God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1694: Shop appears

Situ Kongming sits in his antique shop and opened a shop in the morning to do business. Now he has sold two antiques, all of which are really no longer possible to earn. The money he earned is not that much, but just In the early twenty thousand.

"In fact, it feels very good to sell real antiques. Although the money earned is a little less, it is very reassuring."

After Situ Kongming finished a cup of tea, he gently placed the teacup on the tea tray. I don’t know why such an idea suddenly popped up in his mind. The two antiques sold today were all small pieces. The common feature of the things is that the price is not high, but they are definitely genuine. These two things did not appear on the antique shelves in the antique shop, but they were brought out under the pressure of He Wenshi, Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe. I sold it early this morning, very quickly, and the price is indeed not high, but the money is made with peace of mind, and there is no need to deliberately dig holes in the process of selling antiques.

"Could it be that real antiques will be sold in antique shops in the future?"

Situ Kongming was very surprised as to where the idea in his mind came from. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn’t figure it out, so he shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Is the shop selling real antiques? This can be delayed. Consider again, there is no need to make a decision right away.

Situ Kongming drank another cup of tea, took out his mobile phone and opened it. Several groups looked at it and found that everyone was discussing the subletting of the He Wenshi store.

"smart people!"

"This is definitely one of the smartest people in the world. Things are very transparent. At this time, we really have to leave simply and neatly."

Why did Situ Kong click a thumbs up for this decision of Aragonite? It is already obvious. Sun Mengyan had to drive He Wenshi, Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe out of the antique market. She couldn't resist it at all, so she simply left and returned. To be able to leave a trail, He Wenshi can post the notice of subletting at this time. It must have been agreed by Sun Mengyan. This is the face that Sun Mengyan has given. Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe have not made the slightest movement at this time, and they clearly want to be hard. This is definitely the most stupid decision and way to carry it. If you can't hold it, you have to carry it. The end is absolutely miserable. It can be predicted that Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe will eventually be swept out. The important thing is that Sun Mengyan will be in the antique collection circle in the future. When I meet Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe, I will bear grudges, and I have to deal with them when I have a chance. In other words, this time the matter has not ended yet. He Wenshi's cleverness lies in his ability to see the whole matter transparently. Thoroughly, I took the initiative to leave and settled this time at such a price. In the future, in the entire collection circle, even if I meet with Sun Mengyan, I will be able to do business calmly, and even if I have the opportunity in the future, I will be able to return to the antique Sun Mengyan again. The market rents storefronts to do business. Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe are absolutely impossible to receive such treatment. Apart from anything else, Sun Mengyan allowed He Wenshi to sublease the store. At the current market price, he could immediately make 200,000 or even It is 300,000.

"Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe are fascinated by money. They are typical ghosts. They can't even see simple things like this. This is the legendary good fortune. What they don't know is that the final loss is even greater."

Situ Kongming picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, drinking it slowly, no longer thinking about Li Xuewen and Yang Xinhe in his mind.

"It is inevitable for Feng Feibai these old men to open antique shops in the antique market. How much impact will their arrival have on the entire antique market?"

"Apart from Feng Feibai these old men, are there anyone else here to open an antique shop? If so, how many people will there be?"

The expression on Situ Kongming’s face was very relaxed. He Wenshi, Li Xuewen, and Yang Xinhe’s affairs have nothing to do with him. As outsiders, watching the excitement is the past, but people like Feng Feibai, if they open the antique market here The antique shop will definitely have a huge impact on his antique shop business, especially now that He Wenshi has sublet the shop, and it is very likely that Feng Feibai will take over. Feng Feibai's opening of an antique shop here is already a certainty.

"You must be fully prepared. The simplest one is of course the real antiques in the store. It must be as many as possible. During the period when Songyun Zhenbao Pavilion opened, it is best for buyers to appear in large numbers. A good opportunity to be famous and build a brand."

Situ Kongming pondered the whole night last night. The fate of He Wenshi, Li Xuewen, and Yang Xinhe has long been doomed. Of course, the most important thing is the impact of Feng Feibai's opening of antique shops on the entire antique market and their own antique shops. They want to deal with the only thing The solution is that the antiques in the store must be real and the quantity must be large. If you can seize the time when Song Yunzhen Treasure Pavilion is open and start the name of the antique store, you may be able to take it to the next level. If you can't do this, you will be able to stand firm in the fierce competition that follows, and you can always have a sip of soup if you can't eat meat.

No guests in the antique shop are very quiet at this time. Situ Kongming is sipping tea while thinking about the plan in his heart. In the next period of time, the antique market will be turbulent. There are huge risks and huge opportunities. He must have Be careful, not only to survive, but to live better.

Feng Feibai was lying on the bed, just about to sleep for a while, suddenly the door was slapped severely by others from outside, the sound was very loud, and he almost jumped up in fright.

"Feng Feibai! Feng Feibai! Are you there anyway? Hurry up, you need to discuss and make decisions immediately if there are important things."

Before Feng Feibai got up from the bed, Yang Hongfei's voice sounded outside, and he was very anxious. At the same time, it was very big. He must have encountered a major event. He immediately got up and opened the door to find that it was not just Yang Hongfei who came. , And Jiang Wensheng.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Feng Feibai is a bit strange. I don’t know why Yang Hongfei and Jiang Wensheng rushed to find themselves. They wanted to sleep and rejuvenate themselves. At night, they had to go to the antique market to find out about the situation. Now that we see this situation, the plan has fallen through.

"The vacant shops in the antique market are being sublet. We have to go there immediately and do everything possible to get them down."

Jiang Wensheng said the matter immediately.


"Let's go now!"

"Hurry up and see what's going on!"

Feng Feibai knew that Yang Hongfei and the others came so anxiously that something big must have happened, but after years of rolling in this circle, they had been calm for a long time, but now that he heard it clearly, it turned out to be such a thing. With a piece of clothing on her body, she turned around and walked out. Several people have decided to open an antique shop in Sun Mengyan's antique market. The only obstacle is the antique shop. Now someone is subletting, and the subletting is definitely the first phase at this time. Antique shops are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially now that the antique market is developing very fast and it is extremely prosperous. There are so many people staring at the shops there. It is even more important to seize it. Please take the opportunity. If you are late, maybe it will I had to let others succeed, and it appeared in the sublet shop in half an hour.

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