Because this servant had escaped from the pursuit of a Rank Five Sect in Xihai Fanbang three years ago with his own power alone. Not to mention that, in the end, he directly attacked with three swords. It was a Great Elder in Rank Five Sect, and finally named it, Gu Sandao.

“In three years, the strength of the three swords of the valley has gone a step further. If you take this too imaginary Spiritual Pill today, the realm of this companionship is not a direct one. Leap thousands of miles, have you come to the realm of the Profound Sect 9th layer!”

“The sect master of Rakshasa Sect back then expelled the three swords from Sect for the future of his son, but now I see Come, the master made a very wrong decision.”

“I also think so, according to Gu Sandao’s current breakthrough speed, I guess it won’t take a hundred years before he can enter At that time, I guess that Rakshasa Sect will be destroyed by him.”

“I have to say, do not bully extremely the youngster!”

Everyone is talking about it.

And Huo Tianci on the auction stage laughed and said like this: “It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Gu. I am lucky to have a good time. By the way, Fellow Daoist Gu, are you afraid of death? “

“Afraid of death?” Gu Sandao was said to be stunned. When he saw Huo Tianci bring out a golden light glittering medicine pill, Gu Sandao understood Huo instantly. The meaning of Tianci.

“I’m afraid…Of course I’m afraid, but if it is Master Huo, the medicine pill you refine, I have three swords, it is 10,000 hearts.”

“Fellow Daoist Gu In this way, is it possible that I have taken the medicine pill refined underneath before?” Huo Tianci heard this Gu Sandao breath, as if he heard something.

However, it is true.

“That’s natural. I went to the satisfaction building at that time, and then I asked the master to help refine a top grade Yuanlong Pill. Before the month arrives, it breaks through to the Profound Sect 8th layer. However, it was in the next stage. I changed the content and changed the name, so the master may not remember the next.”

For this, Huo Tianci just want to say, thank you for your advertisement.

No, the bottom suddenly boiled.

“What, a top grade Yuanlong Pill can also break through a level!”

“My God, Master Huo is too amazing!”

Because of this, in the next half a month, there are countless Profound Sect experts who stepped through the threshold and begged Huo Tianci to refine the Yuanlong Pill.

But the point is now, but that is too imaginary Spiritual Pill.

I saw Huo Tianci say again and again: “so that’s how it is, then this spiritual pill is too imaginary, Fellow Daoist Gu, you take it, as for the method of use, it is very simple, sit cross-legged To the ground, just throw the medicine pill into your mouth, that’s it!”

While Huo Tianci said, he did exactly what he did.

In fact, to tell the truth, Gu Sandao was still a little panicked at this time, because this is really dying, what should I do?

But when I think of Huo Tianci’s previous top grade Yuanlong Pill, Gu Sandao feels that Huo Tianci impossible will produce a medicine pill. If it is really refined, then He ate to death half a month ago.

“Damn, you die!”

In the end, Gu Sandao closed his eyes and opened his mouth, and directly put the golden light sparkling too subtle Spiritual Pill, Throw it into your mouth.

“Master Huo said, with this medicine pill, you can directly break through in ten seconds, not equal to me, now count down on the spot.”

“This is a good idea. If ten seconds have passed by the time, I will look at Master Huo, how should I explain it.”

However, when these people were about to count dozens of numbers, they only felt an invisible strong force. The breath exploded fiercely on the auction platform where Gu Sandao was sitting.

After that, I only heard a bang.

A faint blue beam of light burst from the top of Gu Sandao’s head into the sky. It is precisely because of this that the roof of the Auction House away from home was drilled out. A big hole.

After the pale blue beam of light disappeared, everyone in Auction House was shocked, because it seemed that it didn’t even arrive for a second, but it was too vain to eat The Spiritual Pill’s Gusandao immediately breaks through.

“My Heavens! This fuck is too amazing!”

“Am I dreaming?”

“Go to your sister’s dream , This is true! That is too imaginary Spiritual Pill, it can really make people break through the realm of strength within ten seconds.”

“I went to your brother for ten seconds, this is obviously a good cut in an instant!”

The natural phenomenon just now was a martial artist in the Profound Sect realm. It is a sign of the breakthrough strength realm. It is precisely because of this that everyone knows it and eats the three swords of the too virtual Spiritual Pill. The breakthrough was indeed a success.

But everyone is not at all anxious, because maybe there will be negative effects.

Just waited and watched for ten minutes, and when everyone saw that Gu Sandao was still alive and kicker than before, everyone immediately thought to themselves, this has the side effects of your sister.

“Master, your spiritual Pill is too fictitious, do you have any more?”

“Master, if there is any, you can quickly take it out and auction it!”


Don’t say so, there were people among them who apologized to Huo Tianci on the spot.

“Master, I want to apologize to you, because I shouldn’t doubt your authority just now!”

“Me too! This is really not right!”

“It’s all these dog things, they’ve been trying to force me to say that the master medicine pill is Poison Pill! In the end, we didn’t know, and we were bewitched by them!”

There were still people at the end. , And pulled out the “shit sticks” sent by other Chamber of Commerce to make trouble.

“This brother is right. It is these people who have been slandering the master and questioning the authority of the master, but now it seems, hum, this is obviously the dirty water! “

“I can’t make money, and I don’t want to think about why I can’t make it. Instead, I use these little tricks to frame the master and the Chamber of Commerce away from home. Is this interesting?”

“These dog things seem to be the people from the Chamber of Commerce, and the people from the Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, we all don’t go shopping in these two rubbish Chamber of Commerce.”

As soon as I said this, I saw many martial artists who immediately rushed to respond.

“Of course, now there is Master Huo’s Satisfaction Building, with the Jinyuan Trading Company who is away from home, who will go to these two garbage Chamber of Commerce to buy things, don’t you say things are expensive, Not to mention the variety. In the end, even the quality is not as good as Master Huo. I will go shopping in the future. I am a dog!”

“Boycott the Chamber of Commerce, boycott the Yuchi Chamber of Commerce!”

Finally, under the scolding of everyone, I saw the gunmen sent by Huntian Chamber of Commerce and that Yuchi Chamber of Commerce, all of them fled out, I have to say , This time they, but the so-called having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it, because not only did they not break Huo Tianci and the auction away from home, they also suffered resistance from many martial artists. This is not Then having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it, what else could it be, or maybe you can say that, lifted a rock, and finally smashed yourself in the foot.

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