God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 924: The news is snowballing!

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue soon met Zhang Mingyang, right at his home. There was nothing to say about the whole thing. In fact, it was not much different from the acquisition of antiques in Ninghua before. Zhang Mingyang was A person who has been playing antiques for many years has some antiques in his hand and does not want to keep collecting them. This situation has already been encountered in Ninghua City, and he is very skilled in handling it, and the number of antiques is not counted. There are a lot of them, but there are more than 20 pieces, and they have been processed in half an hour.

"Mr. Zhang, we are open to a large number of antiques. If you have a friend who has some antiques that you don't particularly want to collect right now, if you are willing to sell, please tell them and contact me."

Song Yun said as he took out a business card and handed it to Zhang Mingyang.


"Not necessarily, but I can be sure that someone will definitely contact you!"

Zhang Mingyang’s mobile phone has just received a message of 12 million, which is the money he got from the twenty-odd antiques he just sold. The price of each antique is slightly higher than the market price. He is very satisfied. He is planning to introduce his old friend to sell antiques to Song Yun. The situation is actually similar to his own. He has a lot of antiques he doesn’t want. The prices sold to antique shops are usually higher than the market price. To get the money, you have to wait for a while, Song Yun is different, the price is high, and he pays immediately, he is definitely the best buyer.

Song Yun and Zhang Mingyang left after a few words of politeness.

After Zhang Mingyang sent away Song Yuntang, Miao Miao and Shen Xue, he immediately took out his mobile phone to call his old friend. It didn’t take long for a small piece of news to circulate in the antique circle, and soon people who knew about it were coming. more.

Jiang Guangming’s face was pale, he was holding a teacup in his hand, and wanted to throw the teacup inside to the ground, but this is a set of antique tea sets that he collected after a lot of effort. It's definitely not that easy to get together.

Song Yun really opened up to collect antiques!

How could Song Yun dare to do this?

Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng certainly did not tell Song Yun what they said to them yesterday.

Jiang Guangming knew it must be like this.

Zhou Dongshan hurriedly walked in from the outside and saw Jiang Guangming.


"The matter has been clarified!"

"It was Zhang Mingyang who sold the antiques to Song Yun first, and the news also spread from him!"

Zhou Dongshan is very angry. If only Zhang Mingyang sells antiques to Song Yun, this is not a big deal. Now the key to the problem is that the news has been spread, and it was Zhang Mingyang who used himself as an example of fact to pass it out. The snowball effect has already begun. , One after another, someone found Song Yun to sell antiques. If things continue to develop in this way, what he and Jiang Guangming worry about will become a reality-Song Yun will definitely buy a lot of antiques here and bring them back to Ninghua City.

Jiang Guangming's expression was very ugly, and things were moving in the direction he least wanted to see. The most important thing was that there was really no good way to stop him.

"We absolutely cannot let this happen. Song Yun will definitely take away most of the antiques flowing here!"

Zhou Dongshan was furious, and Song Yun would definitely curse if he was in front of him.

"We have to calm down now and think carefully about what to do next."

Jiang Guangming tried his best to tell himself that at this time, he must not let his anger control him. He must be as calm as possible and control his emotions.

"What else is there to consider?"

"Didn't we have discussed a solution before?"

"Execute immediately!"

Zhou Dongshan felt that the anger had rushed out of the Tianling Gai. He really didn't understand what Jiang Guangming had to worry about at this time?

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