However, Huo Tianci can be replaced by Formation. For example, when Huo Tianci was at Fuzhou Academy, the Academy points used by Huo Tianci will increase or decrease when the time comes.

As for the card, Huo Tianci also designed it, using wood to make wooden cards, gold and silver, and silver cards and gold cards.

Further up, there are ordinary jade cards, Gold Jade cards, and black jade cards made of jade materials. Among them, black jade cards are the highest and ordinary jade cards are the lowest.

After the card is made, let the Symbol Array Master be included and set up a Formation. At that time, these cards are exactly the same as the magnetic cards on the earth, and they can be used.

The wooden card can be obtained for free as long as the customer spends 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. By then, if the total consumption reaches 2 million middle grade Spirit Stone every month, then you can get a lottery. The chance is once, and the big lottery chance can be obtained at most once a month. As for the discount, you can enjoy a 5% discount.

And the silver card, you need to spend 10,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone to get it, or it costs 9 million to upgrade from the wooden card, then every month, you only need to consume 1.5 million middle grade Spirit Stone Stone, you can get lottery once, up to twice, and if you have a discount, you can get a 10% discount.

In other words, the higher the level of the VIP card, the more discounts will be. Apart from this, some powerful treasures can only be purchased with the corresponding VIP card.

For example, Huo Tianci’s Black Jade Intermittent Ointment can be purchased only with a gold card or higher level.

Yi Yun Pill that is over top grade can only be purchased with ordinary jade card.

Black jade intermittent ointment and the super top grade Yi Yun Pill and Huo Tianci are generally not sold out, because these items are too rare and precious. The former’s black jade intermittent ointment, this World is simply not available , And Yi Yun Pill who is over top grade, let alone top grade, even top grade is rarely seen on the market, but now, you can take your VIP card and go to the designated VIP window to spend money You can get it when you buy it.

In the last three days, Huo Tianci organized all the VIP card system for him.

When it was the fourth day, the VIP card of Satisfaction Building was born!

“Master, the wooden card has been used up.” At noon, I saw Hao Shuai hurriedly report.

Huo Tianci was eating, he was a little frightened when he heard this, because of that muka, he made a full ten thousand sheets. It just passed this morning, so it’s not necessary Up?

No way!

As a result, Hao Shuai said again: “There are not many silver cards and gold cards left. As for the ordinary jade cards, there are more than 30 cards out this morning, as well as the master. The shops in the Satisfaction Building are still very crowded up to now. How about we open a few more branches?” Haoshuai originally thought that one shop would be enough, but today he didn’t It was found that this fuck, it seemed that a whole street was not enough. In the end, it was precisely because of this that he wanted to go and open a few more branches.

“I knew that, so I bought him all the streets next door, and the streets in front and back. Now I guess, even if I paid double the price, they would I won’t sell it again.” Hao Shuai regretted a little.

Because the satisfaction building is really hot, and finally because the satisfaction building is there, some shops nearby also caught fire. Of course, most of these hot shops are restaurants or something. As for Trading Company, almost no one cares about it, because there are all satisfied buildings, what do I want other shops to do.

Huo Tianci nodded: “Then, open a branch again. As for buying another store, I don’t think it is necessary. I just take the Haojia store and redecorate it.”

As for other trading companies, Huo Tianci just wants to say that you can’t survive the next month, because the appearance of VIP cards directly binds all the customers of martial artists.

Because you can only enjoy the corresponding activities when you buy things in the satisfied building, or even upgrade the VIP card in your hand, and more importantly, you are satisfied with some things in the building, other shops have not Must sell.

For example, sound transmission talisman, grenade, giant talisman without any side effects.

So not to mention, Huo Tianci’s Taobao Chamber of Commerce is also ready.

In order to be able to start the Taobao Chamber of Commerce fame, Huo Tianci issued a batch of small cards that can be discounted for stamp collection.

These small cards can be superimposed with the VIP card of the satisfaction building. When you heard that you can get it in Taobao Chamber of Commerce, they all went to read it.

“Consignment item? How is it consignment?” After hearing about the purpose of Taobao Chamber of Commerce, some of the customers who entered the store were puzzled and puzzled.

At this time, Hao Shuai came out and said: “It’s the same as black market trading, but our trading method does not require everyone to trade face to face.”

“Not face to face, then How do you trade?” someone asked at this time.

“Of course, we will help you trade, that is, be an intermediary. As for the process, it is very simple. As long as you write down the consignment or the required items, we Taobao Chamber of Commerce. It will help you to go to overseas shopping, and ultimately meet the needs of customers. Of course, if it is not completed, we will refund in full. After all, even if you deal face-to-face, there are times when you can’t buy things. But we, will Do your best to help everyone complete it. As for the handling fee, you don’t need money if you can’t complete it, but if it’s done, you only need to pay 5% of the handling fee for the item, which is absolutely childish.”

Although Hao Shuai said in detail, some people can still hear it. After all, they have never seen this trading method.

But some people went forward and tried it: “Then I want to sell this 3000-year copy of Blood Ginseng.”

“Good guest, then please Come here with me to trade.” Then Hao Shuai took out a form and asked the customer to fill it out. The form was very simple, with only two lines, the first line, the name of the item sold, the second line, the lowest price.

Finally, this person wrote a minimum number of 250,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. That is to say, below this price, Taobao Chamber of Commerce will not give this 3000-year blood Ginseng Sold off.

“Guests, please wait a moment, please leave a thread of aura on this sound transmission talisman. If we sell out by then, we will use this sound transmission talisman to notify you to come over and receive the Spirit Stone. If it is not sold, we will also notify you in 30 days. At that time, our Taobao Chamber of Commerce will refund your item and deposit.”

“Refund? Then if you return a fake item What should I do? Also, if my 3000-year-old Blood Ginseng sells 300,000 middle grade Spirit Stone by then, you will give me 250,000 in the end, then I have to die?” Hao Shuai As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the customer, and I immediately asked a few questions, because there was too much fraud in it. After all, this is not the face-to-face transaction, that is, when the time What comes Taobao Chamber of Commerce said, then the customer has to listen to it, even if there is a fake, it cannot be verified.

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