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Song Fei hugged the comatose Qin Xiaoru, stabbed his thigh with a dagger, and moved to the hall door step by step.

Fortunately, the farther away, the terrible coercion gradually reduced the impact on myself. After more than 2 minutes of difficulty, Song Fei finally came to the stone gate and climbed out of the coercion. hall. ,

Strangely, when Song Fei had just climbed out of the lobby, the terrifying coercion suddenly disappeared, and a small unobstructed stone gate was wonderfully isolated from the influence of the idol on the outside world.

Song Fei feels more and more wonderful about the buildings here. Unfortunately, such a clever construction, Song Fei can’t see a little bit of clues. He is in Baoshan, but can’t start this sentence. At the moment, Song Fei is very suitable for the scene.

The coercion in it continued. Song Fei picked up Qin Xiaoru and opened several other stone chambers with closed wooden doors in the corridor. If he found one or two treasures, he would really send them.

Hugging Qin Xiaoru, Song Fei slowly walked towards the nearest wooden door, and his foot moved towards the wooden door. The closed wooden door was easily opened by Song Fei’s foot. The arrangement in the stone chamber was all exposed. In front of Song Fei.

A wooden bed, after years of sedimentation, has become a piece of dead wood. A wooden table is equally rotten, and apart from this, the ground is piled with a layer of rotten wood chips, a rotten atmosphere, assaults the senses.

Song Fei put Qin Xiaoru lightly in the doorway, and immediately entered the stone chamber. He began to rot a piece of decayed rot, slowly open it from the ground, in an attempt to find out if something precious was buried in this pile of rot.

With Song Fei’s search, the sky’s dust rises in the stone chamber, which becomes heavier and rancid, and stimulates the senses of Song Fei.

Song Fei endured the torture that these ordinary people could not bear, and inquired the whole secret room seriously.

After ten minutes, Song Fei’s face finally changed from expectation to disappointment.

After serious searching, I have never found anything that can be exchanged for points.

Out of the stone chamber, Song Fei moved towards the last other one. This room was equally rotten, and Song Fei began to look patiently again.

Song Fei stepped out of one stone chamber again in disappointment, then walked into the other stone chamber with hope.

It’s a pity that in a row of 6 rooms, apart from a pile of tattered and rancid odors, nothing valuable was found.

I don’t know if the valuable items in these rooms were taken away, or as the years passed, they became ordinary rags.

Maybe it ’s really too long, so that the items of the level of self-cultivation will not be able to withstand the scrubbing of years, just like ordinary items, they gradually decay.

Song Fei had no choice but to hold up Qin Xiaoru, and waited quietly outside the hall, waiting for the coercion in the hall to disperse, so as to go in and harvest the spoils of war.

This waited for almost an hour, during which Qin Xiaoru was awake and stood with Song Fei quietly at the entrance of the hall.

During the period, Song Fei explained the entire process of development to Qin Xiaoru, and learned from Qin Xiaoru’s mouth that she suddenly passed out when she was barbecued, and when she woke up, she found Song Fei and the dead gray robe. As for how she got here, she couldn’t explain herself.

“Thank you ~ Don’t take such a risk in the future. You almost lost your life.” This is a sentence Qin Xiaoru said after listening to Song Fei’s words.

“It’s not okay, and you’re lost, Xiaoru. Of course, I’m going to get you back up to the heavens, down into the earth ~” Song Fei laughed.

After hearing Qin Xiaoru’s face, she was lightly red, but still couldn’t help but said, “But your life is everyone’s, if you die, what will everyone do?”

“You think too much.” Song Fei leaned on the stone wall beside Qin Xiaoru, bowed his head to Qin Xiaoru on the shoulder, lightly said, “If other brothers knew you were in danger, they would be dash on bravely with no thought of personal Come to save you safely, life and death, this is the soul of our Heavenly Sword Sect. If you lose this soul, Heavenly Sword Sect does not need to exist. For example this time, if you will lose your life because of saving, you choose to continue to lead Everyone, then I wo n’t choose to continue leading, the soul is gone, walking corpse, do n’t bother, it ’s better to be dead and clean. Can you understand? ”

Qin Xiaoru seemed to know nodded, and Song Fei didn’t understand whether he really understood. The two people broke away from this topic and talked about other things.

Finally, when Song Fei put his head in, he couldn’t feel the coercion of horror in the room anymore, Song Fei said with great happiness in his heart: “It’s done, go, take the spoils of war.”

After speaking, she took Qin Xiaoru’s hand and hurriedly moved towards the hall. Qin Xiaoru was holding her hand, her face was lightly red.

In the hall, Song Fei’s first contact was not the evil stone on the statue, but the body of the gray robed old man.

As early as the confrontation between the two, Song Fei discovered that the gray robed old man had a ring on his hand, and because he was a true practitioner, Song Fei suspected that it was a Storage Ring.

So when Song Fei rushed up, he immediately grabbed the right hand of the gray robed old man and took off the earthen-colored ring on his index finger.

“ding dong.”

“Found Storage Ring, redeem 200 points, whether to redeem it.”

