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Half of the black monster’s body is in the Space Crack, and two hollow eyes stare fiercely at Song Fei.

Song Fei’s golden spear without the slightest hesitation is stabbed out of the treasure, there is no mercy, either you die or I live, Song Fei’s intention to kill is soaring.

The rays of light of the golden spear rose sharply and instantly became long, and fiercely stabbed at the head of the black spooky monster.

This weird spiritual wisdom is also extremely high. It was shot with the left hand and collided with the golden spear of Song Fei, and then it was a spark 4 splash.

The huge shock force made Song Fei’s hands numb.

Immediately afterwards, the right hand caught Song Fei’s golden spear’s gunpoint, held the golden spear fiercely and threw away, throwing Song Fei to fiercely and smashed the channeling walls.

The boulder fell and buried Song Fei’s entire body.

The stone pressed on the body instantly shot like a shell, the gray mana on the golden spear surged, and the original sharp golden spear suddenly became extremely thick, pressing like a piece of earth on the monster’s body.

This is the heavy mana of the soil. Song Fei, because many bodies share the same soul, will not be unable to use mana like the big goat. For Song Fei, the gold mana can be easily manipulated, but it is not as easy to use as a fleshy body that’s all.

But this time when encountering the fleshhy body, which is also strong and hard, Song Fei felt that this spell combined with the use of the body may work wonders.

Sure enough, the huge power of the golden spear in his hand was depressed, so that the strange monster couldn’t hold it, and he was stunned and fell out of the the sky directly.

At the same time, more than a dozen Human Race bodies fell in the sky, each and everyone was a headless body.

Song Fei squinted, his eyes became colder, coldly shouted: “It turned out that this magic weapon is what you use to attract people, and your attempt is a treasure on someone else.”

“Human Race, you will soon become like them.” The sneer sneered.

“You damn it!” Song Fei shouted, withdrew the golden spear in his hand, and did not retreat, the spirit that moved towards black rushed forward.

“No golden spear, what do you take against me?” The strange monster sneered and waved Iron Fist. The bursting notes in the air sounded like Song of one in Song Fei’s ears. This strange monstery body is really powerful and fundamental. No less than Song Fei’s Imperishable Golden Body, if confronted as before, it will be difficult to win the black monster in a short time.

Two powerful bodies approached, and Song Fei put out his hands together, and placed them on his chest, facing the strange black fist. Suddenly, the huge power condensed out of thin air, and fiercely hit him with a single stroke.

Absolutely immortal.

With one stroke, the monsters flew backwards, and fiercely smashed the ground. Song Fei took this opportunity to make a flick and put the small golden box next to the throne into the Storage Ring.

The black monster crawled up in bones, and looked extremely hard as he looked towards Song Fei’s seemingly stiff face.

Then the black monster looked down and found that a tiny crack had cracked in his chest. Although the crack was small, it surprised the monster.

“You can hurt me? Damn it.” The strange monster roared, and then stepped fiercely to the ground with his right foot, fiercely moved towards Song Fei.

Song Fei sneered, placing her hands on her chest, and once again made a great gesture style.

As the monsters approached Song Fei’s body, the black monsters suddenly seemed to have penetrated into the calm lake surface, and the entire body was so magically merged into the void.

The Way of Space? Song Fei was shocked.

At the same time, a strong fiercely came from behind Song Fei’s body, blasting his body out.

He went through the space silently and came behind Song Fei, giving Song Fei a blow without resistance.

If it’s all that’s all, Divine Consciousness can cover the whole audience. This strange sneak attack will be greatly reduced, but now Divine Consciousness cannot be used, making Song Fei extremely passive.

“Human Race, you’ve angered me and will kill you today.” The monster behind was roaring.

“Broken iron, how can there be such a large piece of broken iron.” There was an exclamation sound in the Temple of Heaven. This sound was very familiar. It turned out to be the illusion bead soaked in fairy liquid on the city gate for many years. .

Today’s transfiguration beads can be transfigured into any Human Immortal device because of soaking in year in year out. It can be said to be a very magic weapon.

Just with the character of transfigured beads, naturally he refused to admit that he was a magic weapon, and Song Fei wanted to drive him into a difficult situation.

A golden bead came out of Song Fei’s body without the body, and then transformed into a villain standing on Song Fei’s head and looking at the black monster.

“You are also a monster, and you actually recognize a Human Race as the main thing? It is really the shame of my monsters.” The black monster shouted loudly.

“You are the monsters. Your whole family is monsters. They are as great as me. How could they be monsters?” The transience bead was furious, and instantly moved towards the monsters.

“Hey, you can do it,” Song Fei said behind the transfiguration beads.

This is a magic weapon. It is not a strange monster. Without the trend of mana, he has no battle strength.

With a loud sound of “bang!”, The villain transformed by the transfiguration beads just rushed over, and was smashed by a fist, embedded in a very deep underground.

Watching so easily thrown the transfiguration beads, making the black monster strange.

Sure enough, this puppet is still unreliable. There is no mana support, battle strength is too weak.

A golden bead emerged from the ground, and once again stood on top of Song Fei’s head to transform into an adult figure, facing Song Fei: “This is the broken iron into fine, this iron itself is extremely precious, to build a high-level Transmission Array and space He is needed for all magic weapons, such a large piece of iron, worth ten Immortal Grade. “

“Oh, it’s so expensive!” Song Fei added his lips, a hint of greed on his face, “but he will break the sneak attack. Is there any way you can limit it?”

“Both die.” The black monster roared, and his body reunited into the void.

Song Fei immediately rushed forward, trying to avoid the black sneak attack from the black monster.

It’s just that Song Fei is wrong. This time, the black monster appeared directly above Song Fei. Right hand took a picture of Song Fei’s body fiercely into the slab. The large rock below was crushed by Song Fei’s body. .

“By using your mana, I’ll give you a piece of broken iron.” Song Fei’s head came above the sound of transfiguration beads.

“You’re welcome, use it!” Song Fei’s mana gushed in large quantities, pouring into the tiny body of transfiguration beads like a tide.

Above Song Fei’s body, the black right hand’s fingers suddenly became longer, like a golden spear, the head of moving towards Song Fei stabbed fiercely.

As soon as Song Fei’s body moved, she flew through the air and avoided the blow. At the same time, the golden light on the transfiguration beads rose sharply, and her body shot out quickly, rushing towards the black monster’s body.

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