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The Seventh Layer of the Magic Tower suddenly dropped one after another golden light, and more than 30 monks appeared in the empty Seventh Layer.

There is a dazzling golden light on everyone. These people are all powerhouses of the Thunder Sound Temple. The worst are equivalent to the Insight realm. There are even many top-level powerhouses in the realm of cultivation, which is equivalent to the imminent existence.

Such a force can go sideways in the entire world of cultivation, and no one dares to mess with.

The purpose of their arrival was simple, to find Song Fei and kill it.

Unconscious eyes glanced at the 4 sides, and in their up ahead corner near the edge of the tower, there was a stair-like existence.

I forgot that it was the passage to the next floor. For all the monks here, the distance of several thousand meters is just within easy reach.

But to travel such a short distance is by no means as simple as imagined.

Turning back, he said to an old monk, “Saku Founder, you have entered the tower before. How do we find it?”

Wu Fa is an old man of the same generation as Wu Xing, an absolute master and elder of Thunder Sound Temple.

After hearing this, Wu Fa said: “Although this place seems to be empty, every place is sealed with a big demon and a big demon. It can only appear after we step into the area. If we want to pass, we must defeat many demon. “

A monk asked, “Are there no gaps in the Land of Sealing? We pass through the gaps.”

The abbot forgot to shake his head and said, “No, the seal was moving at any time, and there was no regularity. When the ancestors designed it, it was designed to prevent people from rushing into the magic tower. Once the demon enters the magic tower, it will be difficult to come out. In addition to the seals, they also have to pass through the Land of Sealing, so that the magic tower can hold many monsters. “

The monk was surprised: “Some demon are equivalent to the level of a fairy, how can we break through.”

“Amitabha!” Said the old monk, “the lack of world’s spiritual energy in the magic tower, the growth of the demon cultivation base, and the seal not only sealed the devil’s fleshhy body, but also blocked their cultivation base. Fairy levels are also suppressed, so as long as we work together, this difficulty can still pass through. “

After hearing the words of the Dharma, everyone was nodded.

Forgetfulness even took the opportunity to say: “Yue Tianyu wants to stop Yizhen from making up the seal of the magic tower. If he succeeds, it will cause the seal to become more slack, the demon will come out of the tower, and the realm ghosts will run rampant. By then, there will be The horrendous catastrophe, Sect Founder, senior and junior brothers, we will kill Yue Tianyu even if we sacrifice ourselves. “

“Amitabha, keep up with the abbot!” The monks shouted in unison.

Wuxingdao: “Forget about it, let’s go quickly. With our strength, it is much stronger than Yue Tianyu. We can stop him before he reaches the last level.”

“Yes, our power is much stronger than them, and we must be faster than him along the way.” A monk echoed.

“Well, the fate of Cangsheng is on us, let’s go.” Forgetfulness took the lead, moved first towards the front, and suddenly, in the sky, a pair of furry giant hands stretched out, grabbing at the forgotten body .

With the width of this giant hand, it is enough to hold the whole person in the palm of the heart.

“Evil creature, impudent.” Forgetful shouted, the golden light on his body was diffused. Behind him, many monks exploded with dazzling golden light at the same time. The entire Seventh Layer was like a golden ocean.

The Sixth Layer of the Magic Tower, Song Fei looked at the face of a frustrated monk who said: “You mean, the space we are in now is the Sixth Layer? And the sealed space in this area changes at any time, we have to reach the stairs in front I have to go through the layers of Landing Sealing? Do each layer have to go through dozens of battles? “

“Yes!” The absent monk’s face was bitter, “It will take a lot of time to fight light, and it will be more difficult for us to reach the last level before the sun goes down. Do n’t forget, there must be behind us. Chasing troops, our temple elders will never let us destroy one to make up the seal. “

“You’re a really good Martial Uncle, always thinking about him.” Song Fei lightly said with a smile.

“I really grew up watching it from a young age. How can I watch him die?” Fat monk abstinence in a very serious tone.

“Since time is short, let’s go,” Song Fei lightly said.

“Wait a minute!” Stop wickedness and stop at Song Fei, “Yue Tianyu, although I know your strength, but in order to save time, you should call everyone in Heavenly Sword Sect to form a team To the enemy, in this way, you can go through as fast as possible. “

“No need!” Song Fei lightly said, then opened a Transmission Gate beside him, and said, “Since I know how to enter the next level, I don’t worry about it for the time being, you first go into my space magic weapon, etc. At the last level, let you out again. “

The evil monk looked at Song Fei’s face and said, “Yue Tianyu, I am here to help you. Although my strength is not strong, it has the effect of suppressing Demon Race.”

Song Fei can’t help but think of the scene in which the monk quit evil in the demonic energy Secret Realm easily shattered the shadow demon and ate it. This fat monk’s power is really very weird. If he can get him to Demon Realm for himself Avatar as a helper is also a very powerful help.

“You go ahead, and I will call you out when needed.” Song Fei lightly said, and then let the abstaining monk enter the Temple of Heaven.

It can be seen that quitting evil is really trying to help Song Fei reach the last level, but Song Fei understands that the monk’s words are half true half false.

Yizheng may not be false at the bottom, but Song Fei believes that in addition to rescuing Yizheng, this abstinence has an unknown purpose.

Of course, Song Fei enters this time, not for the sake of doing good things, as long as abstaining from evil is consistent with his goals, everything must be rescued first.

A distance of 1000 meters is too simple for Song Fei. Redeem a low-level flashing talisman. After crushing talisman, Song Fei’s body has appeared on the next stairs.

Standing at the stairs, Song Fei glanced behind him. Although there were countless powerful demons being suppressed, he had his own twinkling talisman, and simply didn’t need to die with them.

Using the Teleportation Talisman all the way, flashing past, when reaching the entrance of the last Second Layer, Song Fei stopped entering the staircase, and entered the Temple of Heaven.

“Yue Tianyu, you can’t help but finally come in as a helper? I told you to do it already.” As soon as he entered the Temple of Heaven, the monk who quit evil could not help but ridiculed.

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