“Rejected.” After thinking about it, Song Fei rejected the temptation of 200 points. For his Storage Ring, only 30 points can be redeemed. If you redeem the points back, only 15 points, this Storage Ring can be redeemed for 200 points. Redemption from the God-Level Exchange System should require 400 points.

It is better to leave it first, and then redeem it in an emergency.

Then, Song Fei took the dagger from the old man and put it on the long table. This dagger is also a true item, which can be exchanged for 80 points.

Then, Song Fei sinks his thoughts into the Storage Ring. Then, Qin Xiaoru sees items, appearing out of Song Fei’s hands, and he is placed on a long table in front of the idol.

“ding dong”

“ding dong”

Successive prompts sounded in Song Fei’s mind, and he heard Song Fei’s heart burst. If this dead old man was too ugly, Song Fei could even kiss him with a few mouthfuls.

“If you discover Poison Dragon Pearl, you can redeem 400 points.

Song Fei immediately checked the attributes of Poison Dragon Pearl to see if they can be used on their own side. If they are not available for the time being, then redeem them.

Poison Dragon Pearl: poison pearl formed by toxin inside the body. Poison Dragon is extremely poisonous. Users should be careful of backlash.


All of a sudden, 400 points in hand, Song Fei’s face smiled brighter than the chrysanthemum.

“Get rich, Xiao Ru, get rich.” Anyway, no other outsider, Song Fei opened his emotions and danced excitedly.

“Um that ~” Qin Xiaoru didn’t know so, just responded to Song Fei, but seeing Song Fei’s overjoyed expression, Qin Xiaoru couldn’t help but feel happy, as long as he was happy, he could be happy.

“Heartbreaker nails, with its Sect’s Exclusive spell, are extremely poisonous and can be redeemed for points, 366 points. Whether to redeem.”


You also need to cooperate with Sect’s Exclusive spell. What do you want him to do? Song Fei redeemed it without thinking.

“The Dementor Bell can disturb the mind of the enemy. Redeem points, 800 …”

If this magic weapon is suddenly used in a fight, it is definitely a fatal trump card. Song Fei is really reluctant to redeem it.

But 800 points. Such high points can bring a lot of help to Heavenly Sword Sect, especially in cultivation.

Dementor Bell is definitely a sharp weapon to use in the future. After Song Fei checked his attributes, it was stated above that during the non-Foundation Establishment period, this magic weapon could not be driven.

At the moment, it is of little use.

Redeemed, Song Fei’s points suddenly increased by 800.

In addition to these three magic weapons, the value is higher, the others are small magic weapons, the value is relatively low, Song Fei left some useful, redeem all the remaining things, and suddenly added 3 points .

Song Fei’s total points reached an unprecedented 2320 points. A day ago, it was a scary score that Song Fei never dreamed of.

However, before it ends, Song Fei has collected so many points, and then looks at the evil stone in front of the idol.

Song Fei laughed at the idol: “Brother, many thanks for your generosity, in exchange for this old man’s life, don’t be too shabby.”

Then, he politely grasped the evil stone with both hands.

“Ding dong.” When Song Fei heard this voice, he felt comfortable all the time, more comfortable than eating cold sour plum soup in June.

“Found evil stones, you can redeem points, 623 points, whether to redeem.”

“Very good.” Song Fei flashed his eyes instantly, smirked and said with a smile to the dried-up body of the old man, “I don’t know your name, but thank you.”


After speaking, Song Fei smiled at the gift.

With a total score of 2943, Song Fei is enough to do a lot of things.

This is not the end.

Song Fei stared greedily at the other things in the room, hoping to find some valuable things out of luck.

The chair the old man sat on, placed the steps of the idol. An incense burner dedicated to idols, bookshelves, books, beds beside the old man.

No item could escape Song Fei’s careful inspection.

Qin Xiaoru was sitting on the ground with his chin in his hands, watching Song Fei busy looking for it.

Qin Xiaoru wanted to help find it together, but Song Fei did not agree with life or death, and did not tell him what to look for. Qin Xiaoru, helpless, had to sit aside, but always kept his eyes on Song Fei, watching him jump up and down Looking for what he was looking for.

“Did you find it?” Qin Xiaoru asked every time.

“唉 ~” Song Fei, the greedy, shook his head again and again.

After fifteen minutes of searching, Song Fei finally gave up. It seems that generally valuable things are still stored in the Storage Ring.

“Forget it, don’t look for it, let’s go.” Even if I didn’t find it, the harvest of this business is enough for Song Fei to laugh for 3 days and 3 nights.

“Brother, I’m leaving, there will be an opportunity to meet again.” Song Fei said to the idol.

The idol remained motionless, still with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, with his four arms raised high, holding a stone weapon, his face gazing down.

“Let’s go.” Song Fei took Qin Xiaoru’s hand, and two people moved towards the entrance of the hall.

“Well.” Qin Xiaoru complied, lowering his head to follow Song Fei, leaving him to pull away.

Going to the stone gate in the lobby, Song Fei, who was originally laid back, suddenly turned his head and stared at the horrible eyes of the fly like Divine Stone, muttered: “How can I forget the most expensive thing in this room? . “

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