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The bottle gourd of fiery-red is hung high in the sky, like the stars that exist in the ancient times, exuding the coercion of incomparable, all the souls feel the thick under the suppression of fiery-red bottle gourd fear.

This simply is not the power of the world. It transcends the extreme power of the cultivation world. If the people who drive it are not strong enough to exert the full power of this red bottle gourd, I am afraid that the entire space will be broken.

But even this tiny amount of power is not something an ordinary cultivator can bear.

Wu Shizong played the hole card directly in order to obtain the secret from Song Fei. It can be seen how strong the determination to suppress Song Fei this time is.

Of course, Song Fei’s persecution is also part of it. If it was not for the final Burning Heaven Seal to destroy the blockbuster cultivator, I am afraid they will continue to keep this hole card.

Song Fei squinted his eyes, and the intense air blew his eyes narrow. The appearance of Immortal Grade made his soul tremble involuntarily. This fear comes from the natural coercion, even if he wants to control it. Can’t live.

If you want to fight this Immortal Grade, Song Fei still has some power, but the power within the body is too strong Yang Fruit, I am afraid I can’t keep it. This is Song Fei’s hope for promotion to the flames. Consumption is a distressing 10000 points, let alone waste it all, just to withstand the crushing of Immortal Grade.

It’s really unwilling to waste a whole Yang Fruit.

And at this time, Yang Xiashan’s voice suddenly sounded behind Song Fei: “Paragon, the big team has started.”

“Retreat.” Song Fei shouted, who was also shocked by the cultivators of the Yang ethnic group in the process of confronting Song Fei and the other party, was immediately awakened by Song Fei’s voice. This time, the image of Song Fei has penetrated the hearts of the people, and they finally saw that they surpassed their imagination. A force.

At the moment Song Fei’s order, they retreated without the slightest hesitation, the large cultivator receded like a tide, and in the area where Yangxia Mountain was located in the rear, a scarlet-red transparent mask was raised immediately, taking the entire Yang ethnic resident , All shrouded in scarlet-red mask.

“I want to run, how easy it is.” An elderly cultivator who drove fiery-red bottle gourd shouted loudly, followed by the bottle gourd of fiery-red, the power of terror instantly permeated all the cultivators of the Yang people.

In the hands of Song Fei, he continued to print quickly, with a stronger breath than before, and gushed out from Song Fei’s body instantly. This time, Song Fei did not retain it, and directly played too much Yang Fruit’s real power of 10%. .

Although this time’s shot is powerful, it also makes Song Fei’s face even more ugly. Too Yang Fruit is really raging within the body. The consumption of Mental Power by the burning of the Tianyin Seal is also huge, and he will soon support him. Stay, if you make another move to burn the sky, maybe your soul will be burned to nothing by True Solar Fire directly.

Gritting his teeth, Song Fei looked fiercely towards the front. If this move can’t fight Immortal Grade, he can only fight. At worst, he consumes 1 billion points to revive in the God-Level Exchange System.

In that case, not only was the 1 billion points wasted, but even the actual energy of Tai Yang Fruit would be obtained by several people without his ancestor as his body fell, and if he wanted to be reborn, he could only find one. With another body to practice again.

That price is too great. Under the circumstances of less than 10000, Song Fei does not want to face that kind of encounter.

The raging flames swept away like a sun explosion, heading in the direction of the fiery-red bottle gourd. Two extremely overbearing and fierce forces collided together fiercely, 2 overflowing forces fired violently, and Heaven and Earth shook instantly. Everyone looked towards the center of the battlefield with horrified eyes.

Resisted, consumed 10% of Yang Fruit’s strength, and finally resisted the crushing of Immortal Grade, and there is still more room for the cultivator holding the Immortal Grade to lose one’s head out of fear, after all, Immortal Grade cannot play Come out, even with the help of everyone, only part of the power of Immortal Grade can be exerted.

Immortal Grade can’t afford to crush the Yang and the others at this time, and quickly return to defense to prevent more disciples from body dies and Dao disappearing under the flames.

And when the bottle gourd of fiery-red completely absorbed the golden flame, Song Fei and the others had disappeared into the mask of the Yang scarlet-red.

Song Fei was the last to enter the mask. When he appeared, everyone looked towards him with a strong awe, but the fanaticism in his eyes was even worse.

Many old people were in tears, Yang Da choked and said, “I finally firmly believe in the Son of the Sun, oh no, the Sun Paragon can lead us to glory.”

In this speech, everyone’s voice was spoken. The previous battle was too deeply rooted. One man fought Five Great Influences alone, and he also prevailed, burning a large enemy cultivator, and finally sent Immortal to the enemy. In the case of Grade, you can retreat all over.

Recalling the previous war situation, everyone has an unreal feeling. This record has never been owned by legend.

Song Fei is too late to tell the old people, no matter how eager others look at his eyes, immediate is to open the Transmission Gate of the Temple of Heaven and shouted to everyone: “All people of the Yang ethnic group are transferred to my magic weapon In the middle, execute immediately. “

After speaking, no matter what other people’s expressions are, Song Fei’s body moved, and when it reappeared, it was already in the time great hall in the Temple of Heaven.

