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Fighting evil continued: “I don’t know if you’ve heard the magic tower? It’s 5000 kilometers away.”

“Have heard it,” Song Fei said, “is the entrance to the realm just in the magic tower.”

“Yes, it’s not right.” Evil said, “Specifically, the entrance of the realm was suppressed by the magic tower. Only the body of the soul can enter and leave the realm freely. The fleshhy body cannot enter.”

Song Fei asked, “Is there only a ghost that can come in and out, and is there no way for the flushy body?”

“There is a way.” Quit evil still maintains the original tone, “This is in line with my goal. As long as you save the truth, maybe the flushy body can enter and exit the realm, if you have this interest, but I advise you Nowadays, the realm is very chaotic. I went to just become a tonic for ghost cultivation, where it is not the western region of the spiritual world, but it is 10000 times more dangerous than the entire spiritual world. “

Suppressing the doubt in her heart, Song Fei continued to ask, “What is the relationship between ghosts and Yizhen?”

Quit evil: “As I said just now, the ghosts of the realm can come out of the demonic tower, which is also the only entrance to the realm that connects the realm to the realm. The demonic tower is built above this entrance, which is suppressed by my ancestor of Thunder Sound Temple. Some of the great demon and demon legends have reached the level of immortals. After being dropped by the demons and being attacked by ghosts, the restraints inside it become more and more lax. Those big demon and demon are likely to take the opportunity to harm the world.

And this time, Thunder Sound Temple will seal the entrance of the entire magic tower to the boundary of the land together, to seal it once and for all. And this seal must be based on the sacrifice of one truth. “

After saying this, quit evil looked deeply Song Fei: “Yue Tianyu, I hope you can keep your promise and save the truth, and I hope you will not be like the hypocrites of Thunder Sound Temple, for the sake of your own self, to sacrifice the lives of others For the price. “

Song Fei said, “You can rest assured that I have a steelyard in my heart and I know how to do it. I ask you, why should I use Yizheng and not others?”

Evil wickedness: “Just because one is really a good person from the 9th century and has infinite merit, those merit was originally used to prove the fruit, but was intensified by the Old Guys of the Thunder Sound Temple, and became a magical power. This power can make up for the lack of the magic tower and completely seal the entire magic tower. In this way, not only the big demon monster cannot appear from the magic tower, but the territories and Human World will never come back. Those evil spirits will also Will not appear in Human World.

I’m telling the truth, if you don’t believe it, you can search my soul now. “

“This is a great merit!” Song Fei lightly said, “And I will be much safer as a result.”

Suddenly eyes suddenly opened angry and growled, “Yue Tianyu, you promised me.”

“Shut up.” Song Fei coldly shouted, “Rescue a real thing, I will do it, but you don’t think I’m so deceiving, I can conclude that there are other attempts in your heart, but I have not noticed Now, no matter what your attempt is, I will be saved. “

Whether it is to rescue Yizheng or enter the realm, it is very important for Song Fei. As for the selfish calculations in the disgust, Song Fei no longer cares about it.

And just as Song Fei’s words came down. In the distant Thunder Sound Temple secret room, Wu Neng, who had watched the distant place suddenly suddenly opened his eyes and trembled, as if he had seen something terrifying.

“Junior Brother, what’s the matter with you?” Wu Xing aside pressed Wu Neng’s shoulder and hurriedly asked, and Wu Neng’s behavior also shocked all the Thunder Sound Temple monks in the stone chamber, and everyone looked nervous. Staring at Wu Neng.

Wu Neng’s destiny can be said to be the highest among all people in Thunder Sound Temple. The fate of Thunder is related to the fate of the Thunder Sound Temple and the monks.

Wu Neng continued to look into the distance, and his voice trembled and said, “Blood, I see a lot of blood, no, not blood, but a sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood drowned out our Thunder Sound Temple. I saw the sorrow of all beings. “

“What?” The crowd turned pale with fright, the abbot asked nervously, “Sect Founder, what should we do, can we stop this catastrophe?”

“Yes!” Wu Neng’s words could not help but awaken everyone’s spirit. Everyone heard him with a very harsh tone, almost roaring out: “Kill, kill Yue Tianyu, kill Yue Tianyu.”

“Yes!” The quickest reaction came from forgetting, and he agreed to take the lead. In this case, I am afraid no one would dare to oppose the use of Heavenly Sword Sect.

Then he forgot his hands and crossed his hands to the people around him. “Sect Founder, discipple, forgot to drop the magic, and Sect Founder who is willing to take the shot, whoever forgot to come together, the demon is sly, it is related to the safety of my Thunder Sound Temple and the world. , I hope that the Sect Founders will take action. “

After speaking, forgetfulness turned into a golden light to dissipate. In the Thunder Sound Temple courtyard, forgetfulness had already prepared the fighting monks. With an order, the monks rose into the sky and turned into golden light moved towards Song Fei. Fly away.

Some of the monks in the stone chamber got up and walked out. At this important moment, no one will continue to care whether Song Fei really should be killed.

Only a few people were still sitting on the stone steps and continued to sit still.

“Guan Junior Brother, let’s go.” After seeing many people leaving, Wu Xing also stood up.

“Yes, Senior Brother.” Wu Neng sighed. “Maybe I’m too kind.”

“If there is a catastrophe, it is also the cause and effect of sentient beings. Junior Brother doesn’t have to blame it, sigh.” Wu Xing sighed, and the two turned into a fine light at the same time, appearing immediately behind the monks, looking far away.

In the Temple of Heaven, Song Fei Divine Consciousness moved, and a large number of monks appeared in Divine Consciousness, with a serious expression surrounding his head above the Temple of Heaven.

After all, in their base camp, their whereabouts could not hide from their eyes.

With the wave of Song Fei right hand, he showed the crowd outside.

“Sect Leader!” Qin Shihu was a little worried and authentic. The Thunder Sound Temple came menacingly, and everyone could see that they were not at ease.

“Let me see what they have to say first.” Song Fei said with a smile.

“No!” He said abstinence from the side, hurriedly said, “It’s over, I was finally aware of them. I saw our Sect Sect Founder from the crowd, and there are more than a dozen of them, each of them is quite It ’s the cultivator of the top Great Ascension period in the world of cultivation. “

“Oh, that’s troublesome,” Song Fei said. “Can I escape?”

Quit sorrowful expression of sadness: “Unless they rushed into the Tower of Demons at a very fast speed to deal with them, but I have the practice of divine foot passage in Buddhism Sect Founder. This Magical Powers is better than Heaven in the true world. Grade has a lot of dexterity, and it’s hard to get out of him! We can’t save it. “

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