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Facing the terrifying power shot by Immortal Grade, the Hog Killer originally fanned Situlie’s hand and received it behind him. At the same time, Zhang Tuhu gently touched the Immortal Grade Flying Sword that was piercing his head in front of him. blow.

Immortal Grade, which originally made Song Fei scared by 10000 points, was like paper, and was blown out by Zhang Tuto in one breath. He flew past his ear and toward the distant peaks. For a time, it was originally vast. The incomparable mountain range instantly became a huge deep pit with no bottom.

Maybe in a few years, this place will become a big lake. The origin of this lake has been compiled by the literati writers of all kinds of beautiful legends.

This Stuart ’s power made Song Fei startled, and the strength of Zhang Tuyu made Song Fei feel extremely incredible. In the world, how can there be the power to crush the extreme powerhouse, what level of powerhouse is this butcher?

There is Li Xiaoyao Sword in front of it, and now there is another Zhang Butcher crushing pole powerhouse. Song Fei really doubts that the cultivator level of the cultivation world is correct. Is n’t it the strongest? It should not be the upcoming Great Ascension period?

There was no time to think much, and then Song Fei saw Zhang Tuhu holding Pig Slaughtering Blade in his hand and pulled it out instantly. The dazzling Pig Slaughtering Blade reflected the dazzling sunlight, and it looked particularly infiltrating on Situlie’s face.

Then, Zhang Tuhu used a Pig Slaughtering Blade that was similar to a kitchen knife, and fiercely fanned it on Situ Lie’s face. Song Fei clearly saw that after being fanned out, Situ Lie’s face swelled obviously. A big piece.

A slap is not only fanned in Stuart ’s face, but also in his heart. He is the ancestor of 10000 Sword Villa, aloof and remote, worshipped by 100000000 10000 souls. When was he so humiliated and fiercely Fanning her face.

This is the most real face-slap.

“No!” Situlie shouted.

“Dare to cry.” Zhang Tuhu was furious, and another blade fan was on Situ Lie’s face, fanning the second half of the sentence he just yelled out.

“Seeing you still screaming, seeing you still screaming.” Zhang Tuto continued to fan Situlie’s face fiercely with the knife face. Song Fei saw from a distance that the face was so swollen.

While fanning, Zhang Tifu seemed to think of something, and turned back to Song Fei and said, “brother, you go first, rest assured, I won’t kill this old man, and I will let you kill myself later.”

Song Fei’s mouth twitched slightly, and I really regretted saying that I should avenge myself. If this butcher slaughtered Situ Lie, the wealth on his body would allow Zhang butcher to take away a part of it, but if he asked for some, it would be very impressive a part of.

And for Song Fei, it ’s enough to kill someone with no hands, he was anxious to kill the Old Guy with a butcher.

“Haha, cool, cool, Lao Tzu has been convicted by a mother-in-law, and finally can be discouraged!” While fanning Situ Lie’s face with a knife face, Zhang Tuhu’s face gave a very happy laugh.

Song Fei was figuring out how to open Zhang Tuto a killing blade, but saw Zhang Tuto suddenly turn back, complexion changed greatly and looked at Song Fei, facing Song Fei and said: “brother, bad, big brother has something to do Go first. “

“What?” Song Fei was startled, joking, and left at this time.

Zhang Tuhu said: “I feel the breath of the enemy, didn’t expect that she really got out of the ancient battle, and so quickly, I have to go first.”

For a moment, Zhang Tuhu’s body disappeared, leaving Situ Lie with a look of anger and blushing.

And in Song Fei’s perception of Divine Consciousness, Zhang Tuhu really disappeared, and it was ten thousand li far away.

Immortal Grade, which originally fell into the deep pit, flew back to Situ Lie’s hands. Although Situ Lie was beaten just now, he heard all the words of Zhang Tuhu in his ears, knowing that Zhang Tuhu was scared away by one of his enemies .

The stingy smile reappeared on Situ Lie’s face, because his face was swollen, and his expression was even more appalling at this moment.

Stuart held Immortal Grade Flying Sword. With his rapid breathing, the surrounding void began to tremble with his breathing, like a fierce beast, staring fiercely at Song Fei, cold words rang through the sky. The shock made Song Fei’s eardrums uncomfortable: “Have you seen enough? Yue Tianyu! The old man’s insult has just been recovered from your body 100 times.”

After his voice dropped, a black Pig Slaughtering Blade appeared suddenly in front of Situlie’s eyes, and then fiercely fanned at his already swollen left face. Fan his eyes directly from the front to the side.

“Dare to threaten my brother.” A rough big hand held the black Pig Slaughtering Blade, and the pig killer reappeared in front of Situ Lie, grabbing Situ Lie’s hair, pulling his old face down to his chest. Before, I continued to fan his face with Pig Slaughtering Blade, and said, “Let you threaten my brother, let you threaten my brother, if not my brother wants to kill you by myself, I will chop you with a knife.”

After a few fights, the pig killer looked back at Song Fei and smirked apologetically at Song Fei: “brother, sorry, forget him.”

After speaking, the pig killer grasped Situ Lie ’s hair and disappeared into the Divine Consciousness of Song Fei. Vaguely, Song Fei heard a rude chatter: “Let you threaten my brother, let You threatened my brother. “

The beard came fast, and Song Fei was never given a chance to speak in the middle, so that Song Fei was brewing the words that made the beard kill.

However, this has caused enough thoughts by Song Fei. Zhang Tuhu’s every move just seems very simple, but no matter how Situ Lie runs his power to counterbalance, he was easily broken by Zhang Tuhu’s simple blow. Zhang Tuhu Strength, once again returned to a level that Song Fei could not recognize.

Is this the so-called Great Dao is the simplest? What exactly is a cultivation base.

Song Fei sighed and felt that this time he really looked away. He knew that Zhang Tuto was so powerful. When he was grilling meat just now, he should consult the above-mentioned cultivation knowledge of Insight.

In addition to the Insight realm, related to Heaven Prying, Transcending Tribulation, and Great Ascension, Song Fei can be said to just look at the flowers in the mist, but not really.

Such a powerful master’s advice is an undesired thing for anyone.

“Well, when did Lao Tzu get such a hexagram, the barbecue just now has been inquiring about his family’s short family.” Song Fei said to himself.

“However, what happened to him and Hu Meier. It is normal to wonder about such a curious thing.” Song Fei was talking to himself again.

“Your servant, of course, my husband’s lady.” Taohua suddenly fluttered across the sky, and a peerless beauty appeared with Taohua, beautiful and alluring cannot be a party.

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