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On the ring, Zhou Shan’s mana is restrained. If he is not familiar with him and knows his name, at this moment he can’t see that he is a master.

Beside him, there was a Flying Sword surrounded by thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning on the sword flickered from time to time. In this slightly gloomy sky, Zhou Shan’s face was printed on and off.

With Lan Yu’s fall, Zhou Shan, who was originally a fake, opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes suddenly burst into sharp eyes. The momentum on his body became like a Divine Sword with an impetuous momentum, and his thunderbolt Flying Sword, but in an instant lightning rose sharply, imposing.

“Unsurprisingly, you did choose me.” Zhou Shan stood up slowly, and Flying Sword in his hand suddenly flew into his hand.

After tightening the thunderbolt Flying Sword, not only the sword body, but Zhou Shan’s entire person was surrounded by thunderbolt. The thunder and lightning flashed out on his surface, spread, and then annihilated, and looked extremely terrifying.

Lan Yu was standing opposite Zhou Shan, his face was calm, and a colorful Flying Sword was pinched in his hands, and lightly said, “Fight.”

After speaking, Lan Yu ’s sword glowed with gorgeous 5 colors of light, which looked dazzling and blurred. The whole person ’s body was also like Goddess, with 5 colors of beautiful luster, allowing her to bathe in a beautiful luster In the background, her figure became more and more beautiful.

The expansion of mana caused her hair, which had been tied casually, to suddenly spread out, and a dark, bright hair covered his long shoulders, dancing lightly with the wind.

Some people admiring Lan Yu have slightly bright eyes. I am afraid that few people are lucky enough to see that Lan Yu is so feminine.

Lan Yu was holding a 5-color long sword, and one sword was cut away. A 5-color unrolled bolt of white silk suddenly shot from his long sword and shot far away to Zhou Shan.

In Zhou Shan’s eyes, a flash of prudence flashed immediately, the long sword provoked, and a thunderbolt like a thick arm shot from the thunderbolt long sword violently, and it struck with the colorful unrolled bolt of white silk.

The violent energy fighting caused the two cultivator bodies to fly into the sky, avoiding the torrent of explosion,

Two people in the sky held swords opposite each other, a thunderbolt dangled, and a 2 color blur, forming a beautiful picture.

Zhou Shan said coldly: “I look down on you. Your strength is not weak. It is the most powerful powerhouse besides Bi Yanrou.”

“There are so many words.” Lan Yu coldly snorted, a gorgeous rays of light erupted on the 5 color long sword, and a streamer of one after another spread from her body, shooting at Zhou Shan like a sword.

Zhou Shan’s body is like lightning, shuttle between light, from time to time, a chain of lightning shot out, toward Lan Yu.

Lan Yu’s way of light can be attacked and defended. At the moment when lightning is about to hit the body, the mana in his hand condenses into a milk-white light shield, blocking all the power of thunderbolt outside the light shield.

As the battle continued, thunderbolt became more and more dense on the ring, and more and more thunder and lightning began to attack Lan Yu.

Lan Yu’s lightsaber also became more and more powerful. The colorful rays of light gradually formed a larger giant sword, which continuedly chopped Zhou Shan to avoid four places.

The way of light can be attacked and defended. This time was played by Lan Yu vividly and thoroughly, Thunder Dao, fierce and fierce, the thunderbolt spreading in Zhou Shan’s hands, as if splitting heaven and earth apart, and soon covered the whole擂 擂台.

Zhou Shan’s face was indifferent, Lan Yu’s face was full of perseverance, as if every lightsaber was full of her fighting intent, her tenacious.

Zhou Shan ’s Flying Sword was full of densely packed, lightning-thin lightning-thickness, and a wave like a long whip. He was moved towards Lan Yu ’s body, and thunderbolt printed his sloppy face, suddenly Bright and dark.

The thick thunderbolt whip makes the surrounding air tremble violently, producing a slight popping sound.

This is a strong spell. Lan Yu’s face flashed a dignity, her hands crossed her chest, and the five-color halo overflowed from the palm of her hand, and a huge five-color light mask was born in front of her.

“Boom, bang.”

The thunderbolt slammed the ground on Lan Yu’s 5 colorful shields, and the sound was so loud that Lan Yu followed the 5 colorful shields, shaking them violently.

The audience at the stage even felt that the thunderbolt whip beat on their own heart, and the heart twitched fiercely with each whip.

After five strokes with a long whip, the five-colored shield was instantly broken in everyone’s attention.

After the reticle, Lan Yu was completely exposed to the thunderbolt whip, and the next whip, Zhou Shan waved softly.

Lan Yu’s face was tenacious, and her hands were quickly printed at the same time. Her body shot like a stream of light, avoiding a thunderbolt whip.

Following this, Lan Yu’s counterattack came immediately. A 5-colored lightsaber that crossed more than half of the Thunderbolt was formed in Lan Yu’s hands, moved towards Zhou Shan’s head, and fiercely chopped it down.

Zhou Shan’s thunderbolt Flying Sword was a horrifying lightning, welcoming Lan Yu’s 5 colorful lightsaber, the thunderbolt in his hand, and fiercely waved out.

