Several people deserved to be the main force of the Tonghuang team, and after Shi Shen won the first goal, they realized that they could not keep an eye on Shi Shen one-on-one.

Originally, they wanted to teach the stone gods a lesson, but now it seems that they are facing a huge crisis!

Kicking off again, the triangle position across the court has gathered at the edge of the free throw area, and Kosuke Wakamatsu is even more desperate to the basket like a sea god needle.

Everyone’s expressions were so grim, but the moment the stone god started, they finally realized how big the gap was with the stone god.

The moment Susa Kanori saw the stone god speed towards his right side, he immediately followed the pace, he knew that with the speed of the stone god, if he had half a point of hesitation, he would be directly passed.

But the moment he moved his position, he saw the ridicule on Shi Shen’s face, and there seemed to be a reminder in his ears.

“Watch out for your naked feet!”

Change of direction, suddenly!

I saw that the stone god’s action did not pause in the slightest, and at the moment when the basketball hit the ground, the figure that had suddenly changed its right side forcibly changed its tendency, and shot out from the left side of Susa Yoshinori like a sharp arrow.

“Can it be like this?”

The basketball passed through Susa Yoshinori’s crotch, popped out from his back, and once again returned to Ishigami’s hands without any pause in the rhythm of the dribbling.

And because Susa Yoshinori, who was eager to chase him, he suddenly fell to the ground, his bare feet as if he had been hammered by someone.

Facing Shoichi Imayoshi and Kosuke Wakamatsu, who were following the defense, the stone god in the breakthrough stopped suddenly, and before the two arrived in front of the stone god, the stone god had already pulled out his hand.


The ultimate power control and the perfect angle outlined the perfect arc transformed into a hollow net that sounded at the moment.

“This guy is so strong!”

Segawa was dumbfounded, and he couldn’t touch the ball again, and looked at Ishigami, who scored two points in disbelief.

Those three school team starters that he envied and admired, and they actually had nothing to do with Shi Shen!

Continue to kick off, Shi Shen is still a direct ball holding breakthrough, super high-speed dribbling coupled with super high-speed change of direction, and the fake action that is difficult to distinguish between reality and reality, the basketball seems to become a part of Shi Shen’s body.

European step, dream step, stone god like a hummingbird between the three, so that the defender does not touch half an inch at all, hits the basket again and again, and scores again and again.

Five minutes? Ten minutes? Maybe for a longer time, Shi Shen did not stop the pace of scoring goals.

“He’s too strong…”

Shoichi Imayoshi, the dark-bellied captain had his usual squint and smirk missing from his face, and the invincible attack of the stone god overwhelmed him.

“Is it really sincere basketball? How could it be so powerful! ”

Looking at the stone god who was once again dribbling the ball unhurriedly outside the three-point line, Shoichi Imayoshi only had a strong sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

“It’s a little stronger than Yi Yuejun’s group of guys, but that’s about it.”

Compared to the stone god who was covered with a layer of fog in the eyes of several people in Tonghuang, the stone god already had an accurate judgment on the strength of these people in the Tonghuang team.

Looking at Shoichi Imayoshi, who was panting and unfolding his pocket again, Ishigami shot a textbook jump shot one foot away from the three-point line.


The long-range three-point shot once again fell precisely into the basket, crushing the last insistence in the hearts of Shoichi Imayoshi.


The sound of the basketball bouncing on the ground stopped abruptly, and the basketball, which had been controlled by the stone god from beginning to end, fell into the hands of another person.

“Ah Da?!”

Momoi, who was shocked by the strength displayed by the stone god, looked at Qingfeng who suddenly grabbed the basketball under the basket, and was stunned again, she didn’t even notice when Qingfeng next to her left.

Unexpectedly, Qingfeng actually took the initiative to play, and Momoi seemed a little surprised.

“You guys go down.”

Aomine’s indifferent tone seemed to have a hint of command in it, but it did not make Shoichi Imayoshi feel any dissatisfaction.

Even, seeing Aomine approaching the field, Imayoshi Shoichi showed his usual smile, he beckoned, and together with Segawa and Sakurai Ryo who were in the team with Ishigami, they walked to the outside without saying a word.

“Can’t hold your breath?”

Shi Shen looked at Qingfeng who was walking step by step with the ball, and the eyes that looked at everyone like they were looking at the enemy, cast on himself without feeling the slightest discomfort.


Qingfeng threw the basketball to Ishigami, the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he was laughing, “Come and try to win and I’ll see.” ”

The stone god holding the ball looked at Qingfeng and shook his head with a smile, and then the smile gradually disappeared, and when it completely returned to a calm face, the stone god moved!


Watching from the sidelines is never as intuitive as a positive feeling, and looking at the stone god who suddenly disappeared, Qingfeng couldn’t help but be surprised.

“But, you can catch up!”

Qingfeng directly accelerated to the highest in the first time, and the ultra-high-speed no-ball running actually forcibly reduced the distance between himself and the stone god back to the beginning!

“I can actually keep up!”

Looking at Qingfeng who suddenly came to him, Shi Shen was also quite surprised, this was the first time he had fought with a member of the Age of Miracles.

Really…… Well deserved!


Emergency stop!

Facing Qingfeng’s close defense, Shi Shen, who broke through into the inner line, did not choose to shoot the ball directly, and made several swings in a row, but still did not shake off Qingfeng!

Shi Shen was not in a hurry, seeing that Huang couldn’t get rid of Qingfeng’s position, Shi Shen immediately protected the ball with his side, and wanted to forcibly eat into the basket with his side!

“It’s not just speed! Even the strength is actually so strong! ”

Bearing the impact of the stone god again and again, Qingfeng couldn’t help but retreat an inch, and the first confrontation was far beyond his expectations.

“How long has it been, there are actually people whose physical fitness can be comparable to me!” Ball feel too! Ball skills too! ”

Qingfeng’s pupils suddenly shrunk, but his heart became more and more excited!

Suddenly, the stone god clings to Qingfeng with the ball and turns, Qingfeng is not careless, the footsteps follow, but who knows that the stone god did not complete the turn, but took a large step back with the ball, and instantly pulled the two apart by more than a meter!


Qingfeng knew that it was not good, and his powerful physical coordination was fully exerted, forcibly twisting his body, and then forced forward.

At the same time that Shi Shen pulled the jumper, Qingfeng’s jumping body also pressed up, pressing step by step!

The shooter did not shoot, the cap did not wave, and the two people showed inhuman stagnant air power in the air, both waiting for each other’s next move.

A full half a second later, Qingfeng’s body had fallen, and at the same time, Ishigami also threw the basketball out of his hand.

The exaggerated high throw line made Qingfeng unable to reach half a point despite the full block.


The ball and net made a wonderful sound.

Hollow, caught in the net!

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