After making up their minds, Huo Tianci and Heizi stepped into the cold wind valley again.

“Lots of people!” Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the cold valley where the cold wind is whistling is calm and tranquil at this moment.

After I asked someone to ask, I found out that Cold Wind Valley was already like this three days ago.

“Three days ago? Isn’t that the time when a strange black light appeared on Heizi.” Huo Tianci thought carefully and was terrified.

Because of the absence of the cold wind, the adventurer of the cold wind within the valley has been increasing sharply during this period.

“Little Brother, apart from the passing of the cold wind, we didn’t even find a wild beast in the past few days. Of course, this is good news because there are no wild beasts. The cold wind within the valley’s heavenly material and earthly treasure, we can pick it as much as we want.” The little brother happily told Huo Tianci.

“Don’t even have one wild beast? No way.” Huo Tianci looked astonished, because it was too weird.

However, the more weird one is still to come.

I saw that little brother, and said: “Apart from this, in the deepest part of Coldwind Valley, something strange happened.”

“What’s the strange thing?” “Huo Tianci impatient.

“The deepest Taniguchi is completely isolated, no one can enter, eh~, it’s a pity.” At this point, the little brother was sighed because the deepest Taniguchi Inside, heavenly material earthly treasure is more.

“Is isolated?” On the other hand, Huo Tianci seemed to be aware of something. After thanking this little brother again, he and Kuroko moved towards the deepest Taniguchi area and set off. .

After Huo Tianci left, not far away.

“That kid is the goal of the Patriarch. Now, if you go back and report it, you will say Huo Tianci, appeared in the cold wind valley, and the rest of them will follow me. “The words fell, a group of plainly dressed passers-by followed Huo Tianci.

Fuzhou City, Gu’s residence.

“What? Did that kid come out?” After receiving the news, Gu Hongtao’s eyes immediately revealed a murmur of murderous aura.

“Master Patriarch, this is absolutely true. Now Housekeeper Wang is right behind that kid. In the end, in order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, Housekeeper Wang is the reason Come back, I will tell you, the Patriarch.”

Yes, those killers who are dressed as passersby are Gu Hongtao’s men. Gu Hongtao originally thought that Huo Tianci would be at Fuzhou Academy. It won’t come out again in the last 10-15 days. As a result, didn’t expect. Before the afternoon arrived, I had my head. This is just like a great opportunity to start.

On the side, Gu Fengtang was full of hatred. Then he looked at Gu Hongtao and said with extreme caution: “Sir Father, you this time, you must succeed in the kill. Otherwise, it will cause no end.” of trouble, it’s definitely not going to happen again, that second chance.”

Gu Hongtao didn’t know this, and it was precisely because of this that he would let the Housekeeper Wang only Follow Huo Tianci without hands.

“Sir Father, is it possible that you want!” Gu Fengtang seemed to have guessed something.

For this, Gu Hongtao nodded: “Yes, I have to do it myself, so as to be foolproof.”

His eyes turned back, in the cold wind valley.

“The kid, why is it missing?” Housekeeper Wang and the crowd finally lost Huo Tianci.

The people next to me rubbed their eyes, and their faces were all surprised: “Impossible, the kid just moved towards here, why suddenly disappeared? “

Just when they were puzzled, Huo Tianci and Heizi appeared behind them.

“I said, you followed me one hour, what is it? Is it you think you can kill me, or you think you can kill me, or you think you can kill me? “Huo Tianci originally thought that these people were just passing by, but later discovered that they were unruly.

Seeing being crossed, then Housekeeper Wang no longer pretended to be.

“Huo Tianci, you have harmed our Young Master. Now, it is your death date!” When the words fell, then Housekeeper Wang and the crowd immediately pulled out shua~ shua~ shua~ and hung them on their waists Wide-bladed sword between.

“Hurt you Young Master?” As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci immediately thought of who it was: “You are from the Gu family, this is just right, saving me from looking for you.”


“The tone is quite big, but the strength is respected, give it to me!” When Huo Tianci died yet dare to be arrogant, then Housekeeper Wang was unhappy, and finally he was With a big wave of his hand, there were four killers standing beside him, immediately holding big knives, moved towards Huo Tianci and killed them.

“All of them are experts in the 9th layer of the profound practitioner!” The strength of these four assassins is not low. Looking at the Housekeeper Wang, Huo Tianci is even more surprised.

Yes, this Housekeeper Wang has the strength of the Profound Master Realm.

If this is placed in the morning, Huo Tianci will probably flee immediately in order to protect himself, but now, there is no need at all, because Huo Tianci is no longer the Huo Tianci this morning. .

“It’s just right, let you try it!” Huo Tianci thought, Lao Tzu’s lightning storm move was hungry and thirsty all morning.

Apart from this, there is an Indestructible Diamond symbol on Huo Tianci’s body, that is to say, these people in front of him can’t kill him at all, and even so, they can’t even hurt him.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci singing spell incantation and displaying a lightning storm. In the next second, I saw a cloud of black clouds, which instantly enveloped this area.

“What the hell is…what is going on?” After seeing this, the four assassins all stopped, and all of them stepped back in fear, because of the weather, It’s so weird.

Behind, Housekeeper Wang was roaring: “Four idiots, it’s just raining that’s all, is it possible that, you haven’t seen dark clouds. Now, give it all to me! I don’t believe it anymore, a little devil head of the first stage of the profound practitioner can pierce the sky!”

“It turned out to be a dark cloud. I thought it was something weird. Well, he he he.” One of the assassins looked embarrassed, and the other three were all. In the end, they were not afraid of the threat of this dark cloud, and moved towards Huo Tianci again and rushed away.

For this, Huo Tianci just chanted a big character in his mouth, that is…

Illness! ! !

As soon as this word came out, lightning flashed and thundered, and finally, among the dark clouds, four or five lightning bolts were struck in an instant.


Lightning is like an arrow from the string, moving straight towards the four assassins, rushing away.


The speed of lightning is no one can reach. In the end, I saw the four killers. Before they could react, they were bombed by one after another. Slag.

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