As soon as Huo Tianci’s words fell, I saw the person who spoke just now, his face flushed and the martial artist onlookers saw this, but also found a trace of something wrong, because Huo Tianci made a very reasonable point. At least go and help your brother detoxify first, but in the end, instead of detoxifying, he came to make trouble first. Is this brother?

To be honest, everyone feels that this should be what the murderer did.

“Is it possible that, do you want to keep the evidence?” Huo Tianci asked like this.

The troublemaker immediately nodded and nodded: “Of course, otherwise, your satisfaction floor will definitely not admit it. It is precisely because of this consideration. I am not Detoxify my brother.”

Huo Tianci thought, you really are a fool, because it is obvious that he dug a pit for cutting.

“What if your poisoned brother dies halfway? Isn’t that, it’s dead men tell no tales, or maybe you can count as your brother, and you can survive until Keep it immortal now? Or do you already know that the poison of your brother is simply not fatal, or, you and this person, simply are not the brother?” Huo Tianci asked four times in a row.

As a result, the troublemaker didn’t know how to answer in an instant.

Because of these four problems, all of them are fatal.

“I…I…I, what I am…I don’t know how to detoxify.” In the end, the couple hesitated, and finally spit out this sentence.

For this, Huo Tianci laughed: “Okay, even if you don’t know, but you know very well, you brother, you can’t die.”

“Don’t be messy Dirty water! My relationship with my brother is okay. If it weren’t for the Poison Pill of your satisfaction building last night, could it be like this today! So, it’s all your satisfaction building’s fault! Hurry up and shut down! “

“He Er, write down what he said. It was the poison that was poisoned last night. I must have heard all of you.” Huo Tianci thought, the more you say it, the more exposed you will be. many.

“Okay, Huoye, the villain is remembering.”

The troublemaker saw this, and felt something was wrong.

But this product just bites, it is poisoned after eating the medicine pill of satisfaction.

“Okay, you said your brother, it’s the medicine pill that we are satisfied with after eating it. Then I ask you, you know your brother, what type of medicine pill you bought in our satisfaction floor Medicine pill?”

“Yellow Dragon Pills.” The troublemaker blurted out.

“How many in total?” Huo Tianci asked again.

“There are three in total.”

“What about the medicine pill left?”

“There is no leftover, I ate all of them, and finally found the Poison.” The troublemaker wanted a dead men tell no tales.

But Huo Tianci just wants to say, you are full of loopholes.

“Have you eaten? hmph hmph hmph. As far as I know, the refining time of Yellow Dragon Pills takes at least three hours, and you just said that your brother is yesterday The poison in the evening, so logically speaking, your hands are at least still in place. We are satisfied with the other Yellow Dragon Pills in the building. Now I want you to take out that Yellow Dragon Pills! Give it to the big guy! Let’s see if I’m satisfied with the medicine pill sold in the building! As a result, now you say that you have eaten it all. Are you here, fool me and wait!”

Seeing Huo Tianci’s pupils, they suddenly widened by 30%.

When the troublemaker saw this, he was frightened.

However, another troublemaker immediately changed his mouth: “His head is a bit confused, he probably forgot it, but I was there at the time, and the last medicine pill was given by me. Put it away,”

“Okay, even if your head is confused and forget, what about the medicine pill?”

The second troublemaker thought, medicine pill still It’s not all the same, can you still tell the difference, so he immediately took out the poisonous Yellow Dragon Pills prepared in advance from his pocket, and pointed to Na He Er and said: “Yesterday In the afternoon, my brother bought Yellow Dragon Pills from him. I was right next to my brother, and he also saw me. Now you can ask him if this is the case!”

He Er did not deny, but did not admit: “Huo Ye, yesterday afternoon, it was indeed a few of them who bought three Yellow Dragon Pills from me and went out, but the younger one didn’t know that it would happen. It’s something.”

He Eryi looked miserable.

And Huo Tianci patted his shoulders, so that he should not blame himself and be nervous, because he has not done anything wrong, then he is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

After that, Huo Tianci stared at the second rioter, and continued to ask: “Are you sure, this medicine pill in your hand flowed out of my satisfaction building?”


On the other hand, the second troublemaker, nodded more than: “Of course!”

“Then you submit it to me and let me check it carefully.” Huo Tianci thought, I am today Let you die perfectly clear.

However, after just a glance, Huo Tianci laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” the troublemaker asked.

“I laughed at you, and finally showed my feet, because your medicine pill, simply is not my satisfaction!” After the words fell, I saw Huo Tianci changed his previous laughing appearance and began to become serious Up.

After that, he showed the troublemaker to the crowd, and the Yellow Dragon Pills who had just handed it to him said: “Everyone, please look at this Yellow Dragon Pills. Let’s just talk about the quality of workmanship. , Then it can be completely concluded that this pill does not belong to our satisfaction building at all. Its pill noodles are rough, and the yellow dragon pills sold by us are satisfied with the pill. The pill surface is shiny, and it feels like nothing at all. It’s rugged, and what’s more, everyone knows that although we are satisfied with the medicine pill, the quality is also low grade, but everyone who has used it knows that its medicinal power is at least the same as the medium-quality medicine pill sold outside. Almost, but this medicine pill, everyone can tell at a glance, it belongs to the lowest grade in that low grade!”

After listening to Huo Tianci’s explanation, everyone immediately took out their talents. I bought the medicine pill in the satisfaction building, and I felt it at the last touch. It really is.

The Dan surface is shiny, there is no ruggedness to the touch, and the quality is excellent, everyone understands clearly in the mind, and it is precisely because of this that everyone will come to the satisfaction floor and buy Medicine pill item, because the things are cheap and value-for-money. Later, because of the discovery of Poison Pill and some martial artists, they dare not come again.

Seeing that things were a bit exposed, the troublemaker immediately defended himself: “Maybe this is a defective product you refined! Then I will charge it and sell it to us!” Said that this guy even smeared Huo Tianci. I have to say that this guy is quite professional, much smarter than the previous one.

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