Now, when Lifeng breakthrough Xuanzun failed, they naturally did not need to worry about anything.

It is precisely because of this that on the 2nd day of the failure of Lifeng breakthrough, something went wrong in the Satisfaction Building and a batch of Poison Pills were found.

After reading the message on the sound transmission talisman, I immediately saw an expression of irritation, which instantly appeared on Huo Tianci’s face, because he did not take the initiative to find trouble with Huntianmen and Yuchi Villa. As a result In the end, the two parties actually took the lead in attacking him.

Also, this is obviously a framing, because the satisfaction building sells medicine pill, almost all of it is made by Huo Tianci with Eight Trigrams Furnace, so how is this possible, there will be a Poison Pill. .

He Baishan of course also knows that Huo Tianci impossible will do this kind of harming others without benefiting oneself, but there is no way, the guests don’t know, no, after the Poison Pill broke out yesterday , I saw the guests satisfied with the building, the pause time was reduced by half.

However, where did these leaving customers go in the end, you can know with their toes, it must be the shops of Yuchi Villa, and the Trading Company of Tianmen.

I have to say that this move is used to frame up and rob business. It is quite an essence.

“MD, these Fucking Dogs wanted to frame me! But, hmph hmph hmph, wishful thinking!!!”

With a finger move, the sound transmission talisman was instantly burned by Huo Between Tianci’s fingers, Huo Tianci, with a cunning expression at last, rushed to the satisfaction building on the back street.

Because he wants to see how these clowns continue to entertain themselves.

Away from Tian City, back street, in front of the Satisfaction Building.

I saw the group of martial artists who bought Poison Pill yesterday in the Satisfaction Building, and they were making trouble again.

Fortunately before, these martial artists just came to discuss and discredit Huo Tianci’s satisfaction building. Afterwards, it is estimated that the effect is good (the passenger flow of the satisfaction building is reduced by half), this group People became more and more frantic. If you don’t come today, you want to close the Satisfaction Building directly.

“Sell to martial artist Poison Pill! To deceive customers! Such unscrupulous shops should be closed directly!”

“That is, if it were me, I would definitely run away overnight , But this satisfaction building is still dead to have no shame and continue to open the store door to do business. Also, you people are really not afraid of death, so you dare to come over and buy medicine pill, if you eat to death in the end If you do, hum, then you can have fun.”

This person pointed to some customers who wanted to buy things in the satisfied building, and said like this.

Some of the guests were so frightened that they turned their heads and left in an instant, but some of them did not believe this person’s nonsense.

“I have been shopping here since the opening of the Satisfaction Building. If I eat to death, then I will be the first to die.” It seems that this guest is a diehard fan of the Satisfaction Building.

“Then I wish you an early death and a super life! Anyway, I won’t go shopping in this Poison Pill store anymore in this life. Everyone, look at my brother. Until now, I still have a complexion. Qing, twitching all over, foaming at the mouth from time to time, and then I asked Satisfaction Lou to give me an explanation. As a result, the bunch of dogs who only take money and don’t ask questions still haven’t given me an answer. I’m now I just want to ask everyone, if such unscrupulous shops should be closed, and then give us martial artist an explanation!”

As soon as these passionate and indignant words came out, I saw the group of unreasonable things around me. The “melon-eating crowd” was immediately incited.

When I saw this man’s brother again, as he said, his face turned blue, his body convulsed, and his mouth foamed. Everyone pointed out and was satisfied that the building was wrong.

“Why is this Satisfaction Building like this now? It doesn’t matter if you sell Poison Pill. Now people are poisoned. At least you can let someone in charge come out and give an explanation.”

” I guess it’s bigger now, don’t put us ordinary guests in my eyes.”

“Everything is a virtue, at first you did good, then I started playing ghosts secretly. , This time I sell Poison Pill, maybe next time, I will sell fake weapons, fake talisman, or even the fake magic weapon to us, and treat us martial artists as stunned Qingzai. Anyway, I won’t come again in the future. This is satisfied. After all, if you make a mistake, you will lose all the games.”

“This brother is right. When the time comes, if you are outside, fight the enemy, take The weapon from the satisfaction building, in the end, the weapon is a fake, then we are all over, so we can say that things are more expensive, but there must be no fakes. By the way, I heard about this weapon. At the Chamber of Commerce, Yuchi recently, there happened to be a batch of first-class weapons to be sold. Later, I will pick one later. Anyway, I dare not go shopping in this satisfactory building anymore.”

For this, Huo Tianci, who just came here, just wanted to say like this: “Oh, hey, does this duo sing well? How many Spirit Stones do you bring to the group? Or I will double it for you, Will you help me act out?”

After that, Huo Tianci stood behind the crowd and watched these “actors” dancing and dancing. Of course, it was not just watching. At the same time, he was still Look at this group of people.

Finally, Huo Tianci discovered that the martial artist who ate the “Poison Pill” had poisoned by the bloody sylvatica.

Blood cylindrica is the name of a cherished tree, and it is also a kind of Earth Grade high-quality refining material. It is full of treasures. The leaves can be used as medicinal herb to pill concocting. The branches can be used as materials for refining, and the scarlet sap flowing out of them can be used as venom to refining Poison Pill.

And the poison of the blood shovel is not enough to make people deadly, at most it is blue complexion, convulsions, and foaming at the mouth, apart from this, the chin of the poisoned person will also A red dot appears.

After that, Huo Tianci stared at it, and there were indeed some small red spots around the man’s jaw. It was precisely because of this that Huo Tianci concluded that this man was poisoned. For that bloody shovel.

Well, it is the viewing function of the system, which told Huo Tianci.

“Huoye, let’s go this way.” At this moment, someone behind him pulled the corner of Huo Tianci’s clothes, and Huo Tianci turned his head to see that it was the other one.

Huo Tianci nodded, and then followed He Er, from the back door, to the shop in the Satisfaction Building, because at this time, the front door was already surrounded by those troublemakers, and it was congested.

At this time, not only is Mount He Baishan inside, but even the second master Li Yu, who has left home, is sitting in it, frowning.

When they saw Huo Tianci coming in, they all jerked and stood up from the bench, because now, only Huo Tianci can reverse the whole situation.

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