God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 872: Rumors

It’s not surprising that Zhao Weichu thought Sun Boyang at all. No one can resist money. If it’s only one hundred, hundreds of thousands or even several million, he believes that whether it’s himself or Zhao Weichu, Can hold it, or even completely ignore it, what if it was 10 million? What if it is 20 million? What if it is one hundred million? What if it is two billion?

Sun Boyang knew that he would definitely not be able to be calm and calm, and Zhao Weichu couldn't do the same, so it was very normal to say such things.

"Lao Zhao, the antiques in your hand are actually not much different from mine. The quantity that can be sold is the same. If this is the case, the amount of money you can get from selling antiques should be about the same as mine. At around 300 million yuan, of course, if you sell more antiques to Song Yun, your income will naturally be higher."

Sun Boyang is also very clear about Zhao Weichu's situation, knowing that the number of antiques he can sell to Song Yun is not much different from his own, so he has a clear estimate of how much Zhao Weichu can sell.

Zhao Weichu was already heartbroken. Hearing what Sun Boyang said, he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. No one could refuse the temptation of two hundred million and three hundred million. This is definitely a huge sum of money. money.

"I suggest that you don't need to contact Song Yun now. He should take the initiative to contact you. What you have to do now is to count the antiques in your hand to see what you don't want. If you don’t want it, take it out. When Song Yun contacts you, you can sell all these antiques."

Sun Boyang told Zhao Weichu of his experience that he sold it twice in a row, so there was no need to do this.

Zhao Weichu nodded what Sun Boyang said was very important. He asked in detail. After the whole process, he immediately left. He wanted to go home quickly to finish this matter. The money must be put in his pocket as soon as possible. He was at ease inside. He had no worries about how many antiques Jumbo Pavilion wanted. If Jumbo Pavilion had already collected too many antiques, such a huge opportunity would be missed and absolutely unforgivable.

At the beginning, Sun Boyang thought that only Zhao Weichu would come to him. What he didn't expect was that people would come to him again and again. In the afternoon, he sent someone away and suddenly realized that the night before All the people who attended the party organized by Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao came to find themselves.

"Money is touching!"

"This sentence is really not wrong!"

Sun Boyang shook his head and sighed, the magic of money is really too great, but this is not surprising. These people are in the same situation as themselves. They have collected antiques for a lifetime. There are always some antiques that they don’t need to sell. The prices are so good now. , Where can I sit still.

Things Sun Boyang didn't know about him slowly spread out. It didn't take long before the entire antique collection circle in Ninghua City in Jinyang heard about it.

"Have you heard? Jumbo Pavilion is purchasing a large number of antiques, and the price given is very good."


"I have some antiques in my hand, I don't want it too much!"

"There are several antique shop owners who want to buy, but the price is too low to sell. I think it can be sold to Song Yun now."


"You have to hurry up!"

"I plan to go back and take inventory of the antiques in my house. Those that I don't want will be sold to Song Yun directly at the Treasure Pavilion!"


In the antique circle of Ninghua City, this kind of words are spread more and more, and the more they spread, the more powerful they are.

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