God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1716: Let's take a look

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue, look at me, and I will look at you. They also understand what Song Yun wants to do at this time. If they want to refuse, they should have found excuses long ago. Escape.

"Zhang Ping, as I said just now, I am very interested in this antique Zhang Wenhua and Zhang's veteran cannot be sure of its authenticity, so I must see it."

Song Yun waved his hand.

Zhang Ping's face began to twist, and Song Yun was clearly addicted to slapping and slapping, and it was a joy to talk about it over and over again.

"If this is the case, then Teacher Song doesn't know what kind of place you are going to go now? Shouldn't the identification of antiques be left? Is it possible that Teacher Song still wants to find another time, or wants another Change to another place? I don’t think this is necessary at all, right?"

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth, every word seemed to pop out of his teeth.

"Why do you want to find another time? I think it's very good now. Of course, it's impossible to find another place, Zhenbao Pavilion, because the conditions here are much better than other places."

The smile on Song Yun's face was even brighter, and he could not hear the words Zhang Ping said with a strong sense of irony in his retort.


"Today, Zhang Ping will definitely have to leave with a sullen head and face. This is clearly the rhythm of digging holes against the face."

Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue didn’t know why such a thought came up in their minds at the same time. What Song Yun is saying now and what he has done can be seen at once. It is absolutely wrong. There must be a huge pit waiting for Zhang Ping. The poor thing is that Zhang Ping doesn’t realize that the danger is approaching at this time. He can’t see what Song Yun wants to do. But it’s not surprising at all. I also don't know what Song Yun wants to do. As a melon-eater, I don't need to say anything, I don't need to do anything, just wait for a good show.

Song Yun walked to the entrance of the antique shop, looked left and right, and found that although it was still early at this time, it was just over nine o'clock, but there were a lot of people on the antique street, no fewer than 20 people at a glance. This is only the person who can see, there must be more that can't be seen.


"Thank you for coming over!"

Song Yun took a deep breath and yelled. Although there were a lot of people in Antique Street at this time, it was still early after all. It was very quiet and the voice was very loud. It was spread far away and immediately attracted a lot of attention. , Someone started to walk over immediately. In less than five minutes, a lot of people were already surrounded by the gate of the treasure pavilion. I was very satisfied with this situation. This is the effect I want to achieve. It only takes a few minutes. Time, after a while, people will definitely be more than three tiers and three tiers out of water, but it's just a matter of time.

Zhang Ping was sitting on the sofa in the antique shop. He originally picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. Song Yun suddenly yelled. He was startled, his hands shook, and all the hot tea was poured on him. The pain in his leg was terrible, but he couldn’t take care of it at all. At the beginning, he didn’t quite understand why Song Yun did it like this, but he quickly realized that his face turned black like the bottom of a pot, and he immediately realized it. To this day, this matter is beyond my control, completely different from what I imagined.

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng really couldn't help but laugh this time, they already understood what Song Yun wanted to do.

Zhang Ping came to Treasure Pavilion today to find faults and kick the hall, but he was not fully sure in his heart. He didn't dare to make things happen. His wishful thinking was very simple. That is to try Song Yun's skills first. The authenticity of the antique he brought back was publicized after returning. Song Yun would never deny this kind of thing. However, if Song Yun is really good, he can tell the authenticity of the antique he brought at a glance. , This thing is just as going with the wind, it doesn’t exist at all, this kind of thing just happened in the antique shop, no one saw it, as long as you don’t say that nobody knows, the whole thing will not have any negative impact .

Song Yun's response was very simple, that is, to make the whole thing a big deal, and what happened in the treasure pavilion today must be spread out.

Zhang Ping’s expression quickly became very ugly. There were more and more people around the door, and it took only 10 minutes. It was obvious that people were very interested in what happened here in Jumbo Pavilion. It’s definitely not what I want to see. What’s even more terrifying is that he can judge from this incident. Song Yun is very confident in the appraisal. He is not afraid to make matters worse. He is very passive. If Song Yun can really appraise his own The authenticity of the antiques that come is notorious for himself, which is completely different from the original expectation and design.

"Ms. Song!"

"What the **** are you doing?"


"Ms. Song!"

"You don't mean to tell us that today is the time for the official opening of Jumbo Pavilion? You are a celebrity in our antique collection circle. Jumbo Pavilion is the leading store in our entire antique market and the entire antique industry. How can it be such a trick?"


"Ms. Song!"

"I just took a look. The shelves in the National Headquarters Store are empty and there are no antiques. Even if you plan to open the door for business today, you have to sell something, right?"


"Ms. Song!"

"What the **** is going on? You called us all here, there must be a point, right?"


Song Yun looked at the people around him and listened to the questions they asked. The smile on his face never stopped.

"Today cannot be the time for the official opening of Jumbo Pavilion to do business, but it will not take long. You will see Jumbo Pavilion officially open in a few days.

"Let everyone come here to see the excitement, mainly because someone brought an antique to Jumbo Pavilion today, saying that they wanted me to have a look. I think people who appear on Antique Street at this time like antiques. With such a good opportunity, just let everyone participate. In other words, today I intend to let everyone take a look at the antiques that person brought in the store, and let everyone communicate and gain insights."

Song Yun simply and neatly stated his purpose directly.

"Ms. Song!"

"is this real??"



"It's really great!!"


"I came to the ghost market in the early morning to take a stroll. I just wanted to pass the time and check my luck. I didn't expect to have such a good opportunity to see Song Yun send the teacher to him. antique!"


"Ms. Song!"

"What kind of antique is this antique you intend to appraise?"


When the people at the entrance of the antique store heard Song Yun say this, they immediately became enthusiastic. They really didn't expect it to be such a thing. Song Yun is now very famous in the antique collection circle. This kind of live teaching scene The opportunity to explain is very rare.


"Don't worry, everyone!"

"The person who brought the antiques is sitting in the shop now. Everyone is waiting here. I will go in and talk to him about this. After I let him out, I will give you a detailed introduction to his origin. , Is different from a grassroots-born person like me. The person inside has a lot of background. To put it in popular terms, it is three generations rich in our antique industry!"

After Song Yun said this sentence, he turned around and went into the antique shop, and walked directly to Zhang Ping.

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