will only make you Sect humiliated.”

“Haha, this kid also intends to make sense with seniors in Wuxinge.”

“It’s normal. People are afraid of death. This boy wants to seize the vitality, which also belongs to such is human nature. He can’t be intestinal. How can he treat an enemy so troublesome? Look, the good show is about to begin.”

The intestines approached step by step, hands behind them, coldly said: “Boy, don’t bother to worry, after killing you, your Sect will be completely destroyed.”

Song Fei frowned, my heart began to anger, dragon has a reverse scale, it will die. And Heavenly Sword Sect, which is his reverse scale, dare to threaten the life of Heavenly Sword Sect.

The broken intestine approached coldly, but Song Fei standing in the air was the first to move, the right hand was lifted, and moved towards the broken intestine fiercely glowed.

“This kid, I dare to shoot.”

“Humph.” Broken intestine stood in place, disdainfully coldly snorted, and then Song Fei’s mana approached the broken intestine’s body. Then, proud and indifferent, the whole man suddenly flew out like a sandbag. Hit three people behind him.

The onlookers saw that the broken intestine was still holding a proud sneer on the way upside down, but the original fair face was printed with 5 bright red fingerprints. The proud and disdainful expression matched the bright red fingerprints. A sharp contrast was formed, which made everyone feel very funny.

The whispered crowds suddenly opened their mouths wide, and they couldn’t close their mouths in surprise.

The underground cultivator took a look at Song Fei standing in the air at Serene, and then glanced out, and Leng Ao transformed into an incredibly broken heart, as if in a dream, the whole process was very strange.

What’s more, I wiped my eyes and thought that I had read it wrong. Some people even squeezed their flesh to see if they were dreaming.

Infamous, standing on the top of the Gold Core realm, the broken intestine, let a little Sect cultivator beaten, and fiercely slap in the face. The news is probably explosive throughout the month of Huazong.

Many people set their sights in the direction of the intestines, this vicious poisonous snake, do not know what means to take revenge.

The 3 people behind Broken Intestine, holding the Broken Intestine flying backwards, looked as if they had seen a ghost on their faces.

There are many people who look different towards Song Fei’s eyes. They just shouted that people who wanted to teach him because Song Fei stepped on them seemed to have forgotten such a scene.

This boy, dare to fan his face even if he has no bowel, and if there is anything he dare not do, if he really goes up to justice, he will lose his face even more.

The cultivators who were just agitated just now are fortunate that they did not charge ahead impulsively, otherwise the first person being beaten today will not be broken, but he will be himself.

This is also an evil star, no wonder the courage to break the intestinal enemy. But isn’t he afraid of breaking the power behind him? Even the Number One Person of the younger generation of Careless Court, there are still others.

The broken and intestinal being held slowly got up, and it pushed the Sect 3 people who were supporting themselves, and the face printed with the bright red palm print was terrifying gloomily.

The cold eyes stared at Song Fei like a poisonous snake, and the invisible radon gradually filled with him as the center.

The onlookers were intimidated by the inexorable baleful qi and retreated involuntarily.

“Okay, good. Boy, you really make me angry.” Broken intestine, the invisible mana suddenly diffused, and a black shadow was spread on the ground centered on him.

“Dao of Darkness, didn’t expect In addition to destroying the shadows, there is also a younger generation who understands the way of darkness. It is indeed a genius.

“It’s a dark way, but what happened just now. How could a broken intestine be blown out?”

“I don’t know how to do this, but don’t think about it. Look at the one in front of you. The intestinal anger is broken. I don’t know what will happen.”

“I bet they are 2 tied. The Sect Leader of Heavenly Sword Sect should hide its strength.”

“If that Sect Leader is still Gold Core cultivation base, I bet I won.”

The breath of black is surrounded by the broken intestine, near the place where the broken intestine is five meters, and it quickly becomes dark, like the ink of a fog, even the silhouette without the intestine is invisible.

“Dao of Darkness is very difficult to get rid of, and he is serious, this kid should not be an opponent.”

The dark mist was like a cloud and pressed towards Song Fei with a look of Serene in the air. Then, the entire black mist completely covered Song Fei. People outside could not see the scene inside.

