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“My little friend, please say that whenever the husband is within his ability, the husband must go all out.” Hong Tao caressed his long beard with a bright smile on his face.

“It’s like this,” Song Fei said, “I was in the realm this time and recovered the brother who had died in the war, but now they can only become ghosts and cultivate the secret art of the realm. I plan to arrange them in the realm, Ask Senior to take care of one 2 properly. “

“Oh.” Said solemnly, “Is that the people in White Snow City?”

“Senior’s news is really well informed!” Song Fei’s mouth showed a bit of grin, “It just cost Senior’s good intentions.”

“It really is you.” Hong Tao put down the tea cup and looked at Song Fei with a little surprise. “I had just guessed, but I didn’t expect you to be able to do such a thing, but it surprised me.”

“What is it, what is it?” Liu Third Young Master asked curiously aside.

Hong Tao looked at Liu Tianxun said with a smile: “Hehe, these ghosts you bought are not what you picked up. It was your friend who captured them by yourself.”

“Impossible.” Liu Tianxun shook his head like a rattle. “This is not true.”

“The old man also feels untrue, but everyone has their own secrets, you don’t have to ask more, my little grandma.”

“Junior offended Senior’s friends,” Song Fei responded.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Hong Tao laughed. “You bring my tokens to your door and don’t give the old man a face. Such a man is a friend. The old man thanked my friend for letting me see this person clearly.”

“I don’t know, little friend, how do you arrange your ghost repair friends.”

Song Fei said: “Junior is going back to Human World. In order to facilitate communication, I plan to arrange them at the junction of Human World and the entrance to the boundary.”

“The entrance you said, but the entrance to Human World and the Apocalypse? The place where the Thunder Sound Temple was formerly guarded?” Hong Tao said.

“Exactly.” Song Fei said solemnly.

“That was the case. I fully understand that my little friend is affectionate and righteous. It is his blessing that my little nephew has a friend like you.” Friends’ deeds, I have heard of Heaven Warping Genius rarely seen on the Apocalypse 10000. “

“Senior passed the prize. I don’t know if Senior feels right?” Song Fei asked.

“Hong Tao groaned for a while and said,” It can be near the entrance, but the old man does not recommend building directly at the entrance, unless you have the immortal strength against the ghost? ” “

“Senior said?” Song Fei was a little worried and authentic.

“You can’t keep it.” Hong Tao said solemnly, “For Ghost Xiu, the blood food of Human World has a fatal attraction to them, and there is the equivalent of a hunting ground. Human World without immortals is the Ghost Xiu. paradise.”

“Oh!” Song Fei didn’t think of this floor, but fortunately heard Hong Tao’s advice, otherwise he hurriedly established a stronghold at the entrance, blocking other ghosts from coming, maybe he was directly taken away by other ghosts as nutrients.

“Many thanks Senior.” Song Fei cup one fist in the other hand said, “Junior is not thoughtful enough. May I ask Senior, where should their base be set?”

Hong Tao said solemnly: “Sky City! Inside the city!”

“Sky City? The city closest to the entrance?” Song Fei said. “It’s a city. There are ghosts sitting in town. How can we enter his city to practice.”

Liu Third Young Master interrupted, “Sky City, that’s all right. Because the City Lord there is me, if you go to Sky City, I can go to you right away.”

“Oh, so that’s how it is, many thanks Senior.” Song Fei cup one fist in the other hand thanked.

Now that Hong Tao has proposed that place, it seems that there is no problem now.

“Hehe, Hongzi the dog, at this moment traveled, Hong 3, you come in.” Hong Tao said.

“Master!” It was the Great Ascension realm Peak Cultivator that Song Fei knew, entered from the lobby entrance, and bowed to Hong Tao.

Hong Tao said: “Go to the steward of Sky City, and arrange for a good Cultivation Land for the person who took this Yue Xiaoyou, and tell him that this is an old man’s distinguished guest.”

“Yes, master!” Hong 3 complied and slowly backed away.

“Many thanks Senior. So, will Junior follow Hong Hong Senior 3 now to see,” Song Fei said.

“I’ll go with you and go.” Liu Tianxun pats Song Fei’s shoulder and motioned to him.

“Senior, Junior is leaving.” Song Fei cup one fist in the other hand said.

“hehe, go.”

After the Transmission Array, I came to Sky City. With the recommendation of Hong Tao, everything went very smoothly. The steward of the Great Ascension Peak was very kind to Song Fei entire group, and he gave them a small mountain peak directly near the City Lord Mansion.

In the whole city, although there are many buildings, there are several hilltops. The City Lord Mansion is built on one of the largest hilltops.

A small hilltop, enough to accommodate 1000 ghostly Heavenly Sword Sect ghost repairs.

On the top of the hill, Song Fei set up a small Mountain Protecting Great Formation, and inserted the dementor on the hill, and ordered the souls in the dementor, all obeying Zhao Tianhun’s order.

There are a total of 6 realm Peak souls, and the remaining souls have reached several thousand. With so many powers, as long as they are not invaded by ghosts, it is more than enough to protect themselves.

And Murong Bojia and the others have extremely rich cultivation experience, with so many expert hands, plus the knowledge that Song Fei will send to them in the future, as long as the time is sufficient, their strength will definitely become very strong.

Song Fei was originally worried that some forces in the city would take the opportunity to fight the autumn wind and harass everyone. Now that there are so many powerful ghost repair guards, simply don’t have to worry about it.

There is a City Protecting Great Formation in the city. If you encounter a strong enemy, you can also turn on the City Protecting Great Formation protection. The key is that they can also go to the red light city to ask for reinforcements.

The arrangement of Zhao Tianhun and the others was originally a big concern for Song Fei, so that he could finally leave with confidence.

Before leaving, Song Fei left Zhao Tianhun with a remodeled Temple of Heaven, which contained 50 times the Time Acceleration set by Qin Xiaoru, so that they could increase their strength faster in a limited time.

It is already a day after they have been arranged. This is the result of Song Fei’s continuous efforts to warn Zhao Tianhun and the others to practice with peace of mind.

“Little zombie, where are you going now and will you follow me to Liuzhou City?” Liu Third Young Master asked quietly.

“I want to see auction,” Song Fei said. “If you are lucky, you may buy some good things.”

“Hehe, then it depends on your eyesight!” Liu Tianxun said with a smile, “There are many ghosts and immortals in the transactions there, and even occasionally Earth Immortal appears. The things in their hands are all treasures. what.”

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