You come and go with this blow. Everyone sees that 2 people have already fired True Fire. The battle has become very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be directly injured.

Lan Yu ’s strength was finally fully exposed to the audience. There was no wind and the others, and she looked at Lan Yu with a little surprise,

Yan Shan is standing in the air, beside him, there are no well-known figures of these younger generations, such as no wind, no light, no shadow.

Yan Shan sighed: “I originally thought that Lan Yu’s strength was on par with us, but now I know that she is ahead of us.”

Everyone is silent.

Dustlessly took a breath and said, “It has indeed distanced itself. But this has just begun, and it will catch up later.”

At this moment, these young handsome men have to admit that Lan Yu has already taken a step ahead of them. If it were not for this time 2 Great Sect, this champion should belong to Lan Yu.

“That Yue Tianyu? Why did you run away?” Cheng Guangyan said in the crowd.

Behind him, a beautiful little Phoenix dressed in red-clothed said with a smile, “He walked directly from the Sect Master, presumably the arrangement of the Sect Master. This, if you want to know, ask the Sect Master. “

“I think he is greedy for fear of death.” Cheng Guang coldly snorted and said.

Some stood on Cheng Guang’s side and said that Song Fei was greedy for life and feared death, and some stood on the side of Phoenix and yelled for Song Fei. There was no wind, no shadow, and the others indifferent expression, and they wanted to Nowhere, simply don’t think about it.

Lan Yu is strong, but his opponent is equally strong. Facing Lan Yu’s fierce counterattack, Zhou Shan’s face was apathetic with indifference.

The thunderbolt is continuously generated and annihilated. The rays of light of Five Elements shuttle through the flashing thunder and lightning, and each strike is a thrilling 10000 points.

Two individuals attacked each other for 2 minutes of time.

The fierce fighting caused the mana’s mana consumption to be very serious. Zhou Shan’s body, the original black robe, became fragmented, exposing the flesh inside out, and he had suffered a minor injury.

On the side of Lan Yu, the original beautiful body was completely changed at this moment. The hair was disheveled by thunder and lightning, and the smell of scorching was also transmitted. It shuttled in the fierce thunderbolt, and the hair inevitably contacted the thunder and lightning. Let the beautiful black hair lose its original luster.

Lan Yu’s hands and body had several scorched places, all of which were given by Zhou Shan’s thunder and lightning.

Fight fiercely and inevitably get hurt.

“Boom.” Zhou Shan’s thunderbolt Flying Sword and Lan Yu’s 5-color long sword fought each other in the sky, and then flew back to their masters.

Zhou Shan held the thunderbolt long sword tightly and coldly, “Come on, use your strongest trick to make a victory.” Zhou Shan’s words fell, and the thunder and lightning that suddenly appeared on his body drowned himself in the sea of ​​thunderbolt. .

Immediately, thrilling powers emerged in the thunderbolt.

“10000 thunder.”

Lan Yu suddenly felt that Zhou Shan was brewing a trick. The use of this move would surely be the power of the sky.

Lan Yu’s long sword was loosened by her, and then slowly floated to the top of her head, looking at the constant lightning in front of her, Lan Yu’s face was surprisingly serious.

2 jade arms like lotus roots stretched out to the top of the head, and 2 wrists were placed on top of the head crosswise. Then, Lan Yu also shouted lightly: “Xiaguangpuzhao”

Between Heaven and Earth, suddenly turned into an ocean of thunder and lightning. On the entire platform, thunder and lightning with the thickness of the arms are increasingly bombarding Lan Yu, as if the master after Spirit Realm is crossing the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation. It looks like Unusually horrible.

Lan Yu’s weak posture was unusually small throughout the thunderbolt.

Suddenly, behind Lan Yu, a glow of 5 colors appeared, and then the glow of 5 colors made the image bigger and bigger, and the blurred halo began to cut into tears.

This halo looks beautiful and dazzling, but it comes with horrible mana fluctuations, as if touched a little, it will annihilate under this light curtain.

Both individuals have used their own tricks, violent thunderbolt, continuous strikes hit the ring, Zhou Shan used thunderbolt’s power to fiercely attack Lan Yu.

Lan Yu’s multi-colored light is equally astonishing, under the light curtain it seems to be a clean place, blocking the 10000-kilometer thunderbolt strikes.

Zhou Shan’s hands were continuously and pinch secret art, showing more and more thunderbolt to disintegrate Lan Yu’s light curtain.

The two knew at this moment that whoever can persist to the end of this unique trick is the winner.

The audience on the stage raised their hearts, all worried for Lan Yu, afraid of the next moment Lan Yu made a mistake and was blasted into ashes by thunderbolt.

“Chi chi!” Suddenly there was a sound that sounded like a cracked eggshell.

Lan Yu in the battle, her pupils dilated instantly.

5 colorful light curtains, under the strikes of thunderbolt, there was a little crack.

Although the cracks are small, this is an extremely bad omen.

“Let’s lose it.” Lightning reflected on his face, Zhou Shan shouted.

“Bang!” The seemingly blurred and beautiful light curtain shattered under thunderbolt.

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