This made the people watching the game very sorry.

The people watching the war could only rely on their own guesses, and the unintentional people even shouted loudly: “Senior Brother, kill him.”

Only the side of Heavenly Sword Sect, everyone with a smile on his face, didn’t care about the battle between Songgui and the intestines.

The broken intestine was carrying black mist, and his grim eyes were like the poisonous snake staring at Song Fei covered by his own black mist, and a bloodthirsty smile flashed in his eyes.

This dark mist is a kind of spell for the dark way, the dark formation. It can make the cultivator in the dark mist lose its light, like blindness.

This is not a martial arts master, you can hear the position. The battle between cultivators can be completely silent, and relying only on the strength of the ears and the touch of the skin will be a big loss.

Therefore, blindness in the eyes will definitely fall into a great passive, but the intestine is broken, relying on the dark formation, in the Gold Core environment within the realm to rule the king.

Watching the other person fall into the darkness, settle in the heart without heart, and the creatures who are caught in the dark Formula, if you want to break through, it is not as simple as flying away from the Dark Formula.

“Boy, I really don’t want to kill you right away. If you can let me enjoy my means before death, what a wonderful feeling, but unfortunately, this is Yuehuatai, I still have some scruples.” Coldly, “But after killing you, your subordinates will go to accompany you soon, and the road will not be lonely.”

Song Fei shook his head: “Why do you people feel so good about yourself? A dark way of rubbish is like eating me. I have to say that you are a frog in well.”

“Hmph, tremble.” Broken Wuchang sneered again and again: “The more you behave, the less fear it means, the greater the fear in your heart, boy, looking at your fear, the real enjoyment.”

“Mental illness.” Song Fei chuckled, “OK, let’s go.”

“Since you ca n’t wait for courting death, then I will complete you.” A black long sword like ink appeared in his hand, and then moved towards Song Fei’s chest and carried him. The sword body of Gold Core Peak Mana, under the blessing of Mana, is fast and swift, just like Black Lightning.

Song Fei shook his head, expressing disappointment with the insulting means of attack, lightly said with a smile: “It turned out to be just a means of catching the eye and taking advantage of the sneak attack.” While speaking, Song Fei’s right hand extend The hand means, and then crosses his own chest. When the finger just reaches the chest, it is the moment when the black long sword approaches the chest.

In the eyes of broken heart, it seems that Song Fei’s two fingers have been cut by his Black Sword, and then pierced into his chest, as if he heard the beautiful sound of a heart piercing.

Then, I felt that something incredible happened. Song Fei’s two fingers suddenly caught inward. The original sharp ink long sword suddenly seemed to be clamped by iron tongs, between Song Fei’s two fingers. As if rooted, advance and retreat are impossible.

The broken intestine instantly looked up, and looked towards Song Fei’s face, and then suddenly found that Song Fei’s eyes were burning with the flame of orange.

“You, can you see?” Broken and intestinal complexion became extremely ugly, this proud method was so easily broken, which was a very heavy blow to him, more than Song Fei just now Fanning his face is even more uncomfortable.

Then, Song Fei’s left hand protruded, and his gutless gaze suddenly condensed in the current. He found that no matter how he avoided, he could not avoid Song Fei’s left hand, which he stretched out at will.

Soon, Song Fei’s neck was pinched by Song Fei’s large hands like iron tongs, and the sound of broken skeleton was heard on the neck. Song Fei’s thick mana instantly passed through his left arm into the bowel. Body inside the body, wanton destruction of the intestinal body.

Suddenly, the intestine suddenly found in horror that the first-level cultivator of the Gold Core was as majestic as the river, and the mana of his Gold Core Peak was like a stream in front of him.

The frightened intestine soon found that his body could not be damaged, and the palm of his neck was getting closer and closer. For the first time, the intestinal feeling of death felt the fear of death. The tide flooded into the intestine, but he found that he couldn’t even shout for help when he was pinching his neck.

After ten breaths, the black mist dispersed, and no one expected the ending to come out so quickly. Everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in the air.

They guessed the beginning, but didn’t expect the ending.

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