God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1796: Getting started

Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang stood up and hurriedly left the villa.

"What is going on? Why did the old men all leave suddenly?"

Xu Chenglong was stunned. He had been waiting outside. He wanted to know what his grandfather Xu Heng and others were doing next. He didn't expect to leave in a hurry, and he didn't even say a word.

"This thing is getting more and more fun!"

Wang Ming held the wine glass in his hand and kept spinning. Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang left in a hurry. The only possibility was that something new happened, or something to do. .

"If there is anything, why don't you tell us? The important thing is why don't you take us to see and see. Isn't that their main purpose for letting us here this time?"

Xu Chenglong scratched his hair, looking puzzled.

"If you don't tell us, don't take us there, there is only one reason. The matter is very important. I'm afraid we might leak the wind."

Wang Ming knows that this is definitely the case. The real purpose of these old men bringing them and young people out is to gain more insight, but if they encounter important things, they will still conceal what they should conceal, and it is impossible for them to participate.

"That's not interesting!"

Xu Chenglong shook his head.


"I guess it won't take a long time to get to the bottom of it, or in other words, Grandpa and the others will definitely make a decision and tell us what we should do next!"

Wang Ming didn't worry at all, he didn't care at all. He put the wine glass in his hand under his nose and smelled it lightly. The scent of wine came out, and his face showed a very intoxicated look.

"Wang Ming!"

"What on earth did you guess? Tell it so that everyone can hear what's going on."

Xu Chenglong knew what Wang Ming must be thinking when he saw Wang Ming. He was very curious in his heart.

"Don't say it!"

"can not say!"

Wang Ming didn't even think about it, so he refused immediately and closed his eyes.

Xu Chenglong was very helpless seeing this.

The three of Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang sat in the box of a very inconspicuous coffee shop half an hour later. They proposed such a location for the purpose of not attracting the attention of others and avoiding trouble. , Afraid that Zhang Wenhua would know.

"Do you think Sun Mengyan will show up for a while?"

Wang Hua looked at the teacup in front of him, did not raise his head when speaking, and felt very nervous in his heart. It has been said in the circle that Sun Mengyan is very difficult to deal with. If Sun Mengyan came in person, people like himself I'm afraid I can't resist it.

"How could she not come? Sun Mengyan wants to meet us at this time, but she actually only has one purpose, and that is to keep us from following Zhang Wenhua. How could she not handle such an important matter in person?"

Ma Dongliang's eyes widened, and Wang Hua unexpectedly felt that Sun Mengyan would not appear. It was unbelievable. To convince these people, Sun Mengyan had to come forward in person to show his sincerity.


"The old man Ma is right. Sun Mengyan has to be here tonight. If she doesn't even show her face, then she really lacks sincerity. Without saying anything, we turned around and left immediately."

"There is no need to say more!"

"It is understandable to call us through Zhou Ling, but if we are all here and Sun Mengyan does not appear as the principal, it is really not a good deal of face."

"We have to be very cautious. Sun Mengyan is said to be very difficult to deal with, and her handling of things is very tough. Our position must be firm and we must strive for favorable conditions as much as possible."

Xu Heng remembered some legends in the circle, and was a little worried. On the way here just now, a few people discussed it. If Sun Mengyan can meet everyone's conditions, it is not impossible to consider giving up cooperation with Zhang Wenhua, and come out to do business. Seeking defeat, where can the money go, there is nothing to say.


"Everyone must pay attention!"

"After Sun Mengyan came, we must have a tougher attitude. We must not show our timidity first, otherwise, it would be difficult to get what we want!"

Ma Dongliang agrees very much. People like Sun Mengyan are definitely very difficult to deal with. There are so many legends in the circle that there is no wind and no waves. There is such a saying that it must be true. It must be vigorous.

Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang whispered what they should do when they saw Sun Mengyan, until the door of the box was gently pushed open from the outside, then they stopped, and the three of them looked up. , Zhou Ling walked in.

"Miss Zhou!"

"Are you the only one here?"

Ma Dongliang looked behind Zhou Ling and found that there was no one. There was something strange in his heart, and more importantly, there was a little anger.

"Yes, that's not wrong, it's true that I am the only one. The one who called is, of course, I can only come here."

Zhou Ling nodded. She knew that Ma Dongliang wanted to see Sun Mengyan, or thought Sun Mengyan would appear here, but it was really very regrettable that Sun Mengyan would not be here tonight, Ma Dongliang and the others thought or said The wish will definitely fall through, or that the judgment of the situation has been wrong. The only person who came here to deal with this matter is themselves, Ma Dongliang and the others are too valued.


"If this is the case, then we have nothing to talk about!"

Ma Dongliang stood up while talking, and walked directly towards the door of the direction.

Wang Hua and Xu Heng were also very angry when they saw that Zhou Ling was the only one who appeared here. They had discussed before that if Sun Mengyan would not be here, they would just turn around and leave, and immediately stood up and said Behind Ma Dongliang.



"Did you really decide to do this? Of course you can leave, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you do not open antique shops here. If you leave here tonight, you will also open antique shops in the antique market here. Don’t blame me for being polite, I’m sure to kill you, mother, who am I, you are all people who have been in the antique collection circle for a lifetime, should be very clear, and at the same time know that if I really want to do something like this, There is a way, and you definitely can’t hold it. I know you old men will have some people, and others will be very afraid of what those people do, but these people are not enough to see in front of me, because I am professional, no matter what That said, no matter what you have used to abuse, there is one thing that is unchangeable and undeniable, that is, you are an antique shop and business person. I don’t have any pressure in this area to do something that is not worthwhile. My job is what I can eat."

Zhou Ling glanced at Wang Hua, Xu Heng and Ma Dongliang, sneered, walked into the box, sat on the sofa next to the cafe, took a cup for herself, and poured it on herself after boiling it. After a cup of tea, I drank slowly.

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