God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1058: Keep a branch? !

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng left Shenxue’s villa. They sat in the car and went back to the hotel. They didn’t say anything along the way. They didn’t speak until they returned to the hotel room and sat down on the sofa and drank two cups of tea. Ease down.


"This is really a shame!"

"Ninghua City finally had a golden signboard, and now I have to go somewhere else."

Zhu Deyuan took a sip of tea and felt a little depressed in his heart. Treasure Pavilion was developed and expanded in Ninghua City. Strictly speaking, it is an antique shop born and raised in Ninghua City. Once you move out, you will lose a lot. The antique market in Ninghua City, without the leader, the snake does not have a head, and the Ninghua antique market without the Jumbo Pavilion is like no soul.

"This is no way. Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Sun Xue, their current goal is not to make money at all, but to make Zhenbao Pavilion a century-old shop. The antique atmosphere of Hua City or the heritage of antique culture is really true. It's a bit weak, it's impossible to keep Jumbo Pavilion, it's impossible to keep Song Yun."

Xu Desheng sees more openly than Zhu Deyuan in this regard. Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion will leave Ninghua City sooner or later. The only surprise is that they did not expect it to be so fast this year.

"What do you think we want to send Yuan to keep Treasure Pavilion in Ninghua Temple? I mean let Song Yun keep a branch of Treasure Pavilion in Ninghua City or something."

Zhu Deyuan had already pondered this idea at Shen Xue's villa just now, but he couldn't make up his mind, so he didn't say anything at all. One thing must be discussed with Xu Desheng before making a decision.


"Do you think it's good to do it this way?"

"The other is Song Yun, will they agree?!"

Xu Desheng looked at Zhu Deyuan with a little surprise, but he didn't expect such an idea.

"This is of course beneficial. Ninghua City is the foundation for the development of Zhenbao Pavilion. It is the place of origin in popular terms. There is no doubt that Zhenbao Pavilion can establish a foothold and grow in other places. If Ninghua City keeps a store, it will be a positive example for the antique market in Ninghua City, but in Song Yun's position, if he can keep a store in Ninghua City, why not do it? !"

"Whether Song Yun agrees to this matter depends on the fact that Zhenbao Pavilion keeps a store in Ninghua City. Whether this approach is good or not, if it is good, Song Yun has no reason to refuse."

Zhu Deyuan knew that the two things Xu Desheng said were actually the same thing.

Xu Desheng didn't take Zhu Deyuan's words immediately, but carefully pondered the idea, and finally he discovered that this might really be a good idea.

"We can talk to Song Yun about this matter. This is also of great benefit to Song Yun. The antique market in Ninghua City can also exist as the boss, and they can make a lot of money there. The city has an antique shop that can act as a bully."

Xu Desheng finally agreed with Zhu Deyuan's ideas.

"To find something, we still have to talk to Shi Tiezhu, Li Fu and the others. Song Yun is a person who lives in our Ninghua City. Even if he comes here, he must not be bullied by others!"

The second thing that came to Zhu Deyuan's mind was that once Song Yun moved Zhenbao Pavilion here, he would definitely face fierce competition and squeeze from his peers. In this regard, Shi Tiezhu could play a certain role and Li Fu did the same. These two people are particularly special. It is Shi Tiezhu that has a decisive influence in the local antique market.

Xu Desheng shook it immediately, Zhu Deyuan's idea was unrealistic.

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