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“Gofa Sect Founder is now the entrance to the Fourth Layer, and you should be able to catch Yue Tianyu below.” The heartless entire group stood at the entrance of the channel and asked.

The old Wufa silently nodded: “Should be able to catch up, we are advancing very fast.”

As soon as his voice fell, the entire tower descended suddenly and violently, as if an extremely strong earthquake had occurred.

“What’s going on!” Said a frightened horror. If there was no change, the magic tower would not shake violently, even if there was a strong earthquake, it would not affect the magic tower.

The monk behind him had an unnatural feeling on his face, and felt subconsciously that something bad had happened.

The position behind the crowd, the original empty place, sealed the demon of each and everyone.

At this moment, all the demons suddenly appeared, making a very happy roar.

Many monks were even surprised to find that the strength of Seal, which originally restricted the demon, disappeared quickly.

After seeing this scene, the monks could not help but greatly changed, and immediately understood what.

“Late, is it late?” Wu Fa’s face appeared bitter.

At the same time, the floor under everyone’s feet suddenly sunk, and the ceiling above his head cracked, and a huge stone fell.

Falling the magic tower, in the expression of horror, everyone collapsed.

“Ha ha ha ha! Thirty thousand years. I finally got out of sleep.” A demon cheered loudly.

“Revenge, I want revenge. Old bald donkey, come out to Lao Tzu.”

“Bloodwashing the world, Lao Tzu needs to make up for the loneliness of fifty thousand years with a feast of unusual blood! Hahaha”

A loud roar, shouts, cheers filled the ears of everyone.

A stream of light circulated around everyone, all of a sudden it seemed as if they had come to Demon Domain.

“Ah!” Behind the forgetfulness, a scream was made suddenly. A monk was caught by a demon with a crocodile head in the middle of the crowd when he couldn’t respond, and pinched in his palm. Eating raw.

“Forget about it, go!” Wufa shouted, golden light permeated his body, and golden lights of dozens of people gathered together, and instantly moved towards the air.

“Amitabha, all the Thunder Sound Temple disciple, cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons with me!” There was an old voice in the sky, and I forgot to look up, Suga Founder had summoned Thunder Sound Temple All the monks in Singapore, including monks who have a little Dharma in other temples, all converge above the head of Thunder Sound Temple.

The densely packed number of thousand thousand monks gathered, reflecting the entire sky into an ocean of Buddha’s radiance.

In order to surrender the big demon appearing in the tower, Thunder Sound Temple has released all the power at this moment.

“Ah!” A bird monster, just cast its body, was ablated by Buddha’s radiance and purified into nothingness.

At this moment, Wu Xing knew very well that it was not the time to show mercy. The demons who had been suppressed in countless years in the Tower of Demons were born with great suffocation. Their escape would bring endlessness to the entire world of cultivation. Disaster.

“Hehe, are the old bald donkeys dead? It’s all these incompetent juniors coming out to run rampant.” There is a big demon covered in rich demonic energy said with a malicious smile in front of the hundreds of thousands of monks.

Wu Xing didn’t speak, but played directly with a horrible golden light. After gathering the strength of the crowd, a huge bergamot fell from the sky, suppressing the big demon.

“Hehe, I do n’t want to fight with you today. After Lao Tzu’s strength is restored, I will kill you all!” Tong Tian demo said with a big smile, the demonic energy of his body emerged, and turned into a dark mist that disappeared and disappeared instantly. trace.

Many monks in Buddhism made painful expressions on their faces. When they saw the magical power of the Great Heavenly Demon just now and escaped easily under the unity of the people, everyone knew that the Great Heavenly Demon, I am afraid that it cannot be measured by the strength of the cultivation world. The presence.

That should be the strength of the fairy.

Fairy, aloof and remote, unless the Buddha sends the messenger, how can monks alone be their opponents?

Outside the Thunder Sound Temple, the magic dances.

On an ordinary dirt road, the believers moved religiously towards the front, and they have faintly seen the rising Buddha statue, and there is the Holy Land where they finally worshiped. Before that, they worshiped in 100 steps. Great ritual Buddha.

“Mother, what’s that?” A 7-year-old girl, wearing a ragged cloth, was pointing to the sky beside a middle-aged woman and asked.

The middle-aged woman is kneeling on the ground reverently, and worshipped towards the direction of the Buddha image.

There are many people like them, some are 2 couples, some are father with daughter, some are grandfather with grandson, and everyone’s face has a very respectful expression.

As the little girl’s delicate voice remembered, the middle-aged woman around her looked at it puzzledly, and at the end of the sky, some black mist suddenly appeared.

“Mother, the black mist seems like a demon in the story.” The little girl said earnestly.

“Oh my dear, this is Buddhism Holy Land, don’t talk nonsense!” The woman blocked the girl’s mouth with her palm, softly and sternly.

In the sky there was a wild laugh: “hahaha, Human Race, is the best supplement, just to make up for my loss.”

With this voice, a huge sparrow appeared in in the sky, his wings blocked the sun, and they blocked the crowd like a cloud.

“Ah! Monster!” When everyone saw it, they screamed loudly.

The huge sparrow opened its mouth, and the people below it were instantly sucked up by a huge suction, and flew towards the huge beak in the sky.

“Mother, I’m afraid!” The little girl cried loudly, struggling in the sky.

“Yeah!” The middle-aged woman watched daughter enter the bird’s beak, and finally couldn’t escape the fate of being eaten.

This situation happened in various places of Thunder Sound Temple. Although many masters of Thunder Sound Temple comprehensively prevented the evils from suffering, but some of the extremely powerful demons have successfully escaped the attack after eradicating some of them.

“Hahaha, Thunder Sound Temple, old bald donkey, dare to trap Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will make you regret it.” A Monster Race with a bird head stands on the top of a stone tower, and it was surrounded by a prosperous temple at this moment. Eating it, the temple collapsed, and the Buddha statue shattered. The whole piece of land, under his mana, is like falling into the end of the world.

“Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha!” The monster laughed frantically, and then slammed into the air, the only intact building standing beneath him-the stone tower, bursting into pieces. The stone collapsed.

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