God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1253: No comments

"This incident may have a major impact on Song Yun."

Tang Miaomiao knows Song Yun’s character very well. Although he is very tough, he is also very affectionate. Shi Tiezhu and Zhu Deyuan Xu Desheng are old friends for many years. The antique shop in the antique market caused a certain impact. I hope to help Shi Tiezhu through cooperation in this way. I didn't expect it to happen in the end. I guessed the beginning but couldn't guess the end. This kind of thing is undoubtedly the most uncomfortable. Although Song Yun acted lightly just now, it is definitely not the case, but there is no way to say more about such things.

"This is a certain thing, but Song Yun can only handle such things by himself, and we don't care so much. In fact, the two old men Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng who have suffered the most in this matter. They and Shi Tiezhu have been old friends for many years, and the sadness in their hearts watching this kind of thing happen far exceeds the others."

Shen Xue pondered the mood of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng at this moment, and immediately felt worthless for the two old men. The incident that Shi Tiezhu tossed out affected not only him personally, but more importantly, those. People who are very concerned about him, such as Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng, two old friends.

Tang Miaomiao nodded. In fact, what Shen Xue said was not wrong. At this moment, Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng must be the most saddened. However, these two people also have no way to comfort them.


"What Song Yun just said about Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng's proposal that we can keep the branch of Zhenbao Pavilion in Ninghua City? What do you think?!"

Tang Miaomiao knew that there was no good result from discussing Shi Tiezhu's matter, so he simply changed the topic directly, Song Yun just said about it.

"I have no opinion. In fact, I think this is indeed a very good proposal. Jumbo Pavilion originally started from Ninghua City. It is very appropriate and necessary to leave a branch there for reasons. It is actually a very good thing for us to say that leaving a branch in that place is actually a very good thing for us. We can take a little time to go back there every month. In fact, the current Jumbo Pavilion in Ninghua City has nothing specific. For door-to-door business, our antique shop has no antiques at all. It’s just that it picks up business there and keeps a branch. It doesn’t take much time and energy to operate and manage, but just go back there every month for a few days. The time is enough, the traffic is so developed now, there is no problem."

Shen Xue didn't want to think about it, and immediately nodded in agreement. Keeping a branch is definitely a very good plan.


"I think the same way. This matter is only good for us, there is no harm. We will go back there every once in a while. In fact, even if we go back, there is not much to deal with."

Tang Miaomiao saw that Shen Xue had no opinion, so the matter was so determined.

Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue stayed in the shop for the next few days, staring at the decoration. This matter is currently the most important thing, and we must hurry up to ensure the quality is completed.

Night fell.

The Antique Street is very lively and crowded.

Lin Zhengqing closed the door of the antique shop. Although this is the best time to do business, eight or nine in the evening is the absolute prime time, but there are more important things to deal with. There is no other way but to close it. In contrast, the door of an antique shop is far less important than the person you will make in one night.

Standing at the entrance of the antique shop, Lin Zhengqing frowned slightly while looking at the very lively antique street in front of him.

"Is it true that what Sun Mengyan said is really right?"!

"The arrival of Song Yun and his Treasure Pavilion can really make the antique market more prosperous?"

Lin Zhengqing has opened an antique shop in Antique Street for more than ten years. The flow of people here is very clear and familiar. There was no such situation before. To be precise, it was seven or eight days ago that Antique Street was not like it is now. After a simple visual inspection and estimation, at least a quarter of the people are more than a quarter. How did this kind of popularity appear? Now the people in the antique market have reached a consensus that they should be here with Song Yun. Regarding the leakage, this booming popularity has slowly spread from the ghost market to the antique shops on Antique Street. The antique shops on Antique Street are now generally opened one hour earlier, which is the best proof, even for yourself. No exception.

"Could it be that you should support Song Yun and Zhenbaoge to open a shop here?!"

"Is it right to do it this way?"

Lin Zhengqing couldn't help but think of such a thought in his mind. He was shocked, and immediately shook his head vigorously to drive out such thoughts. He definitely couldn't have such thoughts.

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