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Many children?

Song Fei was a stunner, originally thinking that what a big goat handed over was a strange treasure, but did not expect that a large number of children spit out from the big goat’s mouth.

Song Fei took the Black Little Pagoda in doubt and immersed his thoughts in the Little Pagoda. I didn’t know it. It was really a shock at first glance. Song Fei found that among the Little Pagoda, there were even 1000 or Crying in a low voice, or in a slightly trembling child, most of them were in shock, their small bodies were shaking, only a small part seemed to be tired and fell asleep, but Song Fei found that even if It was a child who was asleep, and he was extremely restless.

“Ah, mother!” A 5-year-old boy suddenly woke up from his sleep, crying loudly and calling mother, beside him, suddenly a girl with tears hugged the boy tightly, comforted in a low voice, ” Younger brother, it’s okay, it will pass soon. “

“No … don’t, mother, I want mother!” The little boy desperately slapped the girl. The girl looked only 7 or 8 years old, and the shock on her face had not yet dissipated. The younger brother was at a loss for a while.

Such scenes are constantly being performed in the large hall.

Song Fei can imagine that they must have experienced an extremely terrifying experience, so that every child’s heart is full of fear of the future.

“Animals!” Song Fei gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice. Don’t guess Song Fei also knew that this must have been the sacrifice that the black robed man had just taken back, and it was most likely provided by Xing Muyu.

I just wiped out the slightest discomfort of all disciple of Zixia Immortal Sect, and under the expression of these children, it disappeared instantly.

“It’s a real sin,” Song Fei growled as wild beast.

“Sect Leader?” Big Goat looked at Song Fei’s mood suddenly, and asked a little worriedly.

“It’s okay.” Song Fei took a deep breath, suppressing the violent emotion in his heart.

“Those children?” The big goat asked in a low voice.

Song Fei slowly said, “It was all innocent children. Evil Sect caught them in order to dig out their eyes and cut their four limbs to worship Evil God.”

“What?” The big goat’s eyes widened instantly. He didn’t think that those innocent and unaffected children turned out to be the top grades of the evil believers, and used the extremely cruel method in Song Fei’s mouth.

“Evil Sect is extremely cruel, which is why I have been killing Evil Sect. If Evil Sect is not removed for a day, my Yue Tianyu will always be their enemy.” Song Fei bite.

“Sect Leader, the big goat must follow you to kill Evil Sect.” Aside, the big goat solemnly vowed authentic.

“You’re busy. I’ll talk to the children.” Song Fei lightly said, followed by a movement, appeared inside the black tower.

“Ah !! Bad guy, ah!”

“Mother, I’m afraid, wu wu wu!”

“Wu wu wu! Don’t kill me, please, don’t kill me.”

When Song Fei showed up, he immediately saw the children’s terrified expressions, and before Song Fei approached, they burst into tears.

Song Fei had no choice but to stop his footsteps. If he moved forward, he was afraid to scare many children directly.

Today’s child has become a bird of surprise, and when scared, it is likely to leave indelible wounds on the soul.

Song Fei glanced over and saw this batch of children, each and everyone are good seedlings. Now Heavenly Sword Sect is seriously lacking. If you train them well and guide them from a young age, this engine of Heavenly Sword Sect The cornerstone may be laid.

To become a Great Sect, this number is indispensable.

After quitting the small black tower, Song Fei was thinking about how to approach the children and guide them out of fear. Whether it is to put them home or to keep them, there must not be a group of children who are always scared, such children. How can it be a big tool?

Song Fei thought hard, and suddenly his heart moved, and sound transmission immediately went out, facing Lan Yu, who was counting his wealth in the distance, “Lan Yu, come here.”

“Yes!” Lan Yu’s body turned into a colorful streamer and landed in front of Song Fei.

“I want you to do one thing for me. You have to do it …”


In the small black tower, the children gathered together like little ducklings, looking for comfort in the trembling. Helpless children cry from time to time, but this cry will spread. As soon as someone cries, there will be a response from children in other locations immediately. Therefore, most of the time, the little black tower keeps crying. .

Only when they are tired of crying will children be unable to help but slowly fall asleep.

The interior of the black tower is very large, with 5000 children gathered together, which only takes up half of the area.

Suddenly, the light inside the entire black tower suddenly dimmed, and the children yelled in horror.

Just at this time, a picture appeared on the wall opposite the children.

In the picture, more than a dozen children of their age are playing on the grass.

