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Under the blood-colored sky, covered with dark dots, Song Fei stood in front of the dots, and the scarlet cloak was particularly eye-catching in the black World.

In the palace of Black, suddenly a densely packed silhouette rose, in front of the crowd, a tall wolf standing tall and lonely and independent.

Black’s metal armor glows with icy luster. The black cloak on the back is hunting in the wind. The most noticeable thing is the high axe of five meters and the sharp aura of Murderous Aura.

The head of the giant wolf with its head lowered slightly, and the blood red eyes burst out with two scorching cold lights. The magicians behind Song Fei suddenly felt a terrifying momentum hiding the sky and covering the earth. Come.


The magicians passed one after another cold chill in their hearts, and then they felt as if they were fiercely struck by a sledgehammer, and their hearts were uncomfortable.

As for the demonic weapon, it was as if they were stared at by the horrible wild beast. The superior’s momentum almost made them bow down.

This is Demon Realm. The powerhouse’s power is irresistible, and the eyes of a super powerhouse can make the weak.

“The humble ants, dare you, dare to challenge the majesty of Kui Wolf King?” A cold word came out of Kui Wolf King’s mouth, the sound at a moderate pace, but with apathy and indifference to life, listening In the ears, one’s back swelled with the coldness of one after another, and the whole body was cold.

This is definitely far more powerful than the original Kunwu Demon King. Even the magician behind him is far from being comparable to Carter and the others behind Song Fei.

This army, in the eyes of Kui Wolf King, produced a trace of commotion.

“hmph! ”

Coldly snorted, as if it contained incredible power, Song Fei threw cloak, Kui Wolf King’s invisible pressure suddenly disappeared.

The demonic weapons quickly organized their formation and turned into a square-shaped formation.

When Song Fei shot, he immediately dispelled the opponent ’s momentum and deterred him.

“You’re the guy who replaced Kunwu?” Kui Wolf King’s icy voice sounded in the sky, and one after another’s icy attack hit Song Fei’s body.

The corner of Song Fei’s mouth with a strange smile, split his mouth, exposed the teeth of Senbaisen 100, and then shouted coldly: “Replacing Kunwu is only the beginning, and you, there will be 2 choices next, Surrender, or die. “

“Huh, huh!”

The wind was blowing, and the wind of Demon Realm seemed extremely cold, just like Song Fei’s words, and went straight into Kui Wolf King’s heart.

“How many years, I even forgot the taste of the battle. Since you are going to die, then I will complete you.” Kui Wolf King said at a moderate pace, the black gloom on the giant axe is getting stronger and stronger, huge The killing intent flew in the direction of Song Fei.

Immediately after, awe of Wolf King ’s giant axe pointed forward, growling in his mouth, “Kill me!”

The 50000 army behind was shouting loudly by Wolf King, just like the black steel tide, and instantly moved towards Song Fei’s direction.

“Zheng!” Song Fei pulled a Demon Sword from his waist, and Demon Sword pointed at the sky at a 45-degree angle, spreading the whole battlefield with the words of cold killing: “Kill!”

The demonic weapon below gripped the long halberd in his hands, under the command of Song Fei, it was also like a rolling black torrent.

The two torrents hit each other instantly, demonic energy was in the sky, and the gloom of black seemed to distort the light. The blood in in the sky disappeared, and the rest was only a gloomy and dim space.

A stubble flew for a while, and the demonic weapon kept falling in the sky. The whole battlefield was like a huge meat grinder, strangling life invisibly.

A demonic weapon fell, and a demonic weapon was added in the rear. The slaughter continued frantically. Looking at it from the distance, the entire sky was like two ants biting, but the speed of this fall was getting faster and faster.

Especially on the side of Song Fei, demonic weapon fell to the ground like black raindrops.

Wolf King in the distance looked at all this, his eyes were covered with crazy bloodthirsty smiles.

Demon Race is killing. The slaughter in front of him has already aroused the desire of slaughter deep down in the heart of Kui Wolf King. The huge black axe is buzzing with demonic energy.

Song Fei ignored everything at hand, as if the life falling below didn’t cost anything. The more experienced Demon Realm’s slaughter, Song Fei found that his Demon Race body became more and more hard-hearted, and deep down in his heart, there was a hint of excitement because of the crazy slaughter.

This body has become closer and closer to the creatures of Demon Race, including his thoughts and desires.

Carter came to Song Fei’s side and one-knee kneels said, “Sir, fight like this, our soldiers, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out.”


A scream was unusually loud, and a Profound Realm on Song Fei’s side was torn apart, and the body was thrown to the ground like a sandbag.

Song Fei watched all of this silently, shouted coldly: “The weak are not qualified to survive, so I take this opportunity to eliminate a pile of garbage.”

