“By the way, go to Ren Hui and ask, see how he earns it.” A thousand Academy points, which is not a small amount. If you just do the task, Huo Tianci thought, this is at least necessary. It takes half a year to collect all of them, that is to say, Ren Hui has other means.

However, with this method, Huo Tianci’s glasses fell a bit sharply. In the end, only Ren Hui was seen, touching the back of his head, and said, “I and Dong Pengfei, each of them borrowed some. In the end, I sold some more things, and then I collected them all.”

Yes, this method is borrowing.

“Wait a minute, what did you say in the last sentence?” Huo Tianci asked nervously.

Ren Hui thought for a while, and then replied: “In the end, I sold something again. What’s wrong?”

Huo Tianci looked ecstatic: “This is the way!”

So, Huo Tianci went to the small market on the side mountain.

“Just sell the Foundation Establishment Pill.” Huo Tianci decided to do so, but how many Academy points should be sold is still open to question.

“Five hundred points? This TM seems to be tantamount to robbery.” Huo Tianci immediately shook the head, because this is too expensive, you know, go to the cheats to learn the mysterious skills of Yellow Grade 2~3 Ranks. But that’s the price.

“Investigate and investigate first.” After some serious market research, Huo Tianci finally put out a reserve price of 150 Academy points. Yes, Huo Tianci is not going to sell it. It is preparation, just sit on the ground and raise the price, using the auction-like image, to sell these Foundation Establishment Pills.

After all, the Foundation Establishment Pill is outside, so it can be bought very much. Now it appears in this Academy. There must be some disciplines of the mysterious 9th layer realm, and they must be crazy about it.

However, just as Huo Tianci was preparing to set up a stall, some Law Enforcement Group wearing shit appeared, because setting up a stall in the small market on this side requires a formal business license. The stall token, and how to get the stall token, of course, is to spend money to buy it.

“Just the big fart, you want me to earn ten points a month!” Huo Tianci thought, you are more profiteer than me, now, looking at the foothold that is less than half a meter in front of you In the area, Huo Tianci wants bullshitting.

“I said kid, this is the cheapest, you look at those, it costs a few hundred points a month, besides, you don’t want it, others are rushing to ask for it, hurry up and make a decision, don’t waste me The time.” The Senior Brother of the Law Enforcement Group first glanced at Huo Tianci, and then said in a slightly unpleasant tone.

Huo Tianci is not the kind of unreasonable person, but now, the landlord’s family really has no surplus food. So, Huo Tianci wants to make a promissory note with the Senior Brother of the Law Enforcement Group. “Senior Brother, I will pay for these ten points. But, I have to wait until I sell the first thing. Do you think this will work?” Huo Tianci was pretty mild.

But the Senior Brother of the Law Enforcement Group directly angered with two words: “Get out!” As the saying goes, pay with one hand and deliver with the other. Besides, if Huo Tianci can’t pay in the end, then he But he has become the Back Pot, so this Senior Brother must shake his head and say no.

“Then I will give you 20 points! How about ten points? However, this will have to wait until I sell the things.” Huo Tianci thought, this is a pie that fell from the sky. Look, you can’t pick it up, because it’s impossible to deceive people.

Seeing this Senior Brother still shook his head and said no, Huo Tianci immediately added ten more points.

“30 points, the extra twenty, you take it!” Huo Tianci is truly benevolent, but this Senior Brother of the Law Enforcement Group is just a piece of elm head, and finally Huo Tianci can’t help it. , I had to find someone to discuss this matter.

“You don’t want to give you points for nothing, wait a while, you will definitely regret it, hmph!” Before leaving, Huo Tianci was facing the Senior Brother of the Law Enforcement Group, panting with rage Said this sentence.

But the Senior Brother, with a spit on his face, looked down upon Huo Tianci at all. In the face of this, Huo Tianci was also arrogant and left here without looking back.

The law enforcement house of the Law Enforcement Group.

“I’m looking for Zhuang Zizai!” Finally, Huo Tianci directly went to the head of Law Enforcement Group, Zhuang Zizai, who had been cleaned up by him last time.

Zhuang Zizai saw that Huo Tianci was the one who came, and there were waves of confusion on his face. He thought to himself, how come this Maitreya Buddha came.

“Hey~, isn’t this junior brother Huo, what kind of wind is blowing you here today.” Zhuang Zizai didn’t dare to offend Huo Tianci.

“Come to sell something, but the inside is not enough, so come here and have a discussion with you.” Huo Tianci explained the whole sequence of events to Zhuang Zi. Soon Zhuang Zizai’s previously stunned expression instantly changed to to be wild with joy.

Because he has 20 points to earn, this is simply a pie falling from the sky.

After that, Zhuang Zizai personally took Huo Tianci back to the small bazaar.

After seeing this, the Law Enforcement Group Senior Brother, who had been saying no before, was completely confused, but the regrets were still to come.

Because what Huo Tianci sells is the Foundation Establishment Pill.

“150 points for the start! The auction will be carried out after one hour. Those with fast hands will have them, and those with slow hands will have no hands. You can inform each other, my brother is here, thank you first!” Down.

I have to say, this is really useful, because after a while, the news of the Foundation Establishment Pill being sold in the small market in the side mountain spread wildly among the Fuzhou Academy, especially in the, In the elite disciple circle, because they are the group of people who need the Foundation Establishment Pill the most, not to mention that, not long after that, even in Fuzhou City, everyone knew that Fuzhou Academy had news of the Foundation Establishment Pill being sold. Unfortunately, none of them can come to bid, which makes them regretful.

“Keep all aside, keep aside!” It is precisely because of this that the Bianshan small market is surrounded by many disciplines today. Among them, even Core Disciple has a dozen. Personally, of course, they are not for themselves, but for their younger brother younger sister, or for their little girlfriend who has not yet become a profound practitioner.

At this moment, a group of people squeezed into the crowd. At the last glance, Wang Junmao, a member of the princeling party, was defeated by Huo Tianci before, so when he saw the sale Dan Zhe, when he was Huo Tianci, his face was somewhat embarrassed, because it was very embarrassing and faceless, but in order to become a profound practitioner, Wang Junmao still saved this face.

After that, he asked Huo Tianci: “Huo Tianci, when will your medicine pill go on sale?” Wang Junmao was very anxious, because he heard rumors that this Foundation Establishment Divine Pill seems to be only three Pieces sold.

Looking at Huo Tianci, it’s kind of a good face: “Since you are here, then I will sell it now.”

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