Yang Fruit is too solid, and the energy is mild. Simply is prepared for the cultivation of True Solar Fire, so that Song Fei does not even need the Yinzhu to offset the fanatical power when he cultivates, but it only takes a lot of time to absorb such huge power.

In normal times, Song Fei is also reluctant to swallow too Yang Fruit directly into his stomach. In this way, if he exceeds the limit of his own body load, he is likely to burst his body.

Fortunately, I finally rushed back to the great hall. With the function of Time Acceleration, I finally squeezed a little time to calm down the real power of Yang Fruit.

Fortunately, this fruit contains extremely pure power, allowing Song Fei to absorb power at a rate that is 1000 times faster than the speed at which it absorbed flames.

Parting out a small part of your mind and paying attention to the outside world, most of Song Fei’s mind is absorbed in the practice of True Solar Fire.

At the entrance of Tianli Palace, each and everyone women held their children and dragged their families into Tianli Palace. The people who entered Tianli Palace looked at this exquisite and absolute palace with astonishment. Each and everyone could see the mouth. It all rounded up.

Compared to the houses where the Yang people lived before, this palace is too spectacular.

“It is said that the Sun God lives in the Sun God Palace. Is this the Sun God Palace?” A woman of the Yang nationality cry out in surprise.

Each and everyone clansman of the Yang nationality showed a very curious expression around the Temple of Heaven. No one was willing to stay in place, walking around the Temple of Heaven, carefully examining the palace and trees and trees in the Temple of Heaven.

It’s just that there are too many people. It takes a lot of time for everyone to enter the Temple of Heaven.

Outside the mask, Wu Shizong and the others began a fierce attack, and the bottle gourd of fiery-red fiercely smashed towards the place where the Yang people were with the implement.

At this moment, several people in Yangxia Mountain had risen from the ground. All the cultivators of Nascent Soul and Spirit Realm flew to the center of the large array, and began to command the large array to guard the bottom.

All cultivators below Gold Core are responsible for leading clansman into the Temple of Heaven as fast as possible.

Without the restrictions of Song Fei, the fiery-red bottle gourd erupted into an incomparable coercion, just like a comet hitting Earth, and fiercely pressed down the Yang Mountain’s Mountain Protecting Great Formation.

“Patriarch, this time the Mountain Protecting Great Formation is very powerful.” Beside Yang Xia Mountain, Yang Da said loudly with a smile.

Yang Xiashan’s old face smiled like a chrysanthemum, replied: “Yeah, this is a powerful thing I have never seen before. If I’m not mistaken, this should be the legendary fairy stone. With the fairy stone to form a large array, finally Resurrect the ancestors’ array. “

When the bottle gourd of the fiery-red was pressed, when it came into contact with the hood of the Mountain Protecting Great Formation, the fierce flames of the scarlet-red swept out suddenly under the light.

“No first disciple helps me, break for me.” Inside the first disciple, the old man of Immortal Grade drove out a howl, as everyone’s mana poured into the Immortal Grade like a tide, the red bottle gourd on the rays Of light, the rays of light like the sun shine on 4 sides.

“Hong long long!” The bottle gourd of fiery-red pressed into the battle, and the flames on the battle were more fierce.

“Patriarch, this Immortal Grade has entered the battle,” Yang Da growled loudly.

“It’s okay, I’ll be guarded by the ancestor array.” Yangxia Mountain shouted. Within the Mountain Protecting Great Formation, more violent flame energy burst out. Fiery-red flames swept 8 squares, and the whole sky became red, as if Even the void burned.

The face of Immortal Grade’s cultivator could not help but change. The huge shock force directly shocked him into internal injuries, and a mouthful of blood spouted out.

“Nie old.” Including Tu Gang and the others, could not help crying out in surprise.

Nie Lao waved his hand and whispered softly: “Spirit Realm cultivation base drives Immortal Grade, or too weak. We’re afraid we can’t break the guard of this Mountain Protecting Great Formation.”

Nie Lao’s words darkened everyone’s hearts, and Tu Gang said resentfully: “Even if Immortal Grade is out of sight, it’s really unwilling to get the secret of the kid.”

“Longfang, come to Japan, wait out, I waited to reply to the cultivation base, and then drove Immortal Grade, the old man was sure to use a trick to break this big team.” Nie Lao sighed.

Watching Tu Gang continue to be unwilling, Nie Lao said with a bitter smile, “Don’t think about it, Xianxia Valley glare like a tiger watching his prey, the other major forces are not lonely, we are just taking the lead, don’t It hurts strength and makes others cheap. “

Tu Gang was shocked, and was immediately awakened by a word from Nie Lao. His eyes were distant, and he looked towards the endless sky, as if he saw a pair of smiling faces watching a play.

Xianxia Valley at first joined the battle. After entering this place, it turned out to be indifferent. The major forces of the Eastern Sea were extremely greedy. How could they be indifferent to the secrets of Yue Tianyu? To be truly indifferent, Tu Gang It is only possible to believe in Xunmong Zong.

Tu Gang suddenly awakened, fortunately that he didn’t work hard, otherwise, when he consumed most of his power, those Sects who stood by and looked on would appear at the most appropriate time.

Not to mention the other Sects, even a few Sects like Profound Sect, Tu Gang was not at ease.

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