“Yes!” Carter retired silently. In his heart, there was no pity and sympathy at all. In Demon Race’s heart, he only became stronger and killed, and killed insanely.

Under the hands of Kui Wolf King, dozens of Profound Realm’s demons will cause the blockbuster demonic weapon on Song Fei’s side to be extinct.

Kui Wolf King looked at all this in excitement, the tongue on the wolf’s head fluttered lightly in his mouth, and grinned with a smile: “this time, is destined to me to annex Kunwu City.”

“That’s called Tian City.” Song Fei’s smile seemed particularly cold. “Suddenly, if you don’t know each other, you can only die.”

“Kill him.” Kui Wolf King gave a screaming roar. The three magicians closest to Song Fei shot first. One of them demolished his sword, and suddenly one after another densely packed appeared on his body. The illusory shadow of the sword is cut to Song Fei. Each illusory shadow contains extremely terrifying power. After the illusory shadow appeared, the in the sky in front of him suddenly disappeared, as if blending into this dim in the sky. general.

Then, together with the demon, he disappeared, and his shadow was no longer found in the sight.

Song Fei’s all around, suddenly a few hundred cold blades appeared, and the relentless cold blade fiercely chopped to Song Fei’s body.

Song Fei’s Demon Sword was cut out instantly, and a circle of cold sword light was drawn around the body. Then, the demonic energy of black diffused away instantly through Demon Sword.

The 100-blade edge broke instantly under Song Fei’s Demon Sword, in the sky, and two half-length bodies fell from the air.

Under one sword, Profound Realm’s demon will die.

Before the body fell, Song Fei’s hands were scratched, 2 parts of the body were sucked into the heart of Song Fei’s hands by huge suction, and then Heaven Devouring Demonic Art was running. the power of.

“Look at my dark magic fist.” In front of Song Fei, a burly demon will step into the air, facing a distance of several thousand meters, a punch blows out, the dim light instantly twists, Song Fei’s eyes look like a piece The black hole is so ordinary that there is no light.

The black hole was spreading, and the crazy darkness was devouring Song Fei’s body. In the blink of an eye, Song Fei’s eyes had become dim, and no light could be seen.

The strange smile on Song Fei’s face was even worse. Right hand grabbed in the void, and the horrible suction instantly spread in the sky. The original darkness that swallowed up the light was like a twisted wave, moved towards Song Fei’s hand. Get out.

Song Fei’s right hand is like a whale sucking water, and even swallowed up the darkness for a moment. A black sword light glows in the sky with stunning rays of light. The body of the magician is cut off directly from the shoulder, and the sword light directly from He shot from the waist and cut his body in two.

“Bang!” The violent power blasted into within the body, and the magic baby’s magic baby was instantly broken, leaving only 2 sections of the body falling below, becoming 2 of the many corpses.

Song Fei’s Heaven Devouring Demonic Art was shot, and the 2 corpses dropped were instantly taken into the palm of the hand by Song Fei, and then dried up at the speed visible by naked eye, turning into Song Fei’s own power.

The last of the three magic generals rushed out, and his mouth opened wide. A huge tiger’s head illusory shadow formed in the sky, and the body moved towards Song Fei bite fiercely.

Before he could bite Song Fei’s head with his illusory shadow, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, a Flood Dragon head that didn’t seem to carry a unicorn rushed to him in an instant, wide enough to swallow With the big mouth of the next puppy, the monster moved towards the tiger’s head bite fiercely.

The magician’s pupils shrank in an instant, and he never thought how this black silhouette would break through his tiger’s illusory shadow without warning.

Immediately afterwards, his head was bitten by the Small Silver Dragon fiercely, and the demon will find that his power has become useless, and the magic light hitting the Black Flood Dragon will only spread a layer of black ripples.

Before I even think about it, the consciousness of the magician instantly collapsed. The entire head was bitten by the Small Silver Dragon, chewing quickly in the mouth, and black blood overflowed from his mouth from time to time, slowly dripping from the air.

After losing his head, his body fell down, and the black 蛟 dragon tail of Small Silver Dragon rolled into a roll. He rolled the headless corpse directly into the body, and soon it was swallowed by nobody. Crazy speed was eaten directly by Small Silver Dragon.

“Kill him!” Kui Wolf King growled, more and more demons would give up their hands to kill Song Fei, and moved towards Song Fei around.

Song Fei held Demon Sword proudly, the scarlet cloak hunted in the cold wind, and in an instant, the cloak behind him seemed to be re-stained by blood, becoming even more glamorous.

“Good prey!” Song Fei’s deep voice sounded at a moderate pace in his mouth. The original black eyes also became red, and the whole person became bloodier.

“Kill!” Several more demons will step out, with strong black magic light on their bodies. The invisible killing intention is stirred in the sky, and the target points directly to Song Fei.

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