“MD! This little beast! He even dared to steal my things!” In the end, the helpless won, he could only swear, to vent his unhappiness.

“Then I’ll leave it to you, and finally stop him.” Han Won felt that Boss Beihai had a good idea.

In the end, I saw this group of people. They left the guest room area with a helpless look and returned to the belly of the ship. After all, they didn’t find it. If you search again, it may cause you to stay in the guest room. The martial artist was dissatisfied, because of the reason for finding the wrong room, that’s all can only be used once at most.

Upstairs guest room.

“They have already left, let’s go down too.” Huo Tianci said to Sikong Starring.

However, Sikong did not dare to go on to win the stars. After all, he had done something bad.

For this, Huo Tianci scared him like this: “What if they come to search again? Also, the most dangerous place is actually the safest place.”

“This…then all right.”

After that, Huo Tianci and Sikong picked up the stars, and came into the belly of the ship.

“Brother Huo, are you going to buy and sell things, or are you going to have fun?”

Sagong is a frequent visitor on the Litian No. 1, after all, it is spread all over the world.” Work”, and as time passed, he became very familiar with everything in the belly of the boat.

When I heard of having fun again, Huo Tianci immediately glanced at the product. Just now, this product was still shiver coldly, so scared to death. As a result, now, everyone dared to drive. .

I have to say, the typical mouth is upright.

“Buying and selling things.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, elder brother has a wife, and there is more than one, so it is better not to drive this car.

As for Sikong’s star-receiving, he might not be able to drive a car now.

This kid probably also knows that after scratching his head, he took Huo Tianci and walked to the left.

“Brother Huo, the area on the left is a place to buy and sell things. There are not only shops, Auction House, but also an item exchange area with other martial artists in exchange for treasures in private. It’s everything.” Sikong picked up the stars while leading the way, while facing Huo Tianci so introduced.

“By the way, Brother Huo, what are you going to buy?” Sikong Xingxing asked curiously.

Huo Tianci took out a list, and then read one by one down. However, apart from the first spiritual pattern fruit, Sagong could even listen to other things. Have not heard.

“Is this Tianyuan Crystal something that can be used to refine magic weapons?” Sikong Picking the Star seemed to be a little impressed with this material.

In contrast to Huo Tianci, it was immediately nodded.

“No wonder I’m a little familiar.” In the end, because I didn’t know him well, Sikong Xingxing took Huo Tianci, shop by shop to ask.

However, what is a little helpless is that apart from a few hundred-year-old spirit vein fruits, even if it is Tianyuan Jing, they are not in these shops.

But there are some kind shop Boss, I suggest Huo Tianci go to the martial artist exchange area.

Because of the materials for refining magic weapons, martial artists usually hold them in their own hands and do not sell them outside. Unless Spirit Stone is urgently used, the prices of these materials are very large because they need People, if they doubled, he would want them, but those who don’t need them will almost not want to pay attention to them. In the end, this also caused their shops to rarely sell these things.

The most important point is that this is on a ship, not on land, so this is the only one.

“Many thanks Boss for pointing me to the martial artist, then let’s go to the martial artist exchange area now.” Finally, Sikong picked up the stars and took Huo Tianci to the martial artist exchange area.

“Brother Huo, you have to go to the counter to fill in the form first.” Sikong Xingxing told Huo Tianci some rules in the martial artist exchange area.

Huo Tianci looked like a rare treasure, but after understanding it, he also suddenly realized.

After that, he came to the counter, paid five hundred low grade Spirit Stone, and asked for a form. This form is just a blank sheet of paper, nothing special.

On top of it, there are three blanks.

The first one is the treasure type you want to exchange.

The second fill in the blank is, what do you have baby.

The third one is a supplementary condition, which is optional.

More concise and concise, obvious at a glance.

After that, Huo Tianci took a pen to fill in the first blank and wrote the name of Tianyuanjing and the three cherished medicinal herb.

Huo Tianci wanted to write more, but he was afraid of revealing something, so he only wrote three.

As for the second fill-in, what baby do you have, Huo Tianci’s mouth slanted, and it reads like this: The thousand-year-old Yan Yang Fruit can instantly enhance the magical talisman.

As for why only two are written, it is because an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, and that is, if it is really needed then, it can be replaced.

The last supplementary condition, Huo Tianci also wrote one, that is-I am a six-star Alchemist.

“No, I have to write another one.” Huo Tianci then added another sentence, saying that the medicinal herb he exchanged for is a seed, because he can use the Heaven Wielding Bottle to ripen it.

After checking it again, Huo Tianci handed this form to the reception maid at the counter.

The reception maid took a look, and when I saw the supplementary conditions, it said Alchemist of six-star level, the expression of the maid instantly respected 30%.

“Old Mister, you take this token, if we find a martial artist who works with you at that time, we will immediately crush the corresponding sub-token, and then notify you to come and join the small gathering “The maid said very respectfully.

As for Huo Tianci’s hand, it is the “mother” token. When the child token is broken, then the “mother” token will flash out rays of light immediately, and finally hold martial When the artist saw this, he received the message.

Such a jade order is called a child-mother order. At the same time, it is also one of the most commonly used means of communication in this World.

“Okay, then I will go around now.” With that, Huo Tianci left here.

In addition to filling out the form, Huo Tianci can also chat with other martial artists in this hall, and then exchange for something, but this method is rarely used by people.

After all, you just go forward and ask: buddy, what do you have, others will definitely be wary of you, after all, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

In the end, it is precisely because of this that some forces have become intermediaries and invented the method of filling in forms to collect the list that everyone needs, then hold small gatherings, and finally let martial artists Discuss it yourself.

No, before five minutes, Huo Tianci’s token flashed rays of light, and immediately Huo Tianci returned to the original counter.

Finally, a maid led Huo Tianci into a small private room.

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