For this, Huo Tianci had already figured out how to answer, and then only Huo Tianci said: “That kid, now playing in the Qi Family, I guess it will take a while.”

Laughing at the wind is the true dragon nine sons, and Hei Zi is the black dragon, saying that he is playing in the Qi Family, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I have to say that Huo Tianci is strangely clever.

“By the way, Uncle Wu’s body, I have helped him heal, not to mention, the Wu family also heard good news a few days ago that he has entered the Profound Master Realm.” Huo Tianci General Wu Mount Tai, and some matters concerning the Wu family, spoke to Wu Qiushuang.

After Wu Qiushuang heard this, her expression was full of excitement, because her father’s illness finally recovered.

As for the Martial Dao Road after Mount Tai Wu, no one knows, because Mount Tai Wu has missed the prime time of Xiuwu. Now he is 40-50 years old, can he be No one can say for the original glory, but compared to the previous physical limitations, Wu Mount Tai has now been completely released.

In the end, Wu Qiushuang’s thousands of words directly turned into a thank you.

Looking at Huo Tianci, he scratched his head and laughed and said: “Which one of us are with whom.”

“The next game, Huo Tianci will fight the king!”

Just as Huo Tianci was talking with Wu Qiushuang, Huo Tianci’s next game is here.

For this, Wu Qiushuang immediately clenched her small pink fist and cheered him on.

Huo Tianci replied: “So are you.”

“Wang Ba, the name is very interesting.” Before stepping onto the ring, Huo Tianci chewed the name in his mouth. Fan, because of this name, is a bit homophonic with that bastard.

With a hint of sarcasm at the end, Huo Tianci stepped onto the ring.

On the other side, after seeing Huo Tianci come to power, the discipline called Wangba immediately shook his fist. It seemed that he wanted to give Huo Tianci a good lesson.

“Huo Tianci, you insulted my cousin before, this time, I also want to let you taste this insult before everyone else!” Wang Ba said in a very unpleasant tone.

In contrast, Huo Tianci is confused.

“Insult your cousin? Who is your cousin?” Huo Tianci thought, buddies are not the kind of Eldest Young Master who specializes in bullying people.

“Dare to pretend to be garlic with me! If that’s the case, then I will just say it, my cousin is called Wang Haiyang! You stepped over his head earlier, is it possible that, you still want to deny “

So, Huo Tianci immediately remembered it, but this is Wang Haiyang having only oneself to blame.

“It turned out to be looking for a place, but your cousin seems to have missed a lot of things.” Huo Tianci remembers this incident very clearly. It was the Wang Haiyang who took the initiative It’s a pity that in the end, it’s impossible to pretend to be forced, and it’s all that’s all, but now, that guy turned black and white, saying that Huo Tianci was insulting him, and it was funny to think about it.

“It can only be said that the person who insults others will always be humiliated! If your cousin does not trouble me, then I will not use his own way to directly treat him! “Finally, Huo Tianci replied like this.

But that king doesn’t listen at all.

“dares to do, but not acknowledge, a mouthful of madness! If you are afraid, just say it!” Wang Ba thought Huo Tianci was afraid. For this, Huo Tianci kept laughing. Because of the Academy, his hard power is now the first, and Ye Lingfeng, the First Senior Brother, is the 3rd-layer of the Profound Master Realm, but very few people know that’s all.

Obviously, this king does not know, otherwise, he would be impossible to be so arrogant.

“If this is the case, then we will use our strength to speak!” Huo Tianci also doesn’t want to argue, because the more you argue, the more people think you are more guilty and fearful. Then there is, this World, powerhouse is respected, is the world that speaks with strength, when the time comes, even if it is wrong, then you can use your fist to directly match him.

“Just to my liking!” And Wang Ba, that’s what he thinks, but unfortunately, reality is more skinny to him, because Huo Tianci’s strength is overwhelming him.

The competition-start!

Finally, the referee instructor holding the flag directly announced the start of the game.

In the next second, a dazzling white light shot out from Huo Tianci’s door.

Sun Fist!

Yes, this is exactly the new move that Huo Tianci has obtained before, with the Sun Fist that is as effective as a flash bomb.

Although Sun Fist, not at all, has any substantial lethality, it is extremely powerful that can make opponents lose their vision.

No, the king on the opposite side, who has been dazzled by the white light, fell to his knees. At the same time, the boy’s mouth kept yelling: “My eyes !”

Except for Wang Ba, the discipline of all around the arena, and even the referee instructor, this is also true, because this extremely dazzling white light came too suddenly.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci walk up to that king’s body, and said this in a discouraged manner: “Tell me about strength, this is my strength!”



A big kick was kicked out, and then I saw this king, who was just like a dog, kicked out of the ring by Huo Tianci.

After that, the dazzling white light disappeared.

After everyone’s vision was restored, the expressions of the people changed, because at this time, only Huo Tianci was left on the ring.

“Is it possible that the dazzling white light, is this Huo Tianci’s special method?”

Huo Tianci’s special method, everyone has already taken care of it, but today’s this Move, but the so-called bright blinds everyone’s eyes.

“It should be, because this kind of moves, the cheats in the Academy, simply does not exist. In other words, this is Huo Tianci’s weird method. I really don’t know. How did it come? It really makes me envious. If I could make a half move, it would be great!”

Everyone was surprised, but they were all jealous and hated, because These methods are too powerful.

As for the referee instructor, he did not spirit slowly recovers for a long while, because of this move Sun Fist, he was so unexpected. Compared with the previous sonic moves, Lion’s Roar Art, the so-called is a new level. Lou, because this turned out to be the use of light as a means of attack, which is incredible after thinking about it.

Finally, after a while, the referee instructor announced the result of the competition: “Huo…Huo…Huo, Huo Tianci wins!”

“That kid , Unexpectedly another strange trick appeared!” Huo Tianci’s game, Luoqiu Mountain and the others, were all focused on watching. After seeing Huo Tianci’s trick to brighten the eyes, they were all really blinded. At a glance, because this move Sun Fist has exactly the same power as the previous Lion’s Roar Art, that is, you don’t know when Huo Tianci will be released, and most importantly, it will make you can’t guard against. It, the sound, the dazzling light, if you don’t know it, really, it is absolutely unstoppable.

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