God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1884: Adams

Guo Dehua sat on the sofa in his room, not knowing how much time had passed, until he felt that half of his body was numb, then he came back to his senses, reached out his hand to support the armrest of the sofa, stood up, and walked back and forth. It took a while to slowly return to normal.

"It looks like this is really necessary to find the talent above, otherwise, this time in front of this matter really can not be dealt with."

Guo Dehua patted his forehead. He sat at least for more than two hours just now. He has been thinking about Yang Wenbin’s proposal and weighing various gains and losses, but the final result has not changed at all. Yang Wenbin’s statement or Said that planning is definitely the only option.

Guo Dehua took out his cell phone and made a call to someone. After five or six minutes, he went out and drove the car all the way to the east. After half an hour, he stopped in the underground garage of an office building more than 100 meters away and took the elevator until he reached eighty. I stopped on the eighth floor and spoke to the receptionist at the front desk. After a few minutes, I walked into a huge office. When I entered, I saw a huge desk immediately. A tall person was sitting behind him. The decoration is very traditional. In addition to books, the shelves are filled with various antiques, including porcelain, bronze, and even some paintings and calligraphy, if not for sitting behind the desk If you look at the skin color and appearance of the person, you will definitely feel that this is a very traditional typical Chinese office.



"Mr. Guo!"

"What kind of wind is it like today that actually blows you here."

While talking, Adams walked out from behind the desk, speaking in standard Mandarin.

"Mr. Adams is really embarrassed to call at such a time and come directly to your office to interrupt."

Guo Dehua smiled bitterly. If he had a choice, he certainly didn't want himself to appear in this place, but there really is nothing else in the current situation. Maybe the only way is to come to Adams.

Adams pointed to the sofa and walked over to sit down.

"What happened?"

When Adams received a call from Guo Dehua just now, he knew in his heart what must have happened, and it was not a good thing. He knew that the auction would start tomorrow night. At this time, Guo Dehua should be watching the whole process of the auction closely. There is definitely a problem with calling yourself, and it is a difficult problem to deal with.

Guo Dehua told the whole story in detail.

Adams's face suddenly became very ugly after listening.

"You said that Song Yun and that Li Tenglong, have these two people been here to participate in the auction?"

Adams opened an art company, and his main business was antiques. Although he did not open an antique shop directly, he was very familiar with what happened in the antique collection circle. He knew exactly what Song Yun and Li Tenglong were. , I understand very well that if what Guo Dehua said is true, this auction will be really troublesome.

"Yes, there is no problem with this. Song Yun and Li Tenglong have already arrived here, and they are staying at the Banshan Hotel. Yang Wenbin and Liao Dongshan saw Song Yun and Li Tenglong with their own eyes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them."

Guo Dehua has been unwilling to believe that this matter is true, but that is the fact.

"Your judgment or your conjecture, think that Song Yun and Li Tenglong's goal for participating in this auction is the few antiques we sent for auction?!"

Adams stood up and walked around in the office. He knew very well what it means for Song Yun and Li Tenglong to appear in this auction. The whole thing is out of control. If those antiques are just ordinary antiques, they don’t need it. Be careful, it doesn’t matter if you can’t buy it by mistake, but those antiques really have to be taken. They are invaluable. If you can’t take them down, the loss will be huge. You definitely include yourself. The company and the boss behind the scenes lost a lot.

"How could something like this happen? We have tried several times before without the slightest problem. The few antiques we wanted to get through the auction did not attract the attention of others at all. Why did it attract attention this time? And did it attract the attention of people in antique collector circles like Song Yun and Li Tenglong?!"

"How exactly do you do things?"

Adams stopped and stood in front of Guo Dehua, his eyes almost bursting with anger.

"Do you know, if this matter is beyond our control and we can't take down those antiques, how great the loss will be?"

"Those pieces of antiques, although they are still at auction, have already been booked. In other words, if these pieces of antiques reach those people's hands smoothly, we can earn money for each piece of antiques. At least 20 million. Now suddenly because of something like this, the antiques are likely to fall into the hands of other people. Not only do we lose a large amount of money, but also because of untrustworthy customers, the consequences will be very serious. Serious."

Adams was very angry. He felt that the angry volcano in his body was erupting. He raised his hand and wanted to slap Guo Dehua fiercely, but he finally controlled himself.

"Mr. Adams!"

"To be honest, we still don’t know what happened until now. We don’t know why it attracted the attention of Song Yun and Li Tenglong. In our plan, it is impossible for such a small auction to attract the attention of Song Yun. The attention of the big guys in circles like Yun and Li Tenglong, it is impossible for them to focus on such a small auction."

Guo Dehua really does not understand why this incident has such an accident. The real purpose of choosing a small auction is to avoid attracting the attention of others, or in other words, even if a small auction has caused others Attention, will not lead to super predators like Song Yun and Li Tenglong, but this thing does happen right now, there is really no way.

"Now is not the time to investigate this matter, what happened, or why people like Song Yun and Li Tenglong will pay attention to and focus on this small auction. I will talk about it later. Now the problem has emerged. It has happened, and the most important thing is how to solve this problem. Do you have any ideas on this matter?"

Adams is really angry now, but he is more aware that what he has to do now is to solve the problems he is facing now, and find out where the accident happened, including the accountability of Guo Dehua and others.

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