God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1710: Don't worry

Shen Xue opened her mouth and wanted to refute it, but she suddenly found that Tang Miaomiao was not wrong at all. Zhang Ping could not accept that her reputation in the antique collection circle was lower than that of Song Yun. Song Yun wants less, and the matter of finding trouble is destined to be inevitable, but sooner or later.

"Zhang Ping must come to Song Yun’s troubles, he must come to Zhenbao Pavilion’s troubles. Once Song Yun is defeated, once Zhenbao Pavilion is defeated, no matter Zhang Ping himself or the antique shop he runs will be able to rise to the sky in one step. Under such a huge temptation, Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua, even if they knew that there were tigers in the mountains, they would definitely prefer to travel to the mountains."

Sun Mengyan sighed softly. Song Yun is already very famous in the antique collection circle, but people like Zhang Wenhua and Zhang Ping must be dubious. If there is no conflict of interest, they might be able to bear a sigh of relief. , But now Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua have taken He Wenshi’s antique shop, followed by the opening of an antique shop. In the face of huge interests, it is impossible to be calm. If you don’t have the ability, you can only swallow your breath. Zhang Wenhua has a lot of background, and Zhang Ping is here. The antique collection circle has temporarily emerged, with extraordinary ability, it is impossible to be willing to make a small one.

"If Zhang Ping really wants to trouble Song Yun and Zhenbaoge, what will he do?"

Shen Xue is no longer entangled. Song Yun, Sun Mengyan, and Tang Miaomiao analyzed thoroughly. No matter what, Zhang Ping will definitely come to trouble Song Yun and Zhenbaoge. The most important thing now is to think Find a way to solve this problem.

The brows of Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao immediately wrinkled, and the expressions on their faces became more serious. They did not speak for a while. From the current situation, it must be troublesome, but the key to the problem is perhaps the most serious. The important thing is what Shen Xue said, what Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua will do. If you don’t know what Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua will do next, it is very difficult to develop a targeted strategy. Now the problem is Song Yun and Zhenbao. The pavilion is in the bright place, Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua, including those who want to deal with Song Yun and Zhenbao Pavilion, are all hiding in the dark, which is very headache.

"Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua must come to trouble me, but this matter is not as complicated as you think."

Song Yun looked at Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, and found that the expressions on their faces were very serious. Obviously, they found this matter very troublesome, or very difficult to deal with. Simply put, Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua were very threatened. He felt completely unnecessary.


"Song Yun, why do you say this?"

Sun Mengyan was a little surprised. Zhang Ping may not be a big deal, but Zhang Wenhua is definitely a very dangerous opponent. It is impossible for Song Yun to not know this and be able to remain so calm.

"There are not many tricks in the antique collection circle, but there are two, one is to dig a hole, the other is to go to the house to kick the museum. The digging is very simple. That is to find an antique and try every means to trick me into buying it. There are two purposes, one is to make me lose a large sum of money, the other is to stab this thing out, to dampen my reputation, and to dampen the reputation of Treasure Pavilion. The same is true for the other one to go to the museum and bring an antique to let me My appraisal, as long as I can't identify it, I will hype the matter. In the final analysis, the most important purpose is to use this method to attack my reputation and the reputation of Jumbo Pavilion."

Tang Miaomiao, Sun Mengyan and Shen Xue nodded. There is nothing wrong with this. The antique collection circle is very complicated. There are various ways to deal with a person or an antique shop, but in the final analysis, it is like Song Yun. As I said, it's nothing more than digging pits one by one, and kicking the hall one by one, which is ever-changing and consistent. The difference is that some methods are very clever, and some are shoddy.

"Whether it is digging a hole or going to a gym, there must be a prerequisite for it to work or to achieve the goal, that is, I cannot see whether the antique is real or fake. On the other hand, if I can see through whether this antique is real or fake, no matter what it looks like, whether it’s digging a hole or kicking it out, it’s of no use."

Song Yun knew that he was in the light at this time, and Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua were in the dark. There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. If all the mental energy is devoted to pondering Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua, there is no need to do other things. Although the whole thing is complicated, it is very simple in the final analysis. As long as there is no error in identifying antiques by yourself, no matter what methods Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua use, they can't be of any use.

Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue all froze for a while, and immediately laughed.

"Song Yun, what you said is not wrong, it is true. It seems that we think this matter is too complicated."


"Who said no? We are really overwhelmed!"


"Song Yun, when you say this, I immediately relax. It is true. Whether it is digging a pit or going to a gym, there must be a prerequisite, that is, when you appraise antiques, problems occur and accidents occur. It's true and false, but this kind of thing can't happen to you."


The solemn expressions on the faces of Sun Mengyan, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue disappeared, revealing bright smiles. They were really worried about Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua just now. Song Yun understood right away that there really was no big threat. Others may not be particularly aware of Song Yun’s ability to appraise antiques, but he has too much knowledge and is numb, and his ability in other aspects is hard to say. But if he appraises antiques, no one is Song Yun’s opponent. In that case, There is no need to worry about Zhang Ping and Zhang Wenhua kicking in or digging a hole. If you don't come, you will definitely leave with a shame.

"I don't know why, I was very worried just now, but now I am a little bit looking forward to Zhang Ping or Zhang Wenhua's trouble with us. Slaps are definitely refreshing."

Shen Xue said, she picked up the tea cup in front of her. Just because she was worried she didn’t drink it. Now she was a little bit cold and didn’t care at all. She drank it in one gulp, acting and demeaning as if it was not tea at all, but a glass of wine .

"It must be admitted that I have the same idea at this time."

Tang Miaomiao looked at the tea in the cup in front of him, shook his head, and poured it out directly. The tea must have a temperature, and it must not be childish.

Sun Mengyan couldn't help laughing when she saw Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue like this

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