God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 865: Awesome ability

Song Ding took a closer look and found that, as Sun Boyang said, the antiques on the shelf were indeed all dust. He knew at a glance that they must have been ignored for a long time.

"Elder Sun, I am so happy to see such a situation!"

Song Yun is indeed very happy, which means that all the antiques in the entire room are unnecessary. If there is no major accident, he can buy all these antiques.

Sun Boyang was stunned, but immediately understood what Song Yun's words meant, and couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems that Jumbo Court's business is really good."

Sun Boyang said half jokingly and half earnestly.

Song Yun nodded. Such things can't be concealed from discerning people at all. This is a fact. If it is not like this, there is no need to buy all kinds of antiques in such a big way.

"Song Yun, I don’t know exactly how many antiques there are in this room. They are all antiques collected in the early years. It is very likely that there are fakes in them. You have to identify them yourself. All of the antiques here are picked out, and we will count again. If there is no problem, all the antiques here will be sold to you."

Sun Boyang really didn't know how many antiques were piled up in his room. The only thing he could be sure of was that all the antiques in it were unnecessary.

How could Song Yun be polite at this time, and began to take down the antiques on the shelf one by one, taking a look at each one, and putting it aside the real ones and the fake ones.

"This antique has a market price of 350,000."


"This antique has a market price of 780,000."


"The market price of this antique is 1 million."


Shen Xue held a pen and a notebook in her hand, recording the price that Song Yun had issued, very fast.

Sun Boyang stood by and watched. At the beginning, he was calm and composed. As time passed, he was shocked.

Song Yun's speed in appraising antiques is too fast. He can definitely determine which antique is real and which one is fake at a glance. He has played with antiques all his life, and according to a few pieces Song Yun picked out fake antiques. I knew that it was definitely not a joke, let alone Song Yun. Every time he looked at an antique, he was able to tell the price of the antique at will. He knew the market price of antiques very well, and knew that the price that Song Yun offered was very real, and it was the true manifestation of the market price , It’s amazing to have such an ability.

"Served, served, served!"

"Such things must be accepted!"

Sun Boyang shook his head and sighed. Song Yun has gained fame in the antique collection circle recently. Picking up leaks is as easy as drinking water. Of course, I have heard that, but there is actually a bit of disapproval in my heart. It is impossible for anyone to have such an ability to identify the authenticity of an antique at a glance. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he has to take it. Of course, a person with such an ability is as easy as drinking water without any problem.

"Tang Miaomiao, Song Yun is so shocking!"

Sun Boyang had to be convinced that the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward. These words are not suitable to describe Song Yun's ability. This is definitely the existence of genius, and I have never heard of anyone with such ability.

Tang Miaomiao nodded, Song Yun's ability doesn't need to be polite at all. It is indeed awesome, so powerful that it is unacceptable. This is reality.

"If Song Yun hadn't had such a skill, how could our Jumbo Pavilion's business be so good?!"

Tang Miaomiao knew very well about the treasure pavilion. There was no doubt that Song Yun had to rely on Song Yun to support the reputation and business like today.

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