God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1644: Never left

After Zhou Ling left the ghost market with Sun Mengyan and Song Yun, she did not go back, but hurriedly found another inconspicuous small building, opened the door of a house, and walked in with three old men sitting inside. , Is drinking tea slowly.

"I said you three, why did you get up early in the morning?"

Zhou Ling pulled a chair, sat down opposite the three old men, and immediately put a cup of tea in front of him.

"When people get older, they can’t sleep, let alone something in their hearts, so they can’t fall asleep even more. We just get up and drink tea and chat for a long time. We old men have not seen each other for many years. This time it’s not because of your business. Maybe you won’t be able to see you again until you die. You have to talk about how you’ve lived in the past ten or twenty years."

As Wan Liang said, he picked up the hookah on the table and smoked it. His face was full of wrinkles. When he spoke, he showed blackened yellow teeth and there was no expression on his face.

"In fact, I want to go to the ghost market to take a look. I heard that the ghost market there is developing very well now. My apprentices and grandchildren have mentioned this matter a few days ago, whether it’s the stallholder or There are so many people visiting the stalls."

"But things are not done yet, so I can only hold back and wait until the boss's work is done before going to see. Maybe I can still miss something."

Ma Daming was talking while drinking the tea in the cup, but he didn't lift his head at all. No one knew what the expression on his face or the look in his eyes was.

"Who said no? I am really curious about what the ghost market has developed into! I haven't been here for more than ten years. I really miss it. When I first came here last night, I got off the car and smelled the air. They all feel different, with a familiar taste."

Jiang Zhongshi nodded, with a look of nostalgia on his face. After staying in this place for more than ten years, this time I found that many things have changed, but there are still many things that are very familiar, or vaguely restored. I can see the appearance of the year, and I can't miss it.

"I said you old men need to be so sigh? If you really miss this place, just open an antique shop here. The three of you are well-known figures in the circle."

As Zhou Ling said, she picked up the teapot next to Jiang Zhongshi and poured tea for them. When she was in this antique market, these people were all influential figures. Later, they only left for some reason. This time we have to deal with it. With Wen Shi and the others, I remembered these people and came to visit in person, finally calling them all back.

"Now the antique market here is no longer the antique market we were familiar with before. Besides, I heard that the antique market here has been developing very fast recently. If you want to find a shop in this place to sell antiques, you can Not an easy task."

Ma Daming raised his head without any expression on his face.

"This matter is really difficult for others, but if the three of you want to open an antique shop here, there is no problem. I can talk to Sun Mengyan. I can definitely leave you a shop in the second phase of the antique market. ."

Zhou Ling immediately took the matter without hesitation. Perhaps the younger generation of people like Ma Daming knows very little about antique collecting, but as long as they are of a certain age or in the antique collecting circle It’s impossible for people who are very familiar with the past to know the names of Ma Daming. If such a person can open an antique shop in the antique market, it will be good for the entire antique market. Sun Mengyan definitely Wouldn't refuse such a person, the antique market is being expanded in the second phase, leaving a shop is not difficult.

"Forget it!"

"Even if we old men come forward, opening an antique shop should be able to make money, but now that we have left this circle and come back to open an antique shop for so many years, it doesn’t mean much. I am used to the current life and age. If you change to another way of life when you grow up, it is a bit unacceptable."

Jiang Zhongshi hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head and refused. He played with antiques for a lifetime. It would be impossible if he said that he had no feelings. In fact, when Zhou Ling said just now, his heart was indeed shaken, but in the end he shook his head. If you don't play antiques, or you don't make money from antiques, you are now in your 70s or 80s. There is no need to step in. This time, if you don't have to pay for the favor you owed Zhou Ling back then, you wouldn't be here.

"Yes, yes, forget it! A handful of old bones, there is no need to toss about this!"


"If you are ten years younger, you should not let it go if you have such an opportunity, forget it now!"


Wan Liang and Ma Daming shook their heads at the same time and refused. They left the antique collection circle because of some things. For so many years, there is no need to wash their hands with gold basins. At the last moment, they have to return to open an antique shop and re-enter the circle.

"You will consider this matter again. If you want to open an antique shop, please tell me at any time. There is no problem."

Zhou Ling smiled. Judging from the reactions of Wan Liang, Ma Daming, and Jiang Zhonghua, they know that they still have a lot of nostalgia for the antique collection circle. Maybe they really want to open an antique shop, but only for a while. I can’t make up my mind or say that I don’t think it’s necessary to do this, but maybe I’ll change my mind in a few days.

"Zhou Ling, you girl is really bad. Knowing that these few of us still have a lot of feelings about antiques, even using this kind of thing to run on us or attract us, your behavior is really very bad! "

Jiang Zhonghua saw Zhou Ling's plan at a glance, and couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"Old man Jiang, don't be kind to you, but I do it for you. Although you people have left the antique circle for many years, you have never left. Don't tell me that you have nothing to do with antiques in these years. No, you just didn’t make money from antiques. In other words, you just didn’t open antique shops, just didn’t sell antiques to others, just didn’t appraise antiques for others, I believe you You must still collect your own antiques. In this case, it’s no surprise to reopen an antique shop. Or if you really don’t want to have any relationship with antiques, simply sell all the antiques in your hand. Yes, once a hundred, isn't it more refreshing?!"

Zhou Ling glanced at Jiang Zhonghua with contempt. The old men in front of him had never left the antique circle at all, but they hadn't done anything.

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