God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 814: What Han Xue did

Xie Feng looked at Song Yun, who couldn’t be far away, and Tang Miaomiao and others. At this time, he really regretted it. He knew that his choice this time was really outrageous. Yamaguchi Yuki did. He was a very good buyer, even in the world of collections, he was also an incredible buyer. At that time, such a buyer had a very strong substitute. In other words, besides it In addition, there are other more buyers, not many, and not less. I really did something like this when I got into the brain, and offended Song for such a buyer. Yun, Song Yun is not an ordinary expert in appraisal. There are a lot of experts in the antique collection circle. In a sense, it can be described as countless, but Song Yun has only one. The reason is very simple. Song Yun has never looked away. He is a simple person who treats leaking as drinking water. There is only one in the antique collection, including the auction circle. It is hard to say that there is no one behind, but there is no one before. In the antique collection circle, occasionally There are many people picking up leaks, but they have been picking up leaks, and the leaks are getting bigger and bigger. People like this have never heard of it.

If Song Yun is only one person, perhaps it is not particularly important, but there are many terrible people around Song Yun. Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng have a very good relationship with him. With these two old men backing up, he can simply be in Ning. Huashi and even the country's antique collection circle walked sideways, not to mention the awkward mess of people like Gong Yangqiu.

In the antique collection circle, especially those powerful experts, they can easily use their professional abilities to form very close relationships with many wealthy and powerful people. Song Yun is undoubtedly one of the best. People are definitely not joking, but Yuki Yamaguchi is really not mentioned in comparison.

"How to do it?"

"What should we do now?"

Xie Feng suddenly felt that although the fake antique that he had just discovered had a huge conspiracy behind it, in comparison, it was not particularly difficult to solve it. On the contrary, Song Yun was the only thing Let yourself be hurt, and if you don't handle it well, the impact on yourself is absolutely devastating.


"After the auction tonight is over, you must have a good talk with Song Yun to see if this problem can be solved."

Xie Feng made up his mind and hesitated a little earlier, but at this time he knew he had to solve this problem.

What Xie Feng didn't know was that he actually had no possibility of solving this problem. Song Yun had put him on the blacklist, and handling this matter was completely different from before.

More and more people are coming up at the auction.

As the host of the auction tonight, Xie Feng was very worried that Song Yun's affairs would not be handled well, but at this time he could only cheer up and entertain all kinds of people.

Han Xue looked at Xie Feng in the crowd, then turned to look at Song Yun and others who were not far away, hesitated for a moment, and walked over. However, she did not directly look for Song Yun. There is not much use-the most important thing depends on Song Yun's attitude. If you want to know Song Yun's attitude, it is certainly not good to find Song Yun directly. Tang Miaomiao or Shen Xue are the best choices.

Han Xue walked to Shen Xue, did not speak, and smiled first.

Shen Xue sighed. Of course she knew why Han Xue came to find herself. She didn't want to bother at first, but after thinking about it, she nodded gently, and walked to the side with Han Xue.

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