God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1745: Zhang Ping is the pitfall?

"Song Yun!"

"What are you talking about?"

"If you already knew that this Buddha statue is fake, why did you buy it? Did you eat and support it?"

Zhu Deyuan was even more confused this time.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively, and why do I think the atmosphere is a bit weird?"

Sun Mengyan strode into the Treasure Pavilion and saw Zhu Deyuan, Xu Desheng, and Song Yun sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting. The last sentence he heard was from Zhu Deyuan. I don't know what is going on.

Zhu Deyuan pointed to the Buddha statue in front of Shen Xue, and then explained the whole story.

"Song Yun!"

"What the **** is this Buddha statue? Is it really fake? If it is fake, why did you buy it?"

Sun Mengyan was also at a loss after listening. Song Yun's picking up at the ghost market had actually spread throughout the antique market. Everyone knew that Song Yun was picking up again. Naturally, she had already heard about it.

"Song Yun!"

"The news about your leaks in the ghost market spread out early this morning. Several people have already called me, saying that they want to buy the Buddha statue in your hand. The price is easy to negotiate."

Suddenly Sun Mengyan didn’t know how to describe the feeling in her heart at this time, or suddenly she didn’t know how to deal with this matter. Song Yun was already a well-known name in the antique collection circle, and many antique collectors also Or those who have money and don’t know where to spend, they all want to get the missing antiques when they hear Song Yun picking them up again. Knowing that they have a good relationship with Song Yun, they immediately called to book and ran over to Jumbo Pavilion. Other things, but one of the reasons is to ask if the antique in Song Yun's hand has been sold. If it has not been sold, I will keep it for myself. But I heard that the Buddha statue is fake. The key to the problem is If Song Yun had known that this Buddha statue was fake, why did he buy it?

Song Yun smiled and did not speak. He bought this Buddha statue for his own purpose. He dug a hole in advance, but it was useless. He planted a landmine to kill people, but there was no explosion. It's a pity.

"Song Yun!"

"What exactly is going on?"

Zhu Deyuan looked at Song Yun very seriously, knowing that this was definitely not a joke. The Buddha statue on the table was absolutely worthless, just as he and Xu Desheng judged it. The current problem or the more important thing now is Why did Song Yun know that this Buddha statue was fake and still bought it? It clearly has a purpose, but what is the purpose? This question is not clear, so don't want to sleep tonight.

Song Yun smiled and shook his head, but still didn't say anything. Antique is fake. This can be said, but the calculations in his heart will never say it-what it says is not funny at all.

Tang Miaomiao stared at the Buddha statue in front of Shen Xue. Song Yun had made it clear that this thing was fake, which proved that there was no problem with Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng’s previous appraisal. It was indeed fake. The most important thing in this way is, of course, to figure out why Song Yun bought such a fake Buddha statue. Song Yun had a purpose in doing this. At the beginning, he thought it was very incredible, but soon he thought of fake antiques. There is only one purpose in the antique collection circle, and that is to cheat people. Considering what has just happened, and considering Zhang Ping’s rush to the Treasure Pavilion to kick the pavilion, if Song Yun wants to cheat people, the only goal is It is Zhang Ping.

"Song Yun!"

"The Buddha statue you bought wants to cheat people, and you want to cheat Zhang Ping!"

Tang Miaomiao's words were very loud, and everyone in the Treasure Pavilion was shocked.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"The Buddha statue that Song Yun bought will definitely not pit Zhang Ping!"

Xu Desheng immediately shook his head and yelled. The Buddha statues that Song Yun bought are very fake. You can't tell that they are fake at a glance. Although Zhang Ping lacks social experience, although he lacks experience in dealing with others, he has no problem in appraising antiques. If it is said that such a Buddha statue cannot be seen as a fake, Zhang Wenhua will definitely not let Zhang Ping be embarrassed. In fact, Zhang Ping’s level of appraisal of antiques has been recognized in the antique collection scroll. It is just someone who knows it. It’s not that much. Some well-known connoisseurs in the antique collection circle have recognized Zhang Ping’s ability. It is impossible to see such a fake Buddha statue. If Song Yun wants to use such a Buddha statue to pit Zhang Ping , I hope Zhang Ping will make the wrong identification, there is no possibility.

"Old man Xu!"

"I think it's better not to say this for now!"

"If you really want to take this Buddha statue to pit Zhang Ping, I really can't say it can be done, it will be very solid!"

Zhu Deyuan looked at the Buddha statue on the table and sighed suddenly for a long time.


"You are absolutely nonsense!"

"Old Man Zhu!"

"This kind of thing is absolutely impossible."

"This Buddha statue is too fake! Even people who have just played antique collection know that it is fake, not to mention a master like Zhang Ping, you can definitely tell at a glance, it is impossible to use such a Buddha statue to pit it. Zhang Ping!"

Xu Desheng blew his beard and stared. He felt that Zhu Deyuan was absolutely crazy to say such words.

"Old man Xu!"

"Speaking loudly is of no use!"

"What you said is not wrong at all. If you are a person who has just been playing antiques, you will definitely see that this Buddha statue is fake. But Zhang Ping is not just starting to play antiques. He is a very rich man. People with experience in appraisal, in fact, the most important thing is that this antique was collected by Song Yun from the ghost market, and the whole antique collection circle has been known about this missing thing, and Zhang Ping also knows it. Coupled with Song Yun's reputation in the antique collection circle, Zhang Ping could not have the guts to conclude that this Buddha statue was fake at a glance. He would only wonder if the Buddha statue was so obvious that it had other secrets."

Zhu Deyuan sighed deeply again. The name of the shadow man of the tree is not wrong at all. A Buddha statue like this is placed in front of him. If Song Yun hadn't picked it up from the ghost, he would just pick it up. The hammer was smashed, but after knowing that Song Yun bought it from the ghost market stall, neither he nor Zhu Deyuan, including Tang Miaomiao, dared to say that the Buddha statue was fake.

Xu Desheng was dumbfounded. Zhu Deyuan's words were like a big hammer hitting his forehead, and he suddenly woke up. Zhu Deyuan was right. If it was someone else, it is very likely that this Buddha statue would be determined at once. It’s fake, but if it’s Zhang Ping, especially after knowing that Song Yun bought the Buddha statue from a ghost market stall, it’s absolutely impossible to say that the Buddha statue is fake. You and Zhu Deyuan have been afraid to say this just now. The Buddha image is fake, and Zhang Ping is the same. Facing this Buddha image, he must be like Zhu Deyuan, including Tang Miaomiao, who thinks this Buddha image has something else.


"It must be admitted!"


"Using such a very obviously fake antique, on the contrary, it is more able to pit Zhang Ping!"

Xu Desheng had to admit this. Song Yun is now in the antique collection circle and his reputation is too high. Zhang Ping saw such an antique that was too fake to be fake, but he was suspicious, and he couldn't dare to say it. It’s fake. I think it’s definitely a trap. It looks like a fake antique, but it’s actually true. Just now, Zhu Deyuan, including Tang Miaomiao, didn’t dare to assert that this Buddha was the same as a fake. psychological.

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