God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1876: Small five

Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao appeared in front of Song Yun and the others, and soon found that the atmosphere was very solemn, completely different from what they had imagined, and they were very strange in their hearts.

"What happened? Where did Shen Xue go?"

Tang Miaomiao sat down and looked around. He knew immediately that something must have happened. This time I came to participate in the auction. It was not very important on the surface, but in fact, this was the first auction that the whole plan was finalized. Moreover, there are antiques that Song Yun can admire at this auction. The other is that Shen Xue is the most important person in the entire auction. There is absolutely no shortage. But now everyone is there, but Shen Xue is missing.

Song Yun gave a detailed introduction of the whole situation. Sun Mengyan and Tang Miaomiao did not come together because they had to deal with the antique market and the treasure pavilion. They were absent from the previous process, and they had to be clear about them.

"I met a familiar person at the airport just now. To be precise, there is a team behind this familiar person. The situation is almost the same as the few people Li Tenglong said he knew. This person is in Antique. In the collection circle, antiques are often bought, but I don’t know where the antiques he bought are going. The most important point is where the money he bought the antiques came from. No one knows."

After hearing Song Yun's words, Tang Miaomiao immediately remembered the person he and Sun Mengyan had just met at the airport.

"Is there really something weird about this auction? Could it be that the antiques in this auction have already been ordered by others? Is all this a conspiracy?"

Before Sun Mengyan came over, she didn't expect such a thing to happen. She felt that this time she came here just to pay for those antiques that Song Yun was eye-catching. With the money in her pocket, the whole thing went smoothly. It can even be said that it is logical, but after coming here, especially the things Song Yun mentioned just now, almost instinctively realized that there must be a problem, and there must be a big problem.

"If there are really problems with the auction this time, and those who come here to participate in the auction have problems, what kind of problem does it look like?"

Li Tenglong suddenly felt that his brain was not particularly good enough. Although he was a good hand in doing business, he became a multi-billionaire in just a few decades, but in the antique collection circle, he is not Just a newcomer. There is a certain basic and knowledge reserve in antique appraisal, but in other places, for example, the situation in front of you can not be solved by appraisal of antiques. If you are blinded immediately, you have no idea what will happen What's the possibility?

"It's hard to tell now! We must continue to pay attention to see what happens next, but I think the situation is still under our control no matter what."

Song Yun also has no way of guessing at this time what the purpose of the auction people came here, so he must pay attention.

"Soldiers will come to block, water will come and soil will be flooded, and things will be set aside if we can't guess. As long as we are fully prepared, no matter what happens, no matter what happens, we can solve it."

Zhu Deyuan has lived a lifetime. He has very rich experience and extremely strong heart. Now he is 100% sure that there is absolutely a problem with this auction. Those people who come here definitely have a purpose. No matter what the purpose is, he sees It doesn't matter if you come, as long as you have money in your pocket, as long as you have Song Yun, everything can be solved, but it is just to see if the price is worth it.


"Elder Zhu, what you said is very accurate. We have appeared here now. No matter whether there is conspiracy or not, we can’t afford the storm. If we are interested in an antique, we will spend money to buy it. If someone else buys it. There are shady activities. If you don't know it, you must not be polite if you know it. The antiques bought by these people may not know what to do with them."

Song Yun is very wary of this incident, but he is not worried about it. No matter what happens next, there will be no problems. As long as he wants to buy the antique, he will be able to buy it, but he just spends more money. Things.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, Sun Mengyan, and Li Tenglong gathered together to drink tea and coffee, and their eyes were already staring at this auction and those who came here to participate in the auction. People, as soon as there is something going on, they will act immediately.

Shen Xue left the hotel and stopped a taxi at the door at random. After going up, he told the driver to drive for an hour at will. He should take a good rest. The driver was very happy when he heard this, which means he can make a lot of money. , No one would refuse such a request.

Shen Xue is sitting in the back of the taxi. She is wearing black sunglasses. No one knows if he is really resting. In fact, he can't be resting at all. Let the driver drive in a mess for an hour, just thinking It is necessary to see if someone is following oneself. This is an extraordinary period. No matter how careful you are, it is not enough, and it is very necessary.

Shen Xue saw that the time was almost the same, and she didn't even know where she was now. She took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone number, and then asked the driver to send herself to a small coffee house on a very remote street. When I went in, it was less than 10 square meters, but although the sparrow was small and well-equipped, the important thing was that as soon as I walked in, I could smell a very tempting coffee. I looked at it and found that there were only 4 in the entire coffee house. There are only two tables for each table. Such a small shop usually does not rely on a large number of customers to win. In other words, the taste must be very good, otherwise it is impossible to make money and it is impossible to support Go on.

When Shen Xue came in, the whole coffee house was very quiet, with only the faintly visible sound of music, no one, walked to the table by the window and sat down, ordered a cup of coffee, took a sip after it was delivered, and it was heavy immediately. He nodded, as he guessed, the coffee in this small coffee house is really good, even better than the so-called most famous coffee houses.

Shen Xue didn't wait too long. For five or six minutes, a young man in his early twenties walked in and sat down directly in front of him.

"Little Five!"

"What have you been up to lately?"

Shen Xue looked at Xiao Wu who was sitting in front of her. As before, she didn't change much, her face was a little pale, and she wore huge dark circles. Needless to say, she must often stay up late.

"What else can I do? Apart from playing games, I have no other goals in my life, or there is nothing more fun."

"Sister Shen Xue!"

"I had known that I continued to roll around with you in this line of business back then. Now that I think about it, I really regret it!"

Xiao Wu gave a big yawn, and hadn't slept for more than 36 hours. Now he really feels a little sleepy and tears are streaming out.

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