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Song Fei was trying to ask why No. 1 saw Xiaoyin making such a terrifying sound, but found that the old man died because of excessive bleeding, his head was crooked, and was destroyed along with Nascent Soul, which belongs to the real the soul flew away and scattered.

Song Fei silently glanced at the transfiguration beads on his shoulders, secretly thinking, it seemed that it was time to pry open the transfiguration beads’ mouth and ask the origin of Xiaoyin.

Song Fei did not expect that this horrible creature who looked so ferocious and ate many Nascent Soul cultivators was as gentle as a rabbit under the might of Small Silver Dragon.

Even when the Small Silver Dragon bit them with their mouth, they didn’t even know how to resist, just shivered coldly under the paws of the Small Silver Dragon.

“So, what’s going on?” Song Fei asked Small Silver Dragon curiously.

“Wu wu.” After swallowing a shadow rabbit, Small Silver Dragon gestured in front of Song Fei with his right paw. Song Fei stared at the Small Silver Dragon gesture, and finally reluctantly said, “You mean, you just press up with your paws, and they are honest?”

“Wu wu!” Small Silver Dragon kept nodded, as if happy that Song Fei could understand his words.

Seeing the expression of Small Silver Dragon, Song Fei has no intention of exploring the secret from it.

Soon, another rabbit head, Small Silver Dragon, was swallowed up quickly, and Song Fei even saw the Small Silver Dragon swallow 2 black rabbit heads, and suffocated.

“It’s not necessary to make a fuss about nothing, it’s just a monster. It belongs to the more advanced creatures of Demon Realm, but the more advanced the monsters, the more you can feel the majesty of your little silver, so you dare not resist.” At this time, a faint voice of transfiguration beads came.

“Did you know them?” Song Fei said.

“Well, I have information about them in my memory,” Huanzhu said.

“What do you mean?” Song Fei’s face started to get angry. “You always knew what we were staring at?”

“Of course, it’s a ghost monster, didn’t I say it?” Said with a smile, “This monster incarnation is the shadow of a living being. There is no form at the moment of attacking the living creature, so the resistance of the cultivator can only be It is futile, and their cunning lies in grasping the gap after the cultivator attack, and forming an entity at the moment of contact with the host, so it is difficult to prevent. Do n’t look at them eating that many Nascent Soul cultivator. They simply aren’t Opponents of the Phantom, but they are being eaten under the Phantom’s sneak attack, which makes sense. “

At this moment, Song Fei suddenly noticed that there was a black shadow slowly moving around the corner of the martyr not far from himself, and finally turned into a rabbit head, and fled quickly.

It seemed that I had just felt the power of Small Silver Dragon and was frightened to escape.

Song Fei originally thought that the Small Silver Dragon would catch up, and then turned around and found that the Small Silver Dragon’s body had become a bit bloated, and the body began to have a silver light, and the shape became dull.

“This is it?” Song Fei was a little strange.

“I eat it,” said Huanzhu Lightly. “The phantom he eats is, after all, the Nascent Soul’s later cultivation base, and he has eaten two in a row. It’s strange to stay unsupported.”

Seeing that the Slow Response of the Small Silver Dragon was slow and worried that it would be in danger, Song Fei asked the Small Silver Dragon to return to the Dragon-Tiger Tripod first, and then wait for the digestion to come out.

“Sect Leader, look at it.” Suddenly, the big goat pointed at No. 4’s corpse, Song Fei looked in the direction that Big Goat pointed, but he saw a thick burly on the body of No. 1 black robed man. The terrible white rays of light, an extremely powerful coercion, centered on the black robed man, and moved towards 1 places.

“Not good.” Song Fei’s complexion greatly changed, and he felt that just the coercion emanating from him made his soul tremble, which shows that the power of this force has far surpassed himself, Even in the face of Lei Xuhao’s attack, there was no strong sense of fear.

Yes, fear is like the fear of the lower ones to the higher ones. Song Fei never thought that one day, there would be fear in his heart.

But it is just in such a wonderful place that the emotion of fear has almost been forgotten.

And this coercion not only affects the soul. Song Fei feels that with the emergence of coercion, his body will soon begin to disintegrate under the influence of the miserable white halo. It is torn alive under the action of energy.

This is just a halo that is emitted, and it is not a means of attack. The body of Imperishable Golden Body has been cultivated with Song Fei, and it can’t be resisted.

At this time, Song Fei didn’t care about the importance of the points, and immediately redeemed a shield to restore his mana to Peak state, and then asked Dragon-Tiger to cover himself with the big goat, but Song Fei was shocked. It was found that the large group of demon blood ants scattered around only returned one third. Two thirds of them were turned into corpses under the light of this miserable white halo.

