God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 937: Useless

Song Yun and Deng Xiaolan ate their late dinner in a hurry, and hurry to sleep. They know that tomorrow will be another busy day, but the purchase of antiques tomorrow will not be in the room. They have found a place specifically for the meeting. I simply asked for one of the meeting rooms. This way, the space and everything are relatively large, and it is more convenient to handle things.

When Song Yun and Tang Miaomiao fell asleep, Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan sat opposite each other. There was a tea seat in the middle. The freshly brewed tea was fragrant, but neither of them showed any interest.

"Did things go very badly?"

Zhou Dongshan actually already knew the answer to this question. Jiang Guangming's face was like the bottom of a pot when he arrived at his home. Needless to say, it must have been very difficult when he first met Song Yun.

Jiang Guangming was so angry that he had not disappeared until now, and he angrily told the whole story.

After hearing this, Zhou Dongshan became silent, and it took a long time to speak.

"This is actually not beyond our expectation. We have already guessed before that Song Yun will most likely not give us face!"

Zhou Dongshan was not surprised at all, Song Yun did not agree to give up buying antiques as expected.

"Song Yun said, if we are willing to make up for the loss, he will give up buying antiques!"

Jiang Guangming sighed.

"This is impossible!"

"Even if Song Yun really has a loss, we shouldn't make up for it!"

Zhou Dongshan didn't even want to shook his head and refused. What kind of joke, how could he give such money?

"Of course I would not agree to such a condition, so the result is very simple, that is, I and Song Yun have fallen apart!"

Jiang Guangming has been up until now, as long as he thinks of meeting Song Yun, he can't help but burst into his forehead with anger.


"If this is the case, then there is nothing to be polite!"

"Continue to implement the plan we made before, we must let Song Yun know what it means to have someone outside of the sky, and only if he suffers a loss will he compromise!"

Zhou Dongshan didn't think Song Yun was willing to give up buying antiques. Jiang Guangming was just doing his best to persuade him.

Jiang Guangming shook his head.


"Old man Jiang, what do you mean?!"

"Don't you think you should take action against Song Yun when things get to the point it is now?!"

"Could it be that you estimate Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng?!"

"The two dead old men have nothing to fear!"

Zhou Dongshan's eyes widened, never expecting that Jiang Guangming would disagree with what he did.

"Of course I am not unwilling to deal with Song Yun, it is impossible to take care of Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng."

Jiang Guangming shook his head.

"What the **** is going on?"

"It's this time, why are you squeaking?!"

"If you have something, just say it!"

Zhou Dongshan was a little angry, and Jiang Guangming was really procrastinating, which made people very annoyed.

"The plan you proposed before seems to be useless now!"

"For Song Yun, there is no threat at all!"

Jiang Guangming sighed deeply. When Zhou Dongshan mentioned the plan before, he felt that there was no problem with Song Yun, but now this time, especially in the morning, he saw Song Yun's integration process of identifying antiques. There is really no confidence at all.


"Why do you say that?!"

Zhou Dongshan was even more confused.

Jiang Guangming recounted what he had seen today.

Zhou Dongshan remained silent after listening. Jiang Guangming couldn’t lie about such a thing. In other words, it’s really possible that Song Yun would have such an ability. If that’s the case, his own plan. There is really no threat.

How to do it?

Suddenly, Zhou Dongshan's mind went blank.

Song Yun didn’t know that he had caused great distress to Jiang Guangming and Zhou Dongshan. He and Deng Xiaolan got up early the next day and waited in the meeting room after breakfast. The lobby on the first floor of the hotel was already set up. As long as someone comes to sell antiques, you will know where it is.

Song Yun and Deng Xiaolan have been busy for another whole day. On this day, more shareholders were acquired than yesterday. At 2 o'clock in the morning, the last person was sent away. The antique car and people contacted by Tang Miaomiao arrived, and they were busy again.

Song Yun and Deng Xiaolan were busy working on this matter for the next few days. By the fifth day, the number of antique sellers gradually decreased.

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