God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1416: Is it real

Yang Yong smiled bitterly. Of course he knew why Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng were so shocked. This kind of thing has indeed been recorded in history books, but in such a long period of time, it has long been unknown where it went, and it was destroyed by others. There are various theories about whether it becomes something else, or where it is buried, but one thing is certain, that is, no one has ever seen the twelve gold people for sure.

"Who can tell this kind of thing clearly?"

"Anyway, it has appeared in history books, and of course it may appear in reality. In our antique collection circle, many antiques have appeared in historical materials, but in the next long period of time, nothing A person has been seen and disappeared, but suddenly appeared again. This kind of thing has appeared or happened many times. Now suddenly there is a golden person. In a sense, it is not particularly strange. thing."

Yang Yong knew that this matter was unthinkable. When Lin Dongbo first talked about this matter to himself, his reaction was no different from that of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng now, but after calming down, he thought about it carefully. In fact, this matter is the same. It's not surprising that such antiques often appear. The problem is that what now appears is not ordinary antiques, but the legendary twelve gold figures.

"If only normal antiques appear, such as a Yuanqinghua, would you be so shocked?"

Yang Yong asked back.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng thought about it carefully, and they must admit that what Yang Yong said makes sense. If it is really common antiques, such as porcelain, bronze or antique furniture, even if these antiques are in historical materials. There is a clear record, but it disappeared and reappeared later, it would certainly not be so shocking. A simple example is the big jar of Yuan Jinhua’s character story that Song Yun picked up before. Such a big jar is actually recorded in history. Nothing, but when it appeared, it was a matter of fact. If it was true, then it was true, and if it was false, it was false. It is absolutely impossible to hear the shocked performance of the Twelve Golden Men like this.

"According to historical records, some of the twelve gold men said they were three feet high, some said they were three feet high when they sat down, and some even said they were five feet high."

"This means that if measured by today's length, three feet is more than 8 meters."

"Old man Yang, did you see such a huge golden man?!"

Zhu Deyuan pondered for a while and began to ask detailed questions.


"What I saw is such a huge golden man!"

Yang Yong nodded without hesitation.

"No way?!"

"Is it really that tall?!"

"If it really exceeds 8 meters, with 12 such golden men, is this too big?!"

"If something like this does appear, it will definitely attract the attention of all parties, especially now that these gadgets are looking for buyers, it must be hidden?!!!"

Zhu Deyuan felt that he was shocked again, which is simply incredible.

"What I saw was not twelve. In fact, I only saw one. It is said that only one was found this time."

Yang Yong shook his head. What he saw was indeed only one. In fact, it was one or more, no one knew except the seller.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If there are 12 such tall golden figures, it is really shocking, but if there is only one, it is much easier to accept.

"Do you think that golden man is real?!"

Xu Desheng stared at Yang Yong as he spoke. This was the most critical issue.

Such a huge golden man, there is no problem under the stunned production technology, and it can be manufactured at any time. If it is not true, it has no meaning at all. In the final analysis, this matter still depends on the thing Lin Dongbo wants to buy. Does it really have a background?

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