The queen queen felt a dead demon blood ant, and her heart seemed to be bleeding. The production of demon blood ants does not depend on the queen to reproduce, but to use special energy and materials to breed according to the queen’s unique methods. Each demon blood ant is a rare treasure for Song Fei.

The only good thing is that the demons that you let out yourself are only a small part of the demons. Even if so many demons are killed, they are a very small part of the big ants.

However, even this small part made Song Fei feel bleeding in his heart.

The energy of the halo constantly hits the Dragon-Tiger tripod, Song Fei feels like a flat boat in the waves, under the light of the miserable white halo, there is danger of destruction at any time.

Even Song Fei felt for the first time that the Dragon-Tiger tripod had an irresistible feeling. For the first time, it felt that the Dragon-Tiger tripod was about to break.

Song Fei immediately controlled the Dragon-Tiger trip, and flew like lightning towards the direction of return.

Fortunately, the tunnel was winding, Song Fei just flew a small distance, and the halo of white was blocked by the soil layer of the tunnel.

While in the Dragon-Tiger tripod, Song Fei found that the entire martyr had extremely dazzling white rays of light. In the underground march, even the spell attack could not break through the soil. Under the light of the miserable white rays of light, Turned into nothingness.

Fortunately, the martyrdom stopped for a while, and Song Fei ran away unbearably, feeling the horrible energy behind him. Song Fei said with a guilty conscience: “What kind of power is that, it is so horrible, but just a little overflowing energy. If Ding didn’t run out immediately, he would be broken by that energy. “

“This is just a trace of Evil God’s energy. It comes from the power of God.” The tone of the transfiguration pearl was more serious than ever. “The power of Evil God has actually appeared in the world. It has actually appeared.”

“Does n’t the power of Evil God often appear and feed his followers?” Song Fei said strangely.

“You don’t understand.” Huanzhu even knew how to shake her head, her voice filled with sadness. “This time is really different. Didn’t expect it to come so fast.”

“What’s going on?” Song Fei immediately noticed the unusualness in the words of transfiguration beads.

“It’s nothing. You still don’t know well. You can be a happy little cultivator, practice every day, care about spiritual stones and magic weapons, there is a treasure land for cultivation, facing the sea, spring and blossom.” The illusionized pearl shook her head, “From tomorrow From then on, you can communicate with each of your loved ones and tell them your happiness, what the lightning bolt of happiness tells you, and you will tell everyone. “

Although Song Fei felt that there might be a big secret in the words of the transfiguration beads, he also knew that it was difficult for him to pry open his mouth, just like the identity of Small Silver Dragon, he flicked his side He knocked many times and still couldn’t pry the origin of Small Silver Dragon from his mouth.

The collapse of the martyrdom continued behind, and Song Fei drove Dragon-Tiger to shoot like lightning.

Soon, Song Fei felt that the entire martyrdom began to collapse, and the top of the head also began to crack. Under the miserable white halo, the soil layer above the head could not be soiled and penetrated, just like tofu in an earthquake. The slag project collapsed easily, and a blue sky and white clouds soon appeared above Song Fei’s head.

“It happened.” With the collapse of the martyrdom, Song Fei’s Dragon-Tiger tripod was immediately exposed to the miserable white halo. Before Dragon-Tiger tripod could be extinct, Song Fei felt like ordinary Ceramic pots don’t make much difference.

At this time, the original halo of 4 overflows suddenly restrained, moved towards his center, and vaguely, Song Fei saw the dead body of No. 1 floating slowly.

A long distance away, Song Fei suddenly saw the number one floating in the air with her eyes closed, and suddenly opened her eyes, but the eyes at this moment had no eyes, all of which consisted of white eyes.

A coercion that made Song Fei’s soul afraid of it immediately spread, so that the entire Tianhao Secret Realm shuddered for it, as if the Spiritual God woke up from a deep sleep.

At this time, Song Fei, the only thing he can do is run away from a distance. The power of No. 1 has exceeded his cognition. Song Fei feels that the other party can easily kill himself with only one look.

Fortunately, this “awakening” No. 1 attention was not focused on himself at all, but turned, facing away from Song Fei, and moved towards the center of the ruins with a palm shot.

“Hong long!” The entire ground was sunken several hundred meters deep. With the depression of this soil layer, a more trembling breath suddenly filled out from the center of the depression.

Song Fei had already run 50 kilometers away at this time, and the whole person was hiding in the Dragon-Tiger tripod, still feeling cold, as if in this horrible atmosphere, it would be destroyed at any time.

Distantly, Song Fei saw a supporting heaven giant pillar slowly rising from the sunken black ground, looking like a finger.

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