Keitora Aida has not felt this way for a long time, falling into the downside in a one-on-one head-to-head challenge, from his time in service to his retirement.

And today, he actually lost first, or faced a young man who was the same age as his daughter!

When Ishigami proposed just now that the scrum was still sarcastic about himself, in fact, Aida Jinghu was very disdainful.

Although Aida Keitora is only 181 centimeters tall, and Ishigami is at least 10 centimeters taller than him, Aida Keitora is very confident in his bounce.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to become a national player starter with a height of only 181 cm.

However, at the moment of scrum, he saw a scene like a miracle.

The headmaster held the basketball flat and stood between the two men to count down three by two, and then threw the ball straight up.


Almost 0.5 seconds later, when Aida Jinghu was about to jump, the stone god in front of him had already jumped.

“Sure enough, the reaction is still not as good as that of young people!”

Aida Jinghu sighed a little in the process of jumping.

Aida Jinghu forcefully raised his hand upwards, but he saw that the other hand covered the sky, high above his limit.

If it weren’t for the constant exercise of his body, Aida Keihu even thought that his bouncing was aging.

“This guy actually bounces so high!”

Aida Jinghu’s heart was shocked.

It may be because the principal lifted the ball a little too hard, and the height of the ball was a little too high, so that Shi Shen, who was far higher than Aida Jinghu, still almost touched the basketball.

Seeing this scene, Aida Jinghu was overjoyed in his heart, “This bounce is indeed amazing, but it seems that I still want to get cheap.” ”

The stone god has reached the highest height, and the basketball has also reached the commanding height, and Aida Jinghu must have landed before the stone god because he jumped not high enough, and the stone god could not catch the falling ball in the process of falling.

“Just let you take a step to scramble for the ball, the opportunity is now mine!”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Aida Jinghu’s mouth, and his body had begun to fall, ready to jump and grab the ball after landing. However, before Aita Jinghu landed, he saw that the body of the stone god did not have the slightest tendency to fall, but appeared in the air for a moment.


At this moment, it may not even be half a second, but the ball has already fallen after passing the commanding height, and it happened to be sucked into the palm of the hand by the stone god with one hand.

“This guy, what kind of monster?!”

Aida Jinghu’s eyes widened, too surprised that he almost didn’t grasp the center of gravity when he landed, “Such a long time in the air, is that what humans can do!” ”

Still shocked by Aita Jinghu, the stone god has landed steadily, he faced Aita Jinghu, seemed to smile, did not break through to the inner line, but directly jumped on the spot again, dry pull!

Seeing Shi Shen’s coherent action, Aida Jinghu’s heart was not good, and when he came back to his senses, Shi Shen had already jumped.

However, this time he did not jump as high as when he was fighting for the ball just now, and he didn’t even have the slightest feint.

Aita Jinghu bent his knees and quickly jumped up, but after all, it was a minute late, and when Aita Jinghu raised his arm to interfere, the stone god had already shot the ball.


Aida could only watch as the basketball went high above his head, and then listened to the crisp sound of falling nets from behind.

Perfect arc, hollow net!

From the trajectory of the basketball in the air, Aida Keitoh did not have any hope that Ishigami’s ball would be lost.

At the same time, the principal also shouted the score of ‘1-0’.

“The former national hand seems to have lost his mind just now.”

Shi Shen walked into the inside line unhurriedly, picked up the ball and returned to the outside of the three-point line, looked at Aida Jinghu, who was still stunned in place, chuckled, and then threw the basketball in his hand to Aita Jinghu again.


Aida Jinghu almost subconsciously reached out to take it, but felt a force that made his palm instantly numb.

“Bounce, reaction, stagnant, strength, what kind of freak is this kid!” Aida Jinghu was silent, he looked at the stone god who once stood in front of him, but his eyes felt that this figure became a little mysterious.

It’s okay, it’s the first ball!


Aida Keihu exhaled deeply, and the second ball kicked off!

Almost at the same time that the basketball fell into the hands of the stone god, Aida Jinghu’s figure began to adjust the center of gravity downward, his arms were open, and a pair of eyes stared at the stone god deadly.

“This ball must be defended!”

Aita Jinghu is not afraid of the stone god forcibly breaking through, so far he has not been directly broken through by anyone!

And the stone god seemed to know Aida Jinghu’s thoughts, and he did not make a false shake when he protected the ball sideways, and he did not even dribble the ball twice.

“You don’t have to break through so much.”

The moment the stone god saw the center of gravity of Aida Jinghu move down, he directly jumped back in place again.

“Back-up jumper from outside the three-point line!”

Aita Jinghu guessed that the stone god might directly score three points, so at the same time that the stone god jumped, Aita Keitora also jumped up.

“Hmph! I’m still clinging to you, and even if you lean back, the ball will definitely go into my block. ”

A hint of pride flashed in Aida Jinghu’s eyes, “Look at how well written in your kid’s plan, actually practiced, even forgot his own theory!” ”

In the air, the eyes of the two jumping met for a moment, and both sides seemed to see the smile in each other’s eyes.

Ishi Shen’s basketball shot, as expected, even if Shi Shen was already leaning back, the parabola of the basketball was still within the cover of Aida Jinghu’s arm span.

“This guy, so reluctantly still shot, so look at it even if I don’t cover it, I can’t enter.” When Aida Jinghu saw the path of the basketball, he was very disdainful, and with his rich experience, he could easily see that the ball would eventually deviate from the basket, whether it was height or angle.

“It’s still covered, the momentum is going to be beaten!”

When Aida Jinghu’s body rose to the highest point, he slapped his hand towards the basketball fiercely.

“Very imposing cap, though.”

Ishigami’s eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Aida Jinghu’s action, “The external rotation serve is not so simple. ”


The basketball was about to be slapped by Aida Keihu’s palm, but just before the palm was about to touch the ball, the basketball shifted its orbit in the air and fell straight down.

It’s just less than ten centimeters of change, both vertical and horizontal changes, and the basketball slides out a crescent arc in the air like a yo-yo with a thread.

Then, it hit the ground heavily, and then rebounded rapidly.

Just like Echizen Ryoma’s blow.

Blue Advanced Skill – Outspin serve.

Aida Jinghu’s hand slapped into the air, and because the force he swung did not get a focus point, Aida Jinghu’s body lost his balance in the air, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

He turned his head to look at the bouncing tennis ball, but his body was ready to intercept again, but a violent rotation suddenly flashed on the basketball, and the wind blade brought up seemed to sweep people directly.

“What the hell is this shooting pose?”

“Will it hurt people?”

Aida Jinghu subconsciously flashed.

Then, the sound of hollow entering the net came from my ears.



The outspin serve lands and scores a score!


“What happened to that ball just now?!”

Aida Jinghu ignored the pain coming from his body, and the scene just now was replayed in his mind.

“The shot that changed the line and then smashed the ground and changed the line again, I was blinded?”

Aida Jinghu didn’t even rub his somewhat reddened knees, but instead rubbed his eyes.

Aida Keitora clearly remembers that he was fanning towards the ball, why can the ball still ‘dodge’?

Even if he fanned empty, the path of that goal is obviously impossible to score, how can he fall into the net?

Aida Keitora couldn’t figure it out, and Ishigami had already thrown the ball to him again.

“Senior, the last ball!”

Aida Jinghu felt that his whole body became hot, and the sweat on his forehead fell into his eye sockets, making him squint, he looked at the stone god who was still the same old, and silently opened the third ball.

“This kid is very strong!”

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