It was a sunny afternoon. More than a dozen children ran on the grass, catching butterflies, smelling wild flowers on the grass, and playing with mud in the ground.

This picture lasted for a long time, at least more than ten minutes. The child in Little Pagoda was gradually attracted by the picture. After stopping crying, the child began to focus on the picture. The inner fear was caught by them. Release it little by little.

Suddenly the picture turned around, and a body wearing a black robe suddenly landed on the grass. At this time, the children watching this scene seemed to see the most horrible things, and they heard horrible screams.

But this picture passed quickly, and suddenly another silhouette descended on the grass. A young man in white stabbed with a sword, stabbed the heart of the black robed man, and then the black robed man made a frightening sound , Slowly lying at the feet of white clothed youth.

All the children suddenly found that the horrible silhouette was killed by this white clothed youth.

Soon, the children playing on the grass gathered around the white clothed youth, and began to accompany them to catch butterflies, play with mud, play with eagles and catch chicks, and the child watching this scene realized subconsciously that this white clothed youth is a child Our friends.

And this silhouette that accompanied the children to play, it lasted for more than ten minutes.

The picture suddenly stopped and disappeared. Surrounded by darkness.

“Ah!” Because of the arrival of darkness, the children were panicked again, but soon, the picture just appeared again, the children were playing on the grass, repeating what they just said.

This is the way that Song Fei thought of, to dilute the horror of the black clothed person from the children, and let the children accept them as heroes, and then tell them that they are their friends by playing with them.

The composition of this picture relies on Lan Yu’s way of light, Nascent Soul realm’s Lan Yu, to make these simple images, it is naturally very simple.

Song Fei’s request was to let Lan Yu hide in Little Pagoda secretly, repeating this image all the time, he gave it 2 days, and gave Lan Yu dozens of big Origin Returning Pills, as soon as the mana was exhausted, immediately Take a large Origin Returning Pill to recover.

After explaining Lan Yu, Song Fei put the black tower in the Temple of Heaven and started moving towards Jin Rui and Sima Zhe.

In a building on the cloud, Jin Rui is leading 3 Great Demon King and Sima Zhe are drinking tea, and there is also a leader of the Silver Armor Army who has been following Sima Zhe.

When Song Fei’s feet stepped into the building boat, Jin Rui suddenly said with a big smile: “Our heroes are back, this time I am really thankful for you.”

“My brother, don’t be polite.” Song Fei sat beside the crowd, only to find that, except Jin Rui and Sima Zhe, the others suddenly had some restrictions, including the leader of the Silver Armor, and they all became Not natural.

Not only Song Fei, but even Jin Rui and Sima Zhe felt this scene, and then Jin Rui waved his hand and said to the crowd: “You all go out and go, our 3 brothers will get together.”

After everyone left, Song Fei smiled bitterly, “didn’t expect that I became a master of Profound Realm, and this is something I never dreamed of a year ago.”

“Your kid is a pervert.” Jin Rui shook his head and punched Song Fei’s chest with a smile. “If we were not so familiar, I would be in awe of you.”

“Haha, fortunately we worship early, otherwise I will lose 2 brothers.” Song Fei laughed.

Sima Zhe filled Song Fei with a cup of tea, and then said with a smile: “I just talked with Lao Jin just now, we all have a large area of ​​land. Your Sect station seems too small, and have you thought about it, Take this as your own. There are many Subsidiary Sects here. If you settle in, you will immediately become a Sect far beyond the former Zixia Immortal Sect and become a party emperor. Commander 100000000 10000 people, you know, this Zixia Immortal Sect’s sphere of influence is three times larger than my Yuehuazong, can you be moved? “

Song Fei slowly put the tea cup to his mouth, took a sip, and slowly said, “It seems that as long as I am nodded, I can become the leader of several billion people. This is really tempting.”

Sima Zhe smiled gently and looked at Song Fei’s eyes: “Yeah, Commander 100000000 10000 people, there are beautiful women like clouds, you can hold beauty pageants every day, within your sphere of influence, your order is law, you Your temper is rules, everyone turns around you, even if the emperor sees you kneel down, Princess in the royal family can choose for you, the ministers will be proud to stab you, how is it very tempting? Sex? A real man, isn’t that what you want? Would you like it? “

At the same time, Jin Rui also followed with a smile: “If it was n’t for my old Kim ’s Monster Race, and I could n’t commander your Human Race, I would be jealous of this huge land, how about Third Brother, you have to take over this Large tracts of land? “

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