God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 972: It's important to accompany the ghost market

"no problem!"

"This kind of thing is incidental to me!"

"But no one dared to make a guarantee for this kind of thing. Whether you can miss it depends on your luck."

Song Yun has no scruples about this. Zhong Mingyi wants to go shopping for antiques with him to see what is going on. There is no problem, but no one can say about it, even though he has such a thing. Confidence, but if there are no antiques, or even if there are good antiques, but the seller knows what this is all about, it is naturally impossible to talk about it.

Zhong Mingyi was very happy to hear Song Yun's promise.

"Of course!"

"No one dares to say that this kind of thing can be done."

Zhong Mingyi thought for a while. After Song Yun agreed, he immediately felt impatient.

"We have a ghost market here, why don't we go see it early tomorrow morning?!"

Song Yun didn't expect Zhong Mingyi to be so anxious, but it's not a big deal. Since there is a ghost market, then go with Zhong Mingyi to see it. If you can find good things, it is really good, and he simply agreed.

Song Yun and a few people drank tea in Zhong Mingyi's home for a while. It was too early to leave, and they agreed to go to the ghost market early tomorrow morning.

Shi Tiezhu sent Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue back to the hotel, and took Zhu Deyuan and Xu Desheng back to his antique shop to continue drinking tea and chatting.

Song Yun, Tang Miaomiao, and Shen Xue returned to the hotel and did not rest immediately. In fact, Song Yun wanted to sleep very much, but Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue had to hold him to chat.

"I said what happened to you two?!"

"I have to go to the ghost market tomorrow morning. I have to get up very early. Why not just go to sleep if I have time now?!"

"When can I not do things like chat?! There is no need to choose the current one?!"

Song Yun shook his head. He really just wanted to go to sleep at this time. It seemed that Tang Miaomiao and Shen Xue would never let them go.

"It's very important to go to the ghost market with Zhong Mingyi tomorrow morning. You have to take it seriously!"

Tang Miaomiao's expression was very serious, and his eyes were fixed on Song Yun.


"This matter is not as serious as you said?"

"Zhong Mingyi wants to go and see what is going on with the leak. Seeing Shi Tiezhu's face, I will accompany him to stroll around. How can it be so serious?!"

"Is it possible to say that there is still any important meaning of this matter!?"

Song Yun shook his head straight, he didn't think there was anything important in this matter.


"I knew you would think this way, so I have to pull you to make this clear!"

Tang Miaomiao glared at Song Yun. Such words were already in her expectation, and they didn't feel strange at all.


"I said Sister Tang, you wouldn't be serious, would you?"

Song Yun looked at Tang Miaomiao while talking, and found that the expression on Tang Miaomiao's face was really very serious. Obviously, he was not joking with himself at all.

"Look at me like this, there is no trace of it that I want to make a joke with you?!"

Tang Miaomiao pointed to his nose with anger.

"Song Yun is indeed very important. You have to be more serious. In other words, you have to do everything possible to pick up leaks during your trip to the ghost market tomorrow. Whether the leaks are big or small. It's not important, the key is that you have to pick up the leaks!"

Shen Xue was sitting beside Tang Miaomiao, looking at Song Yun with a serious face at this time.

"I said what happened to you two?!"

"Why do you think this matter is very important?"

Song Yun was really confused at this moment. If it was only on the countertop that no one thought that way, he could still accept it, but now Shen Xue is clearly on the side of Tang Miaomiao, and also feels that it is very important to pay Zhong Mingyi to go to the ghost market. It seemed to be able to decide the life and death of Jumbo Pavilion.

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