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Wang Chen is not in the temple?

“Oh!” Song Fei continued calmly, “I think I once encountered a Demon Race and almost died. It was a true master of your temple who gave me up and rescued me. He almost killed him for this. Daen always remembered Yu Xin, there is no time to thank. I do n’t know where a real Master is. This time is just free, and I came to thank him specifically. “

“Amitabha.” I forgot to clasp my hands together. “It is the duty of the Buddha to discard his body and dispel magic, and the donor has no need to keep it in mind. When he thinks about the true Savior, he never thought of receiving a reward from the donor.”

While speaking, 2 people passed through the gates of the 4 golden light guards and came to the courtyard. In the center of the courtyard, a large Buddha is carved, and there are a large number of disciples in front of the Buddha.

Song Fei’s Divine Consciousness spread, and I saw that the courtyard is as ordinary as the ordinary temples seen in previous lives, and there are places for selling candles.

What made Song Fei even more surprised was that the currency used to buy and sell incense was actually copper, not a spiritual stone.

“Thunder Sound Temple is really unusual. It is actually sold to people, using copper coins.” Song Fei jokingly said, never mentioning anything.

Are you out? How can there be such a coincidence, even if it really went out, Holy Land like Thunder Sound Temple, there will be no way to contact the disaster?

Forget to say: “Amitabha, everything has action, as if dreams and visions in a bubble, all illusion. In the mind of my Buddha’s discipline, the spirit stone is gold and silver, and gold and silver are also spirit stones.”

Song Fei took out a big fist dog head and handed it to the big goat, and said, “Go, buy 2 bundles of incense.”

Song Fei looked at the surrounding scenery and said: “The abbot Master, there are so many mortals in the Thunder Sound Temple, it is beyond the expectations of Junior. It is indeed the Buddhism Holy Land, which is always good, and the Buddha is really close to all beings.”

“The donor, the Buddha is not close to all beings.” Forgetfully slowly said, “In the heart of the Buddha, everyone is a Buddha. As long as all beings remove the greed and obsession, they can become Buddhas. It is just that the beings are confused, craving red dust, and dull and dull. Drop your mind and fall into the dust. “

Song Fei’s heart moved, and said, “Oh, putting it that way, the cultivation of Buddha’s discipline is to put aside these worries and obsessions?”

Forget to say: “Cultivation of Buddhism, cultivation of wisdom, Understanding Heart Seeing Nature. It is exactly the same as what the donor said. If you use great wisdom to cast off greed, you can become a Buddha.”

Song Fei looked into the gibberish eyes and said, “Dare to ask the Master, what kind of realm have you reached?”

Forgetting to laugh, she looked at Song Fei and said, “This poor monk is just a bhikkhu in the world. If you don’t prove it, you will end up rolling in the dust and suffering from old age, sickness, and death.”

Song Fei continued to ask, “So, if Buddhism comes out with a great wise man, and instantly understands the true meaning of Buddhism and abandons gluttony, wouldn’t it be a Buddha?”

This Buddhism cultivation is really different from Dao Cultivation. It lies in a word of understanding. It is difficult and difficult to say. Perhaps after Thousand Tribulations 10000, it is impossible to cultivate positive results.

Forget to say: “I have the power of Buddhism, and that is, I can prove that he has achieved the position of Luo Han Guo for decades. It is a model of Buddhism.”

“This is really a magic cultivation speed.” Song Fei sighed, this speed lies in the fact that Taoist cultivation simply cannot be achieved.

Song Fei thought of Buddhism’s 6 Great Divine Ability, so he asked: “Master, then what cultivation does Buddhism 6 Magical Powers rely on? Is it also necessary to realize?”

Forget to say: “For my mortal people, to get 6 Magical Powers depends on chance. Some people are born with one of 6 Magical Powers. Some people are not available for all their lives. Some people suddenly turn on by accident. There are different methods. “Forget to say,” For the people who practice Buddhism, Magical Powers is a small path. Divine Immortal Buddha demon has different Magical Powers, which is insignificant. People who cultivate Buddhism have a cultivation base in their hearts. The most important thing is to cultivate the true self and achieve the Buddha’s position. All Magical Powers can be mastered by themselves, and all methods can be born in the heart. Real freedom. “

Song Fei hearing this, suddenly said with a big smile: “Dare to ask the Master, there is a Buddha in the world.”

When I heard this, I forgot about it for a moment, and then slowly replied: “In my Western Bliss World, there are countless Buddhas, endless Bodhisattva and Lohan.”

Song Fei is even said with a big smile: “So, how does Buddha compare to Evil God?”

“Evil God?” This seems to be a taboo word, so that the forgotten face has always been calm and changed into one, and then said solemnly, “Evil God is the biggest demon, I have the angry face of Vajra. Is to surrender to demons and save sentient beings in danger. “

Song Fei silently nodded and said to forgetting: “Without concealing Master, I once played against people of Evil Sect, and they will be my lifelong enemy. Evil Sect people believe in Evil God, so Evil God is me too Enemies, so I think Buddhism and I should be friends, not enemies. “

Forgetting to say: “Amitabha, thank the donor for the common people are the most important.”

“No thanks, this is my duty.” Song Fei said solemnly, staring at the forgotten eyes, “So please believe that I am not malicious in coming to the Thunder Sound Temple. It’s just to do what I should do.”

“The donor is serious, this poor monk is not malicious to the donor,” he forgot to say.

“That’s good.” Song Fei said, “Master should believe that if it is against me, even if it is 5 Great Sect, I have to let him hate.” Song Fei does not believe that what he did in the western region of the cultivation world, Thunder Monster Temple would not know this huge monster.

Wang Yan gave a surprised look at Song Fei. What happened in the Western Regions could not be concealed, but what he didn’t expect was that Song Fei turned out to be threatening in front of him, and said So straightforward.

I forgot to take a closer look at Song Fei. Although the person in front of him looked gentle and kind, he just exposed his formidable person in the last sentence. This is a dare to break the sky. Man.

Thinking of it, the fear in my heart was even worse.

Perhaps as Sect Founder said, the world was robbed, or maybe it was from this person.

Forgetting to say lightly: “The donor, I Buddhism cultivates goodness, is convenient to all beings, and opens the door of convenience. Except for demons, the rest are my Buddhism friends.”

“Many thanks Master regards Junior as a friend.” Song Fei’s tone turned, and he became kind. He took the scented candles bought by the big goat, and the entire group began to slowly place the scented candles in Thunder Sound Temple.

Forgetful words accompany them, as long as Song Fei does not speak, the forgotten words are silent.

There is a lot of people in the Thunder Sound Temple, but most of them are ordinary persons. Even the cultivation demonic beast is crowded with mortals. There is no impression of show one’s ferocious appearance.

After lighting a circle of incense, Song Fei simply saluted worship, and he practiced Taoism in his heart, as well as Taoism in his heart. It was impossible to worship Buddha, and even worship on his knees.

The rest also learned Song Fei’s appearance, lighted incense, and then simply worshiped.

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