God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1469: Market competition

"Song Yun, in the final analysis, is because you are playing a huge role in Sun Mengyan's antique market. After other antique markets learned about this, they were very afraid that they would worry about their status and be taken by Sun Mengyan. The antique market replaced it and did something like this."

Tang Miaomiao was very angry and even very excited when he first started, but now he has slowly calmed down and recovered his calm. The ins and outs of the whole thing or the reason behind it can be seen at a glance.

Song Yun nodded. In fact, all this was caused by money. Treasure Pavilion moved to Sun Mengyan’s antique market, which directly led to a qualitative change in Sun Mengyan’s antique market. They are all figures in the circle. Just ask to know what happened. Going on.

"What these people think has nothing to do with us. Jumbo Pavilion is our Jumbo Pavilion. We can deal with it as we want. We want to open a store wherever we want, and where we want to be. When you open a store, you open a store when."

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in Song Yun's mind. He remembered one thing. Sun Mengyan always hoped that the treasure pavilion opened soon. At the beginning, I didn't know what was going on. This matter has been dealt with by himself and Tang Miaomiao for a long time I don't know the reason, but now it seems to be directly related to what Yu Chengen said.

"Sun Mengyan probably has already received the news, knowing that someone will come to us and hope we can move to the antique market in Kyoto. That's why we have repeatedly hoped that our Jumbo Pavilion will open as much as possible."

Song Yun said his guess.

Tang Miaomiao thought for a while, and found that it was probably like this. Otherwise, Sun Mengyan would not have to urge Zhenbao Pavilion to open the door again and again. You must know that they are now considered friends. Such a thing. If there is no special reason, it is impossible to do it. He and Song Yun have studied why Sun Mengyan has to do such a thing before. After thinking about it, I can’t understand it. Now it seems that it is really the same thing. .

"What shall we do now?"

After Tang Miaomiao knew what was going on, she didn’t know how to deal with it for a while. Sun Mengyan should indeed be worried that the treasure pavilion would be transferred to another place, if the treasure pavilion or Song Yun were not so important. , Sun Mengyan would definitely not take this matter to heart, but the recent events have already proved that Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion are very, very important to Sun Mengyan's antique market.

"There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. We have no plans to move to an antique market elsewhere. When the Jumbo Pavilion opens, it depends on when we can get ready. Others are not a problem at all."

Song Yun knew what Tang Miaomiao was thinking about. He was definitely thinking about whether he should start the business a little earlier. If this happens, Sun Mengyan will feel more at ease, but he feels that this kind of thing is completely unnecessary, Treasure Ge has no plans to move to another place, and there is absolutely no need to do such a thing.

Tang Miaomiao thought for a while, and found that it was really like this. Zhenbao Pavilion had no other plans, and there was absolutely no need to come to this place without silver three hundred taels.

"If we don't open the business in advance, should we explain this matter to Sun Mengyan a little bit? For example, we can make it clear with Sun Mengyan that it is Zhenbao Pavilion and it is absolutely impossible to move to another place."

Tang Miaomiao thought that perhaps he could explain this to Sun Mengyan.

"I don’t think there is any need to do this thing like this. There are other places where you want to fight for Jumbo Pavilion. This is a very normal thing. Under the circumstances of marketization, as long as you can see the opportunity to make money, there are other things. Competitors, this is justified. Jumbo Pavilion is now the sweet pastry in the eyes of others. If someone comes into contact with us, there is nothing wrong with it. It is just the most normal market behavior. Sun Mengyan competes like people in other places. Jumbo Pavilion, there is no need to say more about this kind of thing.

Tang Miaomiao didn't say anything more, Song Yun's point of view had no problem, since this is the case, this matter can be handled in this way.

Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao returned to Ninghua City and began to deal with all matters related to the opening of Jumbo Pavilion, but at Sun Mengyan’s antique market, Mr. Zhang Feng, the owner of Gathering House, was really like an ant on a hot pot at this time. , Fidgeting.

"What the **** is going on?"

"Which one of the antiques I have on the shelf in the store is the good thing that Song Yun is fond of?"


"Song Yun came to my shop that day, did he see a certain antique on the shelf, or was it really just like what he said, the Jumbo Pavilion is about to open, let's find out about the market?"


"Is it because I think too much?"

"Am I suspicious?"


Zhang Feng sat on the chair behind the counter, with two dark circles under his eyes, looking at the antiques on his shelf, he had no focus at all, and he was muttering like a neurosis. He has been looking at his store for the past two days. I even studied all the antiques in the antique shop. I didn’t find any at all. I couldn’t tell which antique was really good. I didn’t know if it was really in my antique shop. There is an earth-shattering antique.

"Boss boss!"

"Does this antique on your shelf sell?"

"What's the price?"

Zhang Feng turned his head and saw that when there was an extra person in the antique shop, he was pointing to a plum bottle on the shelf and asking for the price.

"I don't sell antiques in this antique shop!"

Zhang Feng immediately shook his head.

"Do you not sell antiques in this shop?"

"If you don't sell antiques in the shop, what are you doing when you open the door for business?"

"Just go home and play by yourself!"

The person who walked into the shop, when he heard Zhang Feng say that antiques were not sold, he immediately glared. There is no reason at all. Since opening an antique shop, of course it is selling antiques. If it is antiques that are not for sale, it is completely There is no need to put it on the shelf. Now it’s on the shelf, but you don’t want to sell it. This is just to amuse others.


"I'm really sorry!"

Zhang Feng has no choice but to accompany a smiley face, because this is indeed something he did not do right, and he opens an antique shop but does not sell antiques. This is really what he wants to do. If it is an antique he doesn’t want to sell, he can just do it. Don't put it out. Some people say they don't sell the things put out. This really doesn't make much sense.


"I think you are not doing business at all!"

The antique watcher sneered and turned away.

The bitter smile on Zhang Feng's face is even more obvious, the whole face is like bitter gourd.

"What should I do now?"

"I can't keep going like this, right?"

In the past two days, Zhang Feng was worried that there would be antiques that Song Yun liked on the shelf, so he didn’t do business at all. If it was the usual way, no one would come into the store to look at antiques for ten and a half months, even if it was a few more days. There is no problem if you don’t do business, but the antique market has been very prosperous during this period of time. Every day, 10 people come into the antique shop to ask if the antiques are sold. Under this situation, if you have not been doing business, it is basically I don’t know how much business will be dodged and how much money will be lost. The simplest example is that the plum bottle that the person who just entered is completely high imitation. Even if it is sold for 20,000 yuan, it can make 15,000. But now I just let it go. I think of at least ten transactions that I have shunned in the past few days. It feels like a knife cut in my heart. It is very uncomfortable.

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