God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1654: Feeling

He Wenshi turned around and walked to the antique shop and took out the gourd bottle. He moved another table and put the gourd bottle on it.

"This is the gourd bottle I just wanted to sell to this old man. Anyway, I have to admit that this gourd bottle is really rare. I charge 8 million for this kind of thing, and there is nothing wrong with it."

After He Wenshi put the gourd bottle on the table and broke it, no matter what kind of awesome it was, he had to blow it out first.

"Everyone here is a person who has played with antiques and has the ability to identify. You can take a good look at this bottle of gourd and see if there is anything wrong with it. You have to be careful. Many, I can’t let you directly study this bottle of gourd. In other words, you have to look at it from a certain distance.”

"Several millions or even tens of millions of things, I can't rest assured that you people will play twice in your hands!"

While talking, He Wenshi pointed to the gourd bottle that was already on the table. This incident was originally compelling. People watching the crowds around were always making noises. There was no way to take out the gourd bottle, but now he suddenly I realized that this may be a good thing for myself. Of course, people watching the excitement in front of my antique shop are all playing antiques. Some people even have a lot of antiques, but most of them They are all hobbyists. It is impossible for these people to see where the problem with their high imitation antiques is. If the people onlookers really can’t see what the problem with their high imitation antiques is. Locally, you can turn over immediately, not only can you wash away your own "injustice", but also with such an opportunity, maybe you can really sell this antique, so many people can't see it. This antique is fake, which in turn can prove that this antique is real.

The more He Wenshi thinks about it, the more he feels that this possibility is very high. This gourd bottle is very lifelike. It really is the legendary fake. If he didn’t already know that this antique is fake, I want to make it in a short time. It was identified from the inside that these people who were impossible to watch were basically hobbyists, and their ability to identify could not be stronger than their own, not to mention that it is impossible for these people to conduct identification with this gourd bottle, and can only be placed in On the table, all people must be identified at a distance, and the difficulty soared to an extremely high level.

The heart that He Wenshi had been hanging down slowly, and even a smile appeared on his face. He felt more and more that he must jump out of this pit today. It is possible that no one of these people onlookers can really identify it. The bottle of gourd that came out of him is fake. It is impossible for the old man alone to confirm that his bottle of gourd is fake—this old man is against himself because of personal grievances, and deliberately treats the truth. What he said was false, just trying to frame him, what he said is not counted.

When Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Song Yun saw this in the crowd, they could almost immediately guess what the boss of this antique shop was making.


"The owner of this antique shop is really stupid and naive. This old man is a man who has no ideas. When he was still in the antique market, there were few people who wanted to take advantage of him. How about this game? It may cause people to escape. There must be this old man in the crowd. There will be many people who will come out and point out the problem. The owner of this antique shop actually thought that this method would be able to escape. Do you think this old man is all for nothing?"

Zhu Deyuan shook his head. The owner of the antique shop really thought things too simple. Since the pit has been dug, then the pit must not be able to jump out. Especially the old man who dug the pit today is an incredible character. If you didn't expect the simple steps, you would just find a well and jump down to death.

"What I am really curious about now is how did this old man suddenly come out?"

Xu Desheng is not at all interested in the outcome of today’s incident, because as Zhu Deyuan said, the old man appeared and dug a hole like this. It is impossible for anyone to be undead. The only thing is to what extent. This is entirely dependent on the old man’s own plan. What is very curious is that the old man has a very high status and status in the antique collection circle. The most important thing is that the old man has not appeared in the antique collection in the past 10 years or even more than 15 years. This is the strangest thing that suddenly appeared in this circle.

"Go back and catch this old man, and ask what happened!"

Zhu Deyuan is also very curious about this. Even everyone has a lot of wine together. The friendship is not bad. If there is a chance in the future, he must catch this old man and ask what happened, or where it is. If a person can ask him to come forward to do such a thing, he must know that such a small situation, the old man is simply overkill.

Song Yun did not speak, looking at the old man and the owner of the antique shop in the crowd. The owner of the antique shop must have offended Sun Mengyan. The old man was arranged by Sun Mengyan or those under Sun Mengyan. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng did not judge at all. The mistake is definitely dead. The owner of this antique shop wants to jump out of this pit today. It is absolutely impossible. One thing in his mind is that the antique collection circle is really very risky, which is related to the characteristics of antiques. Related, perhaps only antiques in this world can openly sell fake antiques, but this does not mean that you can sell fake antiques regardless of everything. You have to know if someone really runs into your antique shop and shouts. It’s like Sapo. Your reputation in this circle will suddenly become stinky. It’s definitely more difficult to buy antiques in your antique shop than to get to the sky. This means that when you open an antique shop, you Once you encounter something like this, it is very terrible, no matter how big an antique shop, once someone splashes in your shop and is caught by the other party, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable. Of course, if it is a big antique In terms of shops, such antique shops are usually aimed at buyers and buyers for many years. They provide antiques for buyers and buyers who have formed a stable relationship for a long time. At the same time, the antique shop Zhao Da, the identity and status of the entire circle The higher it is, it is impossible for ordinary people to sprinkle in such an antique shop.

"Selling antiques still has to sell real antiques, so that there is no risk."

Song Yun couldn't help but mutter in his heart, the reason why the owner of this shop in front of him is in such trouble is that all the antiques in the antique shop are fake. If the buyer does not care about this kind of thing, No problem, but if someone really comes to your shop to make trouble, although there are no regulations, the antiques in the antique shop must be genuine, but this kind of thing cannot withstand scrutiny anyway, most Everyone thinks that selling fake antiques in antique shops is a scam. No matter how the buyers and buyers of antiques can accept this rule, they will definitely be very dissatisfied. After the news goes out, the buyers and buyers are not willing to lose their reputation. Buy antiques in a good antique shop.

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