God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1803: Let's change place!

Ma Dongliang, Xu Heng and Wang Hua watched Zhang Wenhua walk out the door of the box and disappeared without saying a word, let alone staying.

"They are all old friends for many years, why do you have to make it so embarrassing?"

Zhao Qiang shook his head as he spoke. Zhang Wenhua left directly just now. It was actually a way of exerting pressure and expressing his tough attitude, thinking that Ma Dongliang and the others would stay. What he didn't expect was that this kind of thing would never happen.

"Zhao Qiang!"

"What we have just said is very clear. This time the pressure is very huge. If it were not like this, of course we would not have made such a request."

"We are really compelled!"

While talking, Ma Dongliang took a sip of the already cold coffee in front of him. Zhang Wenhua just left. If it was before, he really had to stand up and stay. To put it bluntly, he had to rely on Zhang Wenhua. Can make enough money, but now considering the pressure from Sun Mengyan and Zhou Ling, if Zhang Wenhua does not provide better conditions, if he cannot share the risks, there is no need to continue the cooperation, and he does not need to look at Zhang Wenhua at all. Acting on the face, he came out to open an antique shop to make money. If there is no money and only risk, no one will do it, and it is even more unlikely that he will be a grandson.

"Ma Dongliang!"

"You should know that it is impossible to agree to such a condition. It is indeed very excessive to make such a request. If only the three of you need to open an antique shop here, there is no problem, I can now agree to Zhang Wenhua. But you know that if only a few of us open antique shops here, the set we used to play in other antique markets is impossible to achieve. This means that it is absolutely impossible to make a lot of money, but if we need to have a lot of If people open an antique shop here, they will have to pay an astronomical amount of money according to the conditions you put forward. For Zhang Wenhua, the risk is too great, and it has reached the point where you can’t bear it. There is absolutely no possibility of fulfilling this condition."

Zhao Qiang looked at Ma Dongliang, and then at Wang Hua and Xu Heng. He and Zhang Wenhua are related to one another. Now that Zhang Wenhua has left, he must stay and try his best to persuade Ma Dongliang to follow suit. Negotiate the conditions and methods to implement the plan.

"In the whole plan, those of us are just drinking soup, and it is Zhang Wenhua and Brother Zhang who really eat meat and bones."

Xu Heng put down the coffee cup he was holding in his hand. This thing is really a bit unaccustomed. In his opinion, drinking tea is far better than drinking coffee. After squeezing the corner of his mouth, he raised his head and looked at Zhao Qiang.



"Everyone gets rich together, no one drinks soup, no one eats meat and gnaws bones."

Zhao Qiang blushed, and Xu Heng's meaning was clear. Zhang Wenhua and himself must of course bear more risks to make more money. There is no way to refute this truth.

"Zhao Qiang!"

"I don't think you need to talk more nonsense. Today we are sitting here, and we just talked so directly to solve the problem. Everyone eats meat and chews the bones. There is no need to say what this kind of thing is like. Everyone knows. It is clear that if there is no problem in the previous situation, we can accept the soup, but now it is really different. There is no reason why we people have to bear the risk of eating meat and chewing bones while drinking soup. This does not matter. Nothing makes sense."

Wang Hua is not polite. The matter has already been discussed. There is no need to be polite, let alone pretending to be.

Zhao Qiang suddenly didn't know what to say, the situation before him was too tricky, far beyond his expectation.

"Zhao Qiang!"

"In fact, there is another way. If Zhang Wenhua and Zhang are unwilling to agree to our terms, another way is actually simpler, which is to change to an antique market. If this is the case, whether it is Zhou Ling or Sun Mengyan, we will use it. If you don’t face it directly, you don’t have to bear the pressure. In other antique markets without Song Yun or Jumbo Pavilion, we will face much less pressure from competition."

Xu Heng put forward another method after the three people discussed before.

"This approach has many advantages. It can avoid the huge pressure on us by Zhou Ling and Sun Mengyan. The other is that if we open antique shops in other antique markets, the cost we need to bear will drop a lot. If this happens, Everyone’s risks can actually be controlled."

Ma Dongliang nodded immediately. They didn't want to make money with Zhang Wenhua, but they really feel that the risk of opening an antique shop in Sun Mengyan's antique market is too great, completely unbearable, or that the risk cannot be controlled at all. The bombs of what will become in the future burst out.

"No way!"

"It is absolutely impossible for you to get Zhang Wenhua's approval for this proposal!"

"Opening an antique shop here is not a decision made by patting the forehead as soon as you get hot, but after investigating many antique markets, Zhang Wenhua and I finally made a decision. The reason is simple, that is the antiques here. The market is likely to be the most profitable antique market in the country’s most dynamic antique market. If we change to another antique market, we want to make the same profit as here, or we want to get as many opportunities as here, absolutely not Possibly, it is impossible to even reach one-fifth of this place. This means that at the antique market here in Sun Mengyan we are likely to be able to sell five antiques a day, but in other antique markets we can only sell one antique a day , How big a difference there is, you don’t need me to calculate it, you know it by yourself."

Zhao Qiang didn't want to shake his head to reject the proposal of opening antique shops in other antique markets.



"Brother Zhao, to say something awkward and straightforward, is that you now really believe that Zhang Wenhua, including us, can really make money by opening an antique shop in Sun Mengyan's antique market?"

"Sun Mengyan's antique market here is indeed just like what you said. It is very prosperous and very energetic. Antique shops in such a place can definitely get more opportunities to sell antiques. Even the blind can It can be seen, of course, we can see that if others open antique shops here, they may really make money, but Zhang Wenhua, including you and us, may not be able to make money if they open antique shops here. Don’t forget. Yes, Sun Mengyan does not welcome people like us to open antique shops here. We will encounter a lot of resistance to opening antique shops here. Is it really possible to make money? I think now even Zhang Wenhua, including you There is no absolute certainty."

Ma Dongliang looked at Zhao Qiang coldly. There is no problem with Sun Mengyan’s antique market. It is indeed one of the best antique markets in the country, and it is definitely the most profitable antique market, but the problem is, if Zhang Wenhua and himself are true Whether you can make money by opening an antique shop here is not something you can be sure of.

Zhao Qiang was stunned for a moment, and then there was a long silence. Ma Dongliang's words made him completely unsure how to refute.

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