God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1890: Whitewash

Luo Hu thought for a while, and finally nodded. Li Tenglong’s remarks are very clear. After all, things like auctions belong to the antique collection circle. Song Yun and the others are more familiar with this circle, no matter what the ghosts. Sprites can see through at a glance, and they really don’t need to do anything more, waiting for the final result, or waiting for Song Yun and the others to come to a final conclusion, take the big knife, and cut it as it should be. Cut, chop as you should.

The anger in Luo Hu's heart slowly calmed down, with a sneer on his face, he really wanted to know who would jump out tomorrow night.

Li Tenglong turned his head and looked at Luo Hu. He didn't look too dark at night, and he couldn't see the expression on his face. However, he probably knew what it was like now. He didn't continue to persuade him. There is nothing to say about this kind of thing, Luo. Tiger can have today’s identity and status, his wisdom, and his way of doing things. As an old friend, he is especially faced with just a few people who want to toss on antiques, no matter how he makes them. The slightest problem.

Luo Hu and Li Tenglong were blowing the night breeze, drinking wine slowly, and going to take a bath and sleep after the wine was over. What they have to do now is to wait for everything to come out and when the stone is exposed, then slap the stone. Cruelly smashed.

The night is like ink.

Song Yun stood by the window and looked out. The whole city was brightly lit. Although it was not one of the top ten cities in the country, one could still see a huge sea of ​​lights from the sky at night like this.

"Our country has developed very fast over the years. The most important thing is that all of us are really getting richer and richer."

Song Yun held a cup of tea in his hand and drank it slowly. Just after returning from the dinner with Luo Hu, a few people gathered in the room again. The events of this auction are actually very clear. You have to do a good job of researching how to deal with this matter.

"Song Yun!"

"What you said is not wrong, it is true. Over the past ten or eight years, our country’s economy has really developed tremendously. Even if it ranks among the top in the entire world, this directly leads to People like us have more and more money in their pockets, and everyone’s pockets have more and more money."

Zhu Deyuan nodded. Song Yun's words were very accurate. In fact, people who wander around in the antique collection circle all day can feel this most directly and simply.

Troubled times, golden age and antiques.

People will buy antiques only when they have money in their pockets, otherwise all the money will be used to buy gold.

No matter what it looks like, as long as the antique market begins to prosper, it means that people have money in their pockets, which means the coming of a flourishing age.

In the past few years, the antique collection industry has been affected to a certain extent. The most important and fundamental thing is that the development is too fast and the bubble is too big. It has no direct relationship with whether people have money in their pockets.

In the past few years, the antique market has slowly begun to become popular again, which means that people’s confidence in investment has returned, and that people’s money in their pockets has begun to buy antiques again.

"This is a good thing for our entire industry, but it means that we are likely to have more antiques going abroad."

Song Yun shook his head. This kind of thing cannot be completely eliminated. He never thought that he would be a savior, able to buy back all the antiques lost abroad, or prevent all the antiques from being lost abroad. How many It’s just a sigh to speak like this.

"Old Zhu."

"What do you think about the auction this time?!"

Song Yun retracted his thoughts and focused on the auction to begin tomorrow night.

"This matter is actually very simple now, that is, some people want to buy those antiques through this auction, after having legal procedures, and then through the operation of some people, they can not only appear in the market grandiosely. The most important thing is that you can go through the relevant procedures. Maybe eventually these antiques will appear in the hands of a foreign collector or in the hands of a museum."

In fact, when Zhu Deyuan had dinner with Luo Hu and the others, he already knew what was going on. No matter what kind of antique it was, as long as it passed the auction, there would be legal procedures. This means that once in a certain situation If the next inspection is not strict, these antiques can appear in any market unimpeded, they can be bought and sold without scruples, and the most important thing is that they can appear abroad. The last point is the most important thing, you have to know According to relevant policies, certain antiques cannot be circulated on the market, cannot be bought or sold, and cannot leave the country, but if they pass the auction, this means that this antique has no problems at least in the first-level procedures. If no one examines them in detail, these antiques can definitely appear in a certain place abroad through certain procedures. To put it bluntly, some people want to wash these antiques in this way.

Song Yun nodded, Zhu Deyuan's judgment was exactly the same as his own. These people must be the purpose of this.

"Tomorrow night we have to take a good look at the people who jump out to compete with us for those antiques, but one problem is that it seems that it is not only us but more people who receive the news."

Song Yun remembered the people Tang Miaomiao and Sun Mengyan met at the airport when they came over.

"There are many people who are well informed these days. Shen Xue knows about this auction, which means that it is very likely that others will also know that more people will come to participate in such a small auction. It is not surprising."

"The crowd does have an impact on us, but this kind of thing is not a big problem."

"Such matters can be handled by Li Tenglong and Luo Hu."

Xu Desheng waved his hand. Whether it is for himself or Zhu Deyuan, including Song Yun and Sun Mengyan, it is not particularly convenient to handle this kind of thing, but if Li Tenglong and Luo Hu are doing it, it will be like a tiger. , They are billionaires like them, there are many various channels, not to mention, this time what happened on Luohu's site, it is estimated that Luohu is already itching with hatred at this time. The knife inside was raised very high, just waiting for someone to jump out and chop him down.


"This matter will ultimately be handled by Luo Hu and Li Tenglong."

Song Yun nodded, Luo Hu and Li Tenglong are indeed more convenient and more appropriate to deal with such things.

Song Yun didn't speak any more and looked forward. The whole city was brightly lit, even though it was late at night or even early in the morning. What he didn't know was how many things happened